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EUPHA Sections

EUPHA encourages the creation of sections for specific public health themes, which are international and open to all public health experts. The goal is to bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners working in the same field for knowledge sharing and capacity building.

EUPHA has 29 operational sections. To find out more about a section, please click on a section below. If you would like to receive the regular section updates, you can sign up either through your EUPHA account or via the various section pages. You do not need to be a EUPHA member to either set up an account or sign up for the sections. You can also find out how to set up a themed Section.

The official use of section abbreviations can be found here.

In order to contact the Section President, click on the name and an email with the email address will open in Outlook.


 Contact person:

      Child and adolescent public health    Sonia Saxena
      Chronic diseases    Saverio Stranges
      Digital health and artificial intelligence    Anna Odone
      Environment and health    Marija Jevtic
      Ethics in public health    Farhang Tahzib
      Food and nutrition    Giuseppe Grosso
      Foresight    Henk Hilderink
      Global health    Elena Petelos
      Health and care workforce    Marius-Ionuț Ungureanu
      Health impact assessment    Piedad Martin-Olmedo
      Health literacy    Orkan Okan
      Health promotion    Eric Breton
      Health services research    Johan Hansen
      Health technology assessment    Chiara de Waure
      Healthy ageing    Zoltán Ungvári
      Infectious diseases control    Maria Gańczak
      Injury prevention and safety promotion    Maria Papadakaki
      Law and public health    Dimitra Lingri
      Migrant and ethnic minority health    Sonia Dias
      Oral health    Pauline Vassallo
      Public health economics    João Vasco Santos
      Public health epidemiology    Angelo Maria Pezzullo
      Public health genomics    Roberta Pastorino
      Public health monitoring and reporting    Hanna Tolonen
      Public health policy and politics    Sofia Ribeiro
      Public mental health    Jutta Lindert
      Sexual and gender minority health    Arjan van der Star
      Social security, work and health    Ute Bültmann
      Urban public health    Manuel Franco