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Oral Health Section of EUPHA


The EUPHA Oral health section aims to contribute to the prevention of oral diseases in the context of better general health, thereby addressing health inequalities. Specific objectives include contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal on universal health coverage, and to build on the inter-disciplinary partnership between the European Association of Dental Public Health (EADPH).

EUPHA Sections bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners working in the same field for knowledge sharing and capacity building. By joining this Section, you can exchange knowledge with your peers in the field of oral health. You don’t need to be a EUPHA Member to join a Section.

We currently have 460 section members.
It would be great to add you to those members!


Do you work in oral health?

Promote your work through the European Public Health Journal, the European Public Health Conference and/or during the European Public Health Week.


The Team

President: Paula Vassallo
Vice President: Huda Yusuf


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