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Midterm conference on Institutionalising HIA in Europe for better supporting decision-making processes, 3-4 June 2025, Spain
Click here for more information.
EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Read here the overview of the section activities.
EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:
- 'Think global, act local'- using the Place Standard tool to support action on climate and health
Organised by: EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-ENV - Health in all Policies: key driver for better health still awaiting of greater governing stewardship
Organised by: EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-PHPP, EUPHA-ECO, EUPHA-LAW - Research Methods for Public Health Oriented Health Services Research – what works where and for what?
Organised by: EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-HTA, EUPHA-EPI, EUPHA-ECO, EUPHA-PHPP, German Public Health Association Section Research, German Network Health Service Research WG IHSR, Charité Institute for General Practice WG HPSRI - Public Health Institution and Academia’s role in building capacity for Health Impact Assessment
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: The contribution of Environmental Impact Assessments to better health
Organised by: EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-ETH, EUPHA-LAW, EUPHA-ENV - Workshop: Addressing vulnerability within climate change related health impacts
Organised by: EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-CAPH - Workshop: Role of Health impact assessment in the policy-making process for the control of COVID-19 pandemic
Organised by: EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-PHPP, EUPHA-PHMR, Observatory - Round table: Cross country COVID-19 policy learning: politics, arrangements and conditions for legitimate policy
WCPH 2020, Online event, pre conferences and workshop:
- Workshop: The Place Standard Tool around the world – experience on impact, equity aspects and transferability (abstract)
Organised with: BZgA (Germany), Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland (UK), EUPHA-PHMR, JAHEE - Workshop: What is and what is not HIA; expectations and realities (abstract)
- Workshop: Health Impact assessment of chemical exposure: state of the art and challenges (abstract)
Organised with: EC JRC, ibs.GRANADA (Spain), EASP (Spain) - Workshop: Health Impact assessment of climate change: monitoring and experiences (abstract)
Organised with: EUPHA-PHMR, Public Health Wales
EPH Conference 2019, Marseille, France pre conferences and workshop:
- Pre-conference: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) institutionalization and multisectoral collaboration in Europe. Please find the abstracts and presentations of this pre-conference here.
- Workshop: Health in Environmental Impact Assessment: getting serious about primary prevention with section Environment and health
- Workshop: Greening the European Public Health conferences, and beyond with Environment and health section
- Workshop: Making progress in Health Impact Assessment: from theory to practice with WHO RHN, WHO ECEH and Regional Government of Andalusia
EPH Conference 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre conferences and workshop:
- Workshop: Place matters! Local assessments for the development of healthy public policies and actions
EUPHA PHMR, EUPHA HIA, EUPHA ENV, EUPHA URB- Place Standard: a practical tool to support the creation of healthier places - Kat Hasler, United Kingdom
- Toolkit prevention in the district: practical tools for an integrated approach - Nikkie Post, The Netherlands
- Using local data to inform asset based approaches to improving health - Barbara Coyle, United Kingdom
- Quickscan environment at neighbourhood level - Peter van den Hazel, The Netherlands
- Skills building workshop: How can the quality of the coverage of health in impact assessment be assured?
- How good is good? Searching for quality in impact assessment - Ben Cave, United Kingdom
- Developing a Quality Assurance Review Framework for Health Impact Assessments - Liz Green, Wales
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre conferences and workshop:
- Workshop: Mapping legal requirements for HIA institutionalization across EuropeWorkshop: Mapping legal requirements for HIA institutionalization across Europe
- Survey on HIA implementation across countries of the WHO European Region, Piedad Martin-Olmedo - Spain
- HIA in Austria – A Voluntary Instrument for Health in All Policies, Gabriele Gruber - Austria
- HIA in the Czech Republic, Jana Loosova - Czech Republic
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Wales: From voluntary to statutory, Liz Green - United Kingdom
- What the decision making process really needs from health impact assessment, Gabriel Gulis - Denmark
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre conferences/workshops:
- Workshop Health assessments in support of decision-making
- Workshop Reducing the Health & Environment footprint of European Public Health conferences?
- Workshop Health impact quantification for a culture of "foresight"? Dyadic Workshop
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