The Team |
Activities and publication
Please click here for the 2015 planned activities
- The European Commission has recently had a press release and report on the need for health systems strengthening.
- The EC Health Expert Panel has published three reports, including on primary care financing and referral, assessing health systems performance and on public-private partnerships in health care delivery.
- The EC also launched a stakeholder consultation on its green paper on mobile Health, which will be open until 3 July 2013.
- Presentations and video materials of the first EU summit on chronic diseases 3-4 April 2014 are now available online, addressing among others effective health policies, health systems responses, skill mix and much more.
- The Erasmus Summer Programme will run from 11-29 August 2014. It offers the choice of about 30 courses, including on the methods of HSR, Health Economics and on Research Methods. The Observatory Venice Summer School 2014 will run from 6-12 July 2014 in Venice, Italy. This year's theme is 'Re-thinking pharmaceutical policy: Optimising decisions in an era of uncertainty'.
- Publication on barriers to and facilitators of the use of evidence by policymakers
- The World Health Organization published a Global atlas of palliative care at the end of life
- The EC had a press release with Questions and Answers on the Third Health Programme
The section is representing EUPHA in the broad public consultation launched by the European Commission, which aims to provide greater legal certainty regarding cross-border healthcare under Community Law, and to support cooperation between health services in member states.
The Section organises workshops and other events, such as training workshops, in connection with the annual EUPHA conferences. In addition to that, the Section informs its members about the ongoing important activities through occasional e-mail information. Its members work actively in the development of the EU reporting practices and other relevant activities within DG SANCO and its Working Party on Health Systems.
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