The section was established in 2000 in Paris.
Section strategy
The section offers opportunities for inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation. The Section’s proposed strategy for achieving the aims consists of:
- Co-organising conference workshops and events with other EUPHA sections, and linking up with European level public health networks
- Attracting more active participants for the PHPP section, with special attention to policymakers
- Making more use of the section network capacity and expertise, and facilitate internal networking and exchange among members, especially among academics and policymakers, and to the broader EUPHA audiences using the open LinkedIn PHPP Section’s platform.
Further information on the Section's profile and strategy can be found here.
Section activities
In the past years the Section has organised a number of workshops and events around the following core topics and themes:
- European Semester
- Cross-border care
- Evidence-based policymaking
- Health in All Policies
- Policy transfer, change and learning
- Quality systems and accountability regimes (assessments, monitoring, evaluations, supervision and control etc.)
- Governance and diplomacy of climate health adaptation
- Cross country COVID-19 policy learning
- Political parties, health and influence in the EU
- Populist radical right and health
- Comparing the politics and policies for better economic and social welfare: comparative skills
- Political skills building
- Advocacy
- Policy implementation conditions
- Knowledge translation and EVIPnet (WHO)
- Civil Society Organizations and health governance
- Public health, social care and urbanity - health governance beyond policy subsystems (Satellite conference with European health Policy group)
For the next EPH conference activities, check the PHPP Section’s Newsflash.
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