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European Public Health Week

13-17 May 2024


Health is a political choice!


Online only events


Below is a list of the events, click here to return to the search page.

This list is in chronological order, starting with the events that begin earlier in the day.

Events with a star are highlighted by EUPHA.

Please check the time zones here.

Online only

  HW149 - Encouraging nursing and midwifery research for better public health (Medical University - Pleven)

  HW109 - Assisting Doctors in Stroke Diagnosis with Al (Nazarbayev University Public Health Club)

  HW150 - Health inequalities podcast: universal basic income (University of Glasgow)

  HW11 - Climate Resilience – Role of the Healthcare Sector (The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), The European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases (EFA), The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL))

  HW84 - Kick-off event for Monday & the 2024 EUPHW: Health is a political choice : starting the discussion (EUPHA in collaboration with its Public Health Policy and Politics Section)

  HW76 - Power to the people...but how? (AVANS - Centre of Expertise Perspective in Health)

  HW40 - "HEALTH IN ALL CITY POLICIES-5 EXPERIENCES FROM THE 'HEALTH CI (Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. City of Novi Sad, Serbia. City of Rijeka, Croatia. City Institute for Public Health Belgrade. Institute of Public Health of Niš. Institute of Public Health of Kragujevac. Serbian Public Health Association.)

  HW63 - The evolution of Health Impact Assessment in Wales (Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) Public Health Wales NHS Trust)

  HW83 - Global Health Challenges: Populations, Peace, Political Decisions (Society for Public Health Thought and Innovation)

  HW35 - Trust in Data Exchange under the EHDS (Sciensano, GÖG, EUPHA PHMR, EUPHA DH)

  HW13 - Political Bottleneck: Hindering Equity and UHC in EU Health Policy ()

  HW8 - Regulation of AI in health in Europe (Sciensano, London School of Economics, University Maastricht, EUPHA PHMR, EUPHA DH, Ministry for Health and Active Ageing - Malta)

  HW126 - ANP community-nursing-specialisation in the Hungarian healthcare syste (Speaker: József Betlehem, University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences // authors: József Betlehem, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences Annamaria Pakai Karamanne, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences Adrienn Siket Ujvarine, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Health Sciences)

  HW123 - Beat Exam Stress (University of Nicosia)

  HW151 - Drug deaths and socio-economic trends in Scotland (University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde)

  HW87 - Daily kick-off event Webinar: “How do you do co-creation in mental health?” (World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe's Mental Health unit Mental Health Europe (MHE))

  HW146 - Mental health needs of Israelis & Jews since 7 October 2023 (Laes-Kushner Consulting (Switzerland), Maccabi Health Services (Israel), Yoga-Psychotherapie YoPT (Switzerland))

  HW57 - "MENTAL HEALTH FESTIVAL" (Institute of Public Health (IPH) of Vojvodina, Novi Sad; IPH of Montenegro; IPH of Subotica; IPH of Zrenjanin; NGO Engram, Psihoartis and Pneuma.)

  HW82 - Mental Health for All: Immigrant Access to Mental Health Care (Society for Public Health Thought and Innovation)

  HW124 - EUPHAnxt Mentoring Programme: sharing experiences! - Final Event (EUPHA - EUPHAnxt)

  HW106 - Mental Health as a priority in Rotary (Rotary District 2483 (Mental Health Commiittee), Rotary clubs: RC Budva, RC Novi Sad Eko -Art, RC Belgrade Sava, RC Belgrade Skadarlija, RC Kotor, RC Niš Konstatin, RC Ulcinj)

  HW69 - Access to mental health care is not inclusive yet (EFPSA)

  HW12 - Introducing the One Health Concept in the Bulgarian Medical and Public Health Curriculum. Glocal Educational Approaches. (Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria)

  HW51 - Frequently asked questions about telecommunication technologies (5G… (National Centre of Public Health and Analysis-Sofia)

  HW152 - Social and Environmental Determinants of Health (SEDHI) (University of Glasgow; Universidad Central del Ecuador; Center of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health-CIDACS (Brazil); St George’s, University of London)

  HW162 - The socioeconomic drivers and impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, London School of Economics, University of Manchester, Georgetown University, Bielefeld University, World Economic Forum)

  HW27 - What is new in simulation education in MU-Plovdiv (Medical University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria Faculty of Public Health )

  HW45 - One Health Joint Plan of Action debate (Grupo de Trabalho One Health da Associação Nacional dos Médicos de Saúde Pública - Portugal)

  HW88 - Daily kick-off event - Webinar: The Strength of partnerships in designing health-promoting policies (WHO Regions for Health Network (RHN))

  HW134 - Climate change: how is public health changing? (Medical Residents' Assembly of the Italian Society of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine)

  HW159 - The impact of climate change on health: the need to act now! (World Health Organization)

  HW33 - Jedno zdravlje - One Health (Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina, Novi Sad)

  HW81 - Building Livable Communities: Insights into Age-Friendly Cities (Society for Public Health Thought and Innovation)

  HW5 - Promoting Planetary Health: How public health practitioners can promote planetary health (Freelance Environmental Public Health Consultant)

  HW125 - Planetary Health: from idea to collaborative action! (EUPHA sections Public health Policy and Politics and Environment and Health. Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands; University of Novi Sad, Serbia. )

  HW44 - BreathIN | Air Pollution, Biodiversity, and Green Buildings (University of Nicosia (UNIC, Cyprus) / Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, IPT) (Portugal) / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria, Portugal) / Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH, Greece).)

  HW99 - Greener pharmaceuticals: policies to promote environmental sustainability (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)

  HW64 - Medicinal herbs -Climate Action - Planetary Health (Rotary District 2483 (Rotaract Climate Action Task Group, Rotary Club Novi Sad Eco-ARt), Faculty of Medicine University of Novi Sad)

  HW68 - V International Symposium Research Advances in Physical Activity (Universidad Santo Tomás / Colegio Colombiano de Educadores Físicos y Profesiones Afines – COLEF / Life Learning Lab)

  HW153 - Podcast on Inequalities in Childhood Overweight (University of Glasgow)

  HW89 - Daily kick-off Webinar: "Health through the life course: Breaking down silos” (This webinar is co-organised by the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education, EUPHA Health Promotion Section, EUPHA Health Literacy Initiative and the EUPHA's Health Ageing Section)

  HW94 - Social prescribing: dismantling silos for community wellbeing (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, EuroHealthNet)

  HW137 - The first 1000 days. How do midwives and nurses help public health? (Ruse University, Department of Healthcare)

  HW145 - Prevention is better than cure (IPI - Institut for Prevention and Intervention, St. Elisabeth University of Health and Social Work in Bratislava, Voluntary Civil Protection)

  HW80 - UHC Progress & Challenges in an Aging World (Society for Public Health Thought and Innovation)

  HW112 - Webinar on the Commercial Determinants of Health (Eurocare and EuroHealthNet)

  HW91 - Intergenerational Approach to Changing the Narrative on Age and Ageing (WHO Regional Office for Europe, EUPHA)

  HW118 - Active Longevity (National Center of Public Health and Analyses - Bulgaria (NCPHA))

  HW19 - Digital Health Boost Hackathon (Crazy Town Oy:, UIIN:, UCLL UAS:, St. Pölten UAS:, Jamk UAS: )

  HW110 - Health and SPA tourism as part of health prevention for all (Medical University – Varna with MU-Vi tv, Bulgarian of Balneology and SPA Tourism, European SPAS Association)

  HW116 - Patient and the concept One Health (National Center of Public Health and Analyses - Bulgaria (NCPHA))

  HW59 - Dismantling silos between education and health through health literacy (Technical University of Munich, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy; London South Bank University; BLISS (Boosting Health Literacy for School Students); University of Minho; EUPHA Health Literacy Section)

  HW41 - The new generation of health care professionals and innovations (MU-Pleven, Faculty of Public Health)

  HW39 - Students competition "I create a healthy Kaunas" (Kaunas City Municipality Public Health Bureau)

  HW72 - What is Public Health for you? (Cyprus Epidemiology and Public Health Association in partnership with Cyprus University of Technology (School of Health Sciences), European University Cyprus (School of Medicine/School of Sciences) and University of Nicosia Medical School)

  HW154 - Next generation: Public health, today and tomorrow (University of Glasgow)

  HW58 - Health Impact Assessment: a vital tool for ensuring health equity (EuroHealthNet, Andalusian School of Public Health, Public Health Wales, BCA Insight Ltd, Public Health Scotland)

  HW121 - The new genomic techniques - treatment of rare diseases (National Center of Public Health and Analyses - Bulgaria (NCPHA))

  HW138 - The future of midwives and nurses - Ruse University's good example (Ruse University, Department of Healthcare)

  HW119 - The first 1000 days – a unique period in human development (National Center of Public Health and Analyses - Bulgaria (NCPHA))

  HW142 - Virtual Open Day - Institute of Public Health (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

  HW79 - Synergy for Health: Bridging the Public-Private Sector (Society for Public Health Thought and Innovation)

  HW144 - Healthy Longevity: A Global Health Opportunity (EUPHA Global Health section)

  HW56 - Personalized Prevention through the life course (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Please note that the details shown are provided to us by the organisers of the activities and as such EUPHA cannot be deemed responsible for any of the events. Please check with the organiser for further information.