The Team |
EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Art, architecture, atmosphere and (mental) health - A multi-disciplinary walking experience in Dublin
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-ENV, EUPHA-URB - Workshop: Mental health in old age
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-CHR - Workshop: Salutogenic Cities: European experiences in Urban Health.
Organised by: EUPHA-URB, EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-ENV - Workshop: Responding to violence and abuse across the life-course
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH - Workshop: Mental health literacy in schools: new insights from key European studies across populations
Organised by: EUPHA-HL initiative, EUPHA-PMH, TU Munich, University of Applied Science Emden-Leer - Workshop: The mental health burden of school principals during the Covid-19 pandemic: global research findings
Organised by: EUPHA-HL initiative, EUPHA-PMH, Global Health Literacy Research Network - Workshop: Healthy Buildings: interdisciplinary perspectives
EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, workshops:
- Urban Green Spaces, Built Environment and Urban
Organised by: EUPHA-URB, EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-ENV - Psychosocial impact and healthcare utilization after terrorist attacks
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH - New challenges for suicide prevention in the context of Covid-19
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Assessment of substance abuse in different populations
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH - Workshop: European Public Mental Health Responses to COVID-19
- Workshop: Disasters and mental health
Organised by: EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-PMH - Workshop: Children and adolescents’ mental health during the corona pandemic
Organised by: EUPHA-CAPH, EUPHA-PMH - Workshop: Data collection during COVID-19 pandemic and its policy impacts
- Workshop: Moral distress and moral injury in the public health community in times of COVID-19
- Skills building seminar: (Re)Forming cities due to the COVID challenge: Urban, Environmental & Public Mental Health outcomes
Organised by: EUPHA-URB, EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-ENV - Workshop: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and containment measures on the mental health in youth
Organised by: EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-CAPH - Workshop: Mental health of older people
- Workshop: COPERS - an international longitudinal study on coping and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
WCPH 2020, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Public Health and Urban Design: an interdisciplinary approach to promote autism friendly environments (abstract)
- Workshop: Mental Health of older people (abstract)
- Workshop: Suicide prevention: new insights? (abstract)
- Workshop: Addressing Mental Health Needs in the Context of Mass Immigration (abstract)
- Workshop: Determinants of family mental health (abstract)
- Workshop: Sexual minorities' mental health and their experiences of stigma and minority stress across settings (abstract)
Organised with: EUPHA-SGMH - Workshop: Digital Interventions in public mental health: current impact and future directions (abstract)
Organised with EUPHA-PMH - Workshop: Design for mental health integration through built environment interventions (abstract)
Organised: EUPHA-URB, EUPHA-ENV, University of Crete (Greece)
2nd International Public Mental Health Conference
19 -21 June 2019, Jerusalem, Israel
IV International Summer Course on Public Mental Health: “RESEARCH IN PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH AND RESILIENCE” 7th-11th October, 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania
EPH 2019, Marseille, France pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference HEALTHY PLACES: Research, Strategies and Policies towards Healthy Places and Healthy People, 20 November 2019, Marseille, France
- Workshop: Toward a better living with schizophrenia
- Workshop: Measuring children mental health
- Workshop: Substance use disorders (SUD)
- Workshop: Terrorist attacks and aftercare
- Workshop: Building bridges between environmental and Public Mental health with Environment and health section
- Workshop: Liberté, égalité and fraternité in public health with Ethics in public health section
EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Suicide (attempts): determinants, prevention and aftercare: further insights?
1stInternational Public Mental Health Conference: From Fundamentals To Innovations
30 June – 1 July, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania!
Please click here for the web link and here for the conference flyer.
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Mental health and architecture
- Pre-conference: Child Maltreatment: a Public Health Perspective. Half way to 2020, where are we now?
Organised together with EUPHA sections on Child and adolescent public health, Injury prevention and safety promotion and NCPHWR - Workshop: Mental Health and Climate change - challenges and opportunities
- Workshop: Psychological resilience - concepts, data and challenges for further research
- Workshop: Terrorist attacks and mental healthcare
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Ageing and health
- Workshop: War and mental health
- Pre-conference: Mental health and architecture
- Workshop: Individual in need of mental health interventions
- Workshop: Suicide prevention strategies
- Workshop: Health for All: Health policy making for refugees and other migrants: context, capacity, competences
- Workshop: Knowledge translation in public health: Moving from evidence to policy and practice
- 2016 Workshop: E-health and m-health: current trends, uses, expectations and methodological challenges. This workshop was organised in collaboration with EUPHA Sections on Health Services Research, Mental Health and Ethics in Public Health. Presentations were given by Judith de Jong, Stefan Buttigieg, William Sherlaw and Vladimir Vukovic. The recorded facebook Live Stream Video is available by clicking here.
EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:
- Please click here for the brochure concerning the course “RESEARCH IN PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH” June 29—03 July, 2015 at Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lituania
- Activities at the EPH Conference in Milan
EPH 2013, Brussels, Belgium:
- For the first time in history, three EUPHA sections organized a preconference on the needs for monitoring and research in public mental health. The event was organised by the EUPHA sections on Public mental health, Urban health and Public health monitoring and reporting. Click here for the programme.
EPH 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands pre-conferences/workshops:
Workshops at other past EPH / EUPHA conferences:
- 2009 Workshop: Epidemiology of mental health in the European Union
- 2008 Workshop: Culture and mental health
- 2005 Workshop: Continuing the debate on the future of Public Health in Europe: theory, directions and capacity building
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