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European Public Health Week

13-17 May 2024


Health is a political choice!




Tuesday, May 14th - Mental health: People at the centre

Mental health remains a central (global) health issue requiring our continuous attention and effort if we want to tackle the problem sustainably. By focusing on the individuals at the core of mental health - patients and those closely affected - we can start creating better policies and solutions.

How can we place people at the centre? How can we ensure inclusive representation and access to care in mental health? What is the role of innovation in tackling the problem?



Daily partners

We proudly announce that the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe's Mental Health unit and Mental Health Europe (MHE) are our daily partners for Tuesday. The daily partners and the supporting organisations develop and organise the kick-off event of each specific day.


Daily kick-off event

Webinar: “How do you do co-creation in mental health?”

Date & Time: May 14, 2024 10:00 AM CET

You can register for the webinar below:

Register here

People have the right to participate in decisions and processes that directly impact them. There is a growing demand for the systematic protection of this right for people with lived experience of mental health challenges. Unfortunately, people with lived experience have had limited opportunities to participate and contribute to the development of policies and services that meet their needs. Even when they are involved, their contributions are often relegated to ‘acknowledgments’, rather than being recognized as ‘co-authors’. This denies them the chance to take ownership of these critical policies and services, despite their direct and significant impact on people’s mental health and well-being.

Mental Health Europe defines co-creation in mental health as “a collaborative approach involving all actors in mental health working together on an equal basis to develop and implement policies, services, programmes, and communication that foster positive mental health according to a psychosocial model and human rights-based approach.” Promoting co-creation as the standard practice holds significant benefits. For people with lived experience, co-creation reduces stigma and discrimination related to mental health. It also fosters self-efficacy and self-esteem, while enhancing mental health literacy, Importantly, co-creation ensures that real needs are thoroughly considered and taken into account. Simultaneously, it contributes to more effective and accessible mental health systems by

  • enabling more effective forms of support for people experiencing mental ill health
  • expanding the availability and value of interventions aimed at preventing mental health conditions and promoting well-being

But how is it done? How can you contribute? This European Public Health Week, which coincides with European Mental Health Week, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and Mental Health Europe are hosting a webinar exploring this question. Stefan Schreck (Adviser, DG for Health and Food Safety, European Commission) will also join this event on behalf of DG SANTE.



These are sub-themes that give you ideas and stimulate your imagination. They do not limit the scope of the day's themes. If you are having doubts about which day you should organise your event, email us at and our team will be happy to help you.

  • Young people’s mental health crisis: Towards a whole-of-society response
  • Politics of public mental health
  • Inclusive access to mental health care
  • Mental health and the Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
  • Long COVID and mental health

On route to Lisbon: Innovation focus

  • Social media and mental health
  • Innovative digital interventions for mental health
  • Innovative community engagement and empowerment for public mental health


Do you want to get involved with this theme and the 2024 EUPHW?

Is this daily theme something that interests you? Would you like to organise an event on this day?
Whether you are an institution, a health professional or an ordinary citizen interested in one of these themes, you may organise your own event(s). To submit an event, please follow this link.

If you are unable to organise your own event, spreading the word is also hugely important. Have a look at the media toolkit to share the message of the European Public Health Week 2024. 

Of course, you can also join any of the 2024 EUPHW events. The events calendar is accessible through this link.

For more details, please see our "Get involved" page.


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