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EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, workshops:

  • Workshop: Exploring vaccine hesitancy in Europe: understanding complexities and determinants
    Organised by EUPHA-EPI, EUPHA-ETH, EUPHA-IDC, UK Fac
  • Round table: Vaccine Literacy and vaccination uptake for newly arrived migrants and people living in prisons
    Organised by EUPH-IDC; Italian National Institute of Health, University of Pisa, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Round table: The role of EU bodies and European Health Union policies, and implications for the Pandemic Treaty

EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, workshops:

  • Models of care in prison: addressing infectious diseases during and after the pandemic in EU/EEA
  • Health system barriers to vaccination in underserved communities: a tale of four countries
    Organised by: EUPHA-IDC, EUPHA-MIG

EPH 2021, Online event, workshops:

WCPH 2020, Online event, workshops: 

  • Workshop: AMR and Cancer: Cross-cutting priorities for an integrated public health and primary care approach
    Organised with EUPHA -CHR and WFPHA (abstract)
  • Workshop: Bringing evidence during Public Health Emergencies: addressing the challenge through HTA (abstracts)
    Organised with: EUPHA-HTA
  • Workshop: Women and prison: vulnerability and overlapping health needs of women in prison worldwide (abstract)
    Organised by: WHO, University of Pisa (Italy), EMCDDA, UNODC, EUPHA-PHPP

EPH 2019, Marseile, France pre-conferences/workshops: 

  • Plenary session: Building bridges for migration in a planetary context with ECDC
  • Pre-conference: Contagion! A table-top outbreak management simulation
  • Workshop: Better prison health for better public health with sections MIG and PHPP
  • Workshop: Online anti-vaccination movements: the role of social media in public health communications with Digital Public Health and section on Health promotion
  • Workshop: The imperative of vaccination: a public Europe-wide debate around mandatory vaccination
  • Workshop: Using evidence for action – the story on life-course vaccination with ECDC

EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre-conferences/workshops: 

  • Workshop: Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Across Europe
  • Workshop: Vaccination in school children in Europe: when and how?

EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops: 

28-29 June 2017 - healtheurope Amsterdam: Aura Timen is speaking about major threats of infectious diseases to Europe  

On 15 February 2017, Günter Pfaff held a presentation at the event Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe: Facts, opinions and the way forward, organised by DG Sante, in Brussels, Belgium. Please click here for the presenation with title 'No "one-Size-Fits-All" remedy: understanding reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy.

EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops: 

  • Activities at the 9th EPH Conference in Vienna 

EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands pre-conferences/workshops:

Workshops at other EPH Conferences:


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