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Published: 29 March 2024

Dear CAPH members,  

It’s time to mark your calendar for the two of the biggest events of our year – the European Public Health Week (May 2024) and the EUPHA Conference (November 2024).  

The European Public Health Week 2024 will take place between 13-17 May and will focus on the overarching theme “Health is a political choice!”- considering the interplay between politics and health in order to create sustainable change for better health in the future.  

Each day of EPHW will focus on a dedicated daily theme: 

Therefore, please consider this an OPEN INVITATION to collaborate on a workshop idea. What about hearing young people’s voices in politics, tackling climate change, or addressing digital health? Just some ideas, so please feel free to reach out to our President Prof. Sonia Saxena at and discuss more!  

The EPH Conference 2024 will take place between 12-15 November in Lisbon, Portugal. This year’s theme is “Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation”. Abstract submission is open from now until May 1, 2024.  

Our section focuses on Child and Adolescent Public Health, and we encourage everyone to join us in this mission. If you are interested in creating workshops, or abstract papers that align with our mission, please reach out to us. We would be more than happy to sail the waves together!  

Additionally, our annual Join the Network (JTN) meeting during the EPH conference aims to serve your needs by providing a platform where your curiosities and ideas can take centre stage. Please email us with your ideas for this year’s theme and make a note to come along-we are open to hearing your thoughts!  


EUPHA CAPH Committee  


President Prof. Sonia Saxena at  

Or Vice President Dr Julia Dratva 


Follow us on X: @CAPHEUPHA 

Take a look at our webpages to read about our aims, action plan and activities in recent years 

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