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The Team
Aims and activities
Background information
Annual reports/meetings
Past activities and projects

October 2015 Survey Results

Please click here for the Survey Results.

1 October 2015

ProFouND launches Factsheet on 'Falls in older adults' and Declaration 'Falls prevention is everyone's business'

Read the Factsheet here

Read the Declaration here 

2014 and before 

Click here for the EUPHActs 2013:1 - Injury prevention needs data!

TACTICS project
The Section took part in the European project on child injury prevention, “TACTICS”, a large scale multi-year initiative working to provide better information, practical tools and resources to support adaption and implementation of evidence-based good practices for the prevention of injury to children and youth in Europe. This project was led by the European Child Safety Alliance (

Partner in the EUPHA PHIRE project
The Injury Section was a partner in the Public Health Innovation and Research in Europe (PHIRE) Work package 4 ‘Defining Tracer fields and evidence.’ The objective of this project was to contribute to the improvement of public health knowledge and practice across the EU by exploring what has been the uptake of knowledge from public health actions under the first Public Health Programme (PHP), funded in 2003-2005 at national level across Europe.
Our task was to identify a trace project within the first PHP, the CSAP - Child Safety Action Plans, Phase I (No. 2003315), and to assess the uptake of the results of this tracer project in EU Member states through country informants. The PHIRE project was presented at the EUPHA Conference in Copenhagen.

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