EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, workshop:
- Injury Severity Classification and burden of disability measurement
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Safety challenges and altered injury patterns in Europe during COVID-19 and beyond
- Round table: Biological, socioeconomic, legal and environmental health determinants in the COVID-19 pandemic
Organised by: EUPHA-IDC, EUPHA-LAW, EUPHA-INJ, WHO Venice Office - Workshop: New working environments, occupational risks and socioeconomic inequalities during covid-19 pandemic
Organised by: EUPHA-INJ, EUPHA-SSWH - Round table: Multilateral Partnerships to achieve the SDG5: Gender Equality, and to combat COVID-19
Organised by: SDG5 WG EUPHA, EUPHA-HWR, EUPHA-INJ, WHO/Europe - Workshop: Injury epidemiology, treatment, costs and legislation during the COVID-19 pandemic
EPH 2019, Marseille, France, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Tools and opportunities for health promotion with THL, EuroHealthNet, EU JointAction ChrodisPlus, and Health promotion section
EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-Conference: Winds of Change in Health Promotion to Improve Public Health: From Research to Implementation.
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Child Maltreatment: a Public Health Perspective. Half way to 2020, where are we now?
Organised together with EUPHA sections on Public mental health, Child and adolescent public health and NCPHWR - Workshop: Health literacy in different countries and populations: the many approaches to research
- Workshop: Patient Safety: Challenges and opportunities to keep sustainability in the continuum of care
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Use of injury data for safety promotion together with the EuroSafe Association.
- Workshop in cooperation with Bielefeld university: Health literacy in childhood and adolescence: A public health and health promotion perspective
- Workshop in cooperation with EUPHA Practice Pillar: Patient safety in Europe: the problem, proposals for action, experiences from national programs
EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference together with the EuroSafe Association and the EUropean Child Safety Alliance: Child Injury Prevention - a European Challenge
- Workshop Tarffic injuries in Adolescents: epidemiology, contributing factors and brain development processes, was organised by the section in collaboration with the EUPHA sections on Child and adolescent public health and Public health epidemiology
EPH 2014, Glasgow, United Kingdom pre-conferences/workshops:
In collaboration with the Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination (ProFouND) and EuroSafe, the EUPHA-Injury Section organised a European seminar on effective interventions for falls prevention among older people at EPH pre-conference.
Topics included:
- Preventing Falls and Injuries - What works and for whom, Individualised Approaches?
- Preventing Falls and Injuries - What drives change?
- Examples of effective falls prevention interventions in different settings.
- Practical Ideas for action.
For more information: www.profound.eu.com
EPH 2013, Brussels, Belgium pre conferences/workshops:
- TACTIS on Child injury preventions
- Pre conference in collaboration with EuroSafe: The use of injury data for mainstreaming accident prevention within national and EU-level health and consumer safety policies.
- Workshop in collaboration with THL Injury Prevention Unit: Road Traffic Accidents and Drugs and Alcohol – A public health concern workshop
EPH 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark pre conference/workshops:
- Pre conference: Health-based injury registration in the Nordic countries and in Europe – experiences and challenges
EPH 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands pre conferences/workshops:
Other EPH Conferences:
- 2009: Injury epidemiology Workshop
- 2008: Injury severity, the white area of the map—how to measure it? Workshop
- 2008: Tackling risk behaviour in youth: methods for risk communication and development of risk competence Workshop
- 2007: Burden of injuries in Europe Workshop
- 2007: Burden of injuries in Europe Workshop in collaboration with the Section on Mental Health which addressed the impact of intentional and unintentional injuries on physical and mental health
- 2006: The social patterning of injury and its challenges for injury control and prevention Workshop
- 2004: Local Injury Registration as a Base for Prevention
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