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1st European Public Health Economics Conference 26 - 27 June 2025, Palermo Italy
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EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference - Approaches and methods for cost-of-illness studies: national and international experiences
EPH 2022, Dublin, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Round Table - Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention: which opportunities from the EU Cancer Mission?
- Round Table - Environmental stressors on health economics and policies – challenges and pitfalls
- Workshop - Data, tools and methodologies on injury burden in Europe: current limitations and future directions
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Panel data econometrics: how to perform your analysis with R
- Workshop: The role of HTA for COVID-19 vaccines: present and future perspectives
Organised by: EUPHA-HTA, EUPHA-ECO, HTAi - Round table: Cross country COVID-19 policy learning: politics, arrangements and conditions for legitimate policy
Organised by: EUPHA-PHPP, EUPHA-PHMR, EUPHA-HIA, EUPHA-ECO - Workshop: Injury epidemiology, treatment, costs and legislation during the COVID-19 pandemic
EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Round Table: Put your mouth where the money is. Outstanding panellists shared their experience of reaching out to other stakeholders in order to secure funding in an environment where financial resources are scarce.
- Workshop: Public health foresight studies: how can we deal with the societal challenges we face? This workshop demonstrated how foresight studies can provide valuable information for strategic policy-making.
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops:
Skills building in HTA: how to address the economic impact of public health interventions
- Presentation by Lenoir Wijnkoop on nutritional interventions
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Health assessments in support of decision-making
- Workshop: Cost-effectiveness studies in primary prevention interventions targeting children. Organised together with the section Child and adolescent public health
- Workshop: How can institutional preparedness for public health emergencies contribute to "health for all"?
Other EPH Conferences:
- Workshop 2008: Public health economics of infant pneumococcal vaccination strategies
- Workshop 2007: Public health economics of universal strategies to promote health and prevent disease
- Workshop 2007: Cost–effectiveness of Vaccination Programmes: issues, solutions and examples
- Workshop 2007: Public health economics of universal strategies to promote health and prevent disease
- Workshop 2006: Public health economics
- Workshop 2004: Pharmacoeconomics of Infectious Diseases Control
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