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Training session on EU Grant preparation
Organised by: EUPHA-HSR, EUPHAnxt and EUPHA
Speakers: Johan Hansen (EUPHA Section HSR) & Monica-Georgiana Brînzac (on behalf of EUPHAnxt)
The webinar is set up as opportunity to become more familiar with EU funding programmes, including elements to consider when identifying and interpreting call topics, how to join and build a consortium and how to write and submit a proposal. It was open to all interested audiences, and in particular those who are relatively new to recent EU funding instruments.
Click here for the slides.
Spring School on Translational Health Services Research Methods for Public Health Professionals (HSRM)
Granada, Spain from 17-21 June 2024
The Spring School is a five day in-person meeting for public health professionals who would like to deepen their skills in various research methods.
The aim of the EUPHA-HSRM Spring School is:
- to present and share health services research (HSR) methods most frequently used in the various disciplines relevant for public health;
- to broaden and deepen the knowledge on methods and methodologies;
- to explore answers to complex questions on how to improve public health;
- understand how to apply research methods to solve real public health problems from the participants.
EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Resilient health systems: harnessing health information to improve population health
Organised by: EUPHA-PHMR, EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-ECO, Sciensano, PHIRI - Health care systems, health service provision, and equity in health
Organised by: EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-EPI - Research Methods for Public Health Oriented Health Services Research – what works where and for what?
Organised by: EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-HTA, EUPHA-EPI, EUPHA-ECO, EUPHA-PHPP, German Public Health Association Section Research, German Network Health Service
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Foundations of causal inference: Gently introducing public health researchers to counterfactuals, causal diagrams, and target trials
Organised by: EUPHA-EPI, EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-RP - Workshop: Transforming health and care systems
- Workshop: Optimal development and interactions between cancer policy tools at the EU and national level
Organised by: EPHA-HSR, EUPHA-CHR
WCPH 2020, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre conference: Privacy by default, security by design. Effects of GDPR on public health research
Organised with: EUPHA-DH, EUPHA-ETH, EUPHA-PHMR, EUPHA-LAW initiative, InfAct: Joint Action on Health Information, Sciensano, Ministry of Health Malta, Gesundheit Österreich, EUPHA
EPH 2019, Marseille, France, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Health workforce meets HSR: Tackling regional inequalities in health service provision met EUPHA Health workforce research section
- Workshop: Health workforce coordination and agency across sectors, organisations and professions with Health workforce research section
- Workshop: Care4Care: the migrant care workforce in Europe with Health workforce research, Public health policy and politics
- Workshop: It’s time for timeliness in Health Technology Assessment
- Presentation Judith de Jong
- Presentation Marco Marchetti
EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pre conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Health workforce meets health services research
- Setting priorities to develop a Strategic Research Agenda on Health Services and Systems Research (TO-REACH)
- Health literacy in Europe: recent developments in research and policy
- Prioritization in Public Health: new insights in the frame of Health Technology Assessment
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, pre conferences/workshops:
- Pre conference: Fostering Health Services and Systems Research in future research programmes. This workshop was organised in collaboration with the TO-REACH consortium, and HSR Europe
- Workshop: Out-of-pocket costs in Europe and their effects on health-care use
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre conferences/workshops:
- Pre conference: Enhancing evidence-informed decision-making to support resilient and sustainable health systems in Europe
- Pre conference: Health workforce governance in Europe: toward a future research agenda
- Round table: Setting the research agenda on health systems and policy for small states in the European region
- Workshop: TO-REACH - an international research program on transfering good models of care in Europe and beyond
- Workshop: Health assessments in support of decision-making
- Workshop: E-health and m-health: current trends, uses, expectations and methodological challenges. This workshop was organised in collaboration with EUPHA Sections on Health Services Research, Mental Health and Ethics in Public Health. Presentations were given by Judith de Jong, Stefan Buttigieg, William Sherlaw and Vladimir Vukovic. The recorded facebook Live Stream Video is available by clicking here.
EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre conferences/workshops:
Workshops at other EPH Conferences:
- 2010 Workshop: Future research priorities in European HSR and their use in European Policy and Practice
- 2008 Workshop: Processes of privatization in health care
- 2007 Workshop: The working party on health systems of DG SANCO: the current state of health system indicators development in Europe
- 2007 Workshop: Future policy developments for health services at a European level
- 2006 Workshop: Methods of evaluation, elements of input and policy support
- 2005 Workshop: Transition countries’ way into a reformed health care
- 2004 Workshop: The development of integrated care under different financing an payment systems
- 2003 Workshop: In search of the best innovations: comparative methods in health services research
- 2002 Workshop: Population health in Bismarck systems: how to shift the focus from a healthy workforce to a healthy population
- 2001 Workshop: Integrated care in an international perspective
Other workshops/conferences:
- The European Society for Health and Medical Sociology organizes a conference on Health and Welfare Challenges in Europe, 28-30 August 2014
- Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, 30 September-3 October 2014
- One-day EC conference on fairness and equity in health in Europe, 18 March 2014
Recent News
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