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EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, workshops:



The Team
Aims of the section
Background information
Thematic subgroups
Annual reports/meetings

  • Workshop: (Re)imagining food: representations of food to move towards more sustainable food cultures
    Organized by EUPHA-LAW; EUPHA-GH; EUPHA-FN; EUPHA-ENV; University of Essex; Dublin City University
  • Workshop: Public health interventions to counteract unhealthy diets towards a better consumer knowledge
    Organized by EUPHA-LAW, EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-HL initiative, EUPHA-ETH
  • Round table: An exploration of the EAT Lancet Commission on healthy diets for sustainable food systems
  • Workshop: Obesity: the greatest burden of the 21st Century and the post-pandemic

EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, workshops:

  • Strengthening awareness of obesity in Europe: from knowledge to action
    Organised by: EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-CHR, WHO/Europe
  • EU nutrition policies: from rhetoric to practice
    Organised by: EUPHA-LAW, EUPHA-FN, University of Essex, University of Liverpool Law & NCD Unit, European Public Health Alliance, WHO Europe

EPH 2021, Online event, workshops:

WCPH 2020, Online event, workshops:

  • Workshop: Food processing in the modern era: implication for public health
    Organised with EUPHA-CHR (abstract)
  • Workshop: Data analysis, advocacy activities, and actions to counteract the double burden of malnutrition
    Organised with EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-HP, WHO/Europe (abstract)

EPH 2019, Marseille, France, pre-conference/workshops:

EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pre-conference/workshops:

  • Pre-conference: FOOD - Food culture and biodiversity
  • Workshop: Mediterranean diet as healthy and sustainable dietary pattern: perspectives and challenges
  • Workshop: The EUPHA report on Healthy and Sustainable Diets: what EU policies are now needed? 

EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conference:

EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2014, Glasgow, United Kingdom pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Workshop 2014: Community based nutrition programmes
  • Workshop 2014: Healthy Nutrition in WHO European Region – What can we learn from tobacco control successes, jointly with the WHO Regional Office

2009 - 2014 - The section participated in PHIRE (Public Health Innovation and Research in Europe), an EU-funded collaborative project for EUPHA member associations and Sections. 

EPH 2013, Brussels, Belgium pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Pre-conference 'Supporting a Healthy Nutrition Policy for Europe' In collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe and EPHA, the Section Food and Nutrition organised a pre conference. Programme and presentations  are available here.
    Download here the background paper to the Pre-Conference 'Is an Integrated Food Policy for Europe a Real Possibility? Some Relevant Issues'.
  • Workshop 'The changing face of European school meal culture - implications for public health'
    The section organised a workshop to discuss policies on school meal provision in Europe. Participants felt a need to collect and understand these initiatives. Results of the workshop will be circulated at future meetings. Click here for further information.

Workshops at past EPH / EUPHA conferences:


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JA WholEUGrain