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Published: 7 March 2024

Dear colleagues,

Please find the latest newsletter below. With this newsletter, I would like to share the section's call for abstracts for the EPH Conference in Lisbon later this year.

Newsletter March 2024

  1. Call for Abstracts - 2024 EPH Conference in Lisbon
  2. European Public Health Week 2024
  3. Project Spotlight: Transilience 

1. Call for Abstracts - 2024 EPH Conference in Lisbon

The EUPHA section on Sexual & Gender Minority Health would like to encourage all members to submit new and relevant work on LGBTQI+ health as abstracts for the EPH Conference in Lisbon (November 2024) to the section leadership, prior to the general submission deadline.

As in previous years, the section aims to draft several workshop proposals (including 4-5 individual presentations) focusing on sexual and gender minority health (SGMH) and submit these proposals on behalf of the section. If you are interested in joining a section-initiated workshop proposal, you are invited to send an abstract to the section leadership first. The section’s steering group will then review and organize the abstracts into thematic draft proposals. More information about abstract formatting and general submission can be found on the European Public Health Conference website:

All contributions that are related to SGMH are welcomed. We further encourage, but do not limit to, abstracts of work that are related to the following themes:

  • Co-creation and community participation in SGMH research, including methodology and practical approaches
  • Underrepresented groups in SGMH research, including asexual and intersex individuals
  • Intersectional approaches to LGBTQI+ health
  • Structural climates and LGBTQI+ health
  • Intracommunity stress – within-group discrimination and stress
  • Gender-affirming health care and rapidly changing political climates
  • Resiliency & LGBTQI+ health prevention and promotion
  • SOGIE status and neurodiversity

We also especially encourage local (i.e., Lisbon-based) and community-led initiatives and research projects to submit abstracts.

Please send your abstract to Dr. Van der Star (avanderstar [@] and Dr. Lovro Markovic (lovro.markovic [@] by March 31st, 2024

NB: If you decide to send your abstract to the section, please do not also submit the abstract using the official submission system of the EPH Conference. We will notify you whether your abstract is selected as part of a workshop proposal ahead of time. In this way, there will be ample time to submit your contribution as an individual abstract before May 1st.  All proposed workshops as well as all individual abstracts will have to be scored by the EPH International Scientific Committee before a decision will be made on whether contributions are accepted as part of the conference program.

2. European Public Health Week 2024

This year, EUPHA is organizing the European Public Health Week (EUPHW) from May 13-17, 2024. With the EUPHW, EUPHA aims to raise awareness about public health and promote collaboration among the public health community in Europe. The EUPHW centers around this year’s five daily themes (follow the links to find out more):  

In case you are considering getting involved, please reach out to Dr. Van der Star (avanderstar [@] and Dr. Lovro Markovic (lovro.markovic [@] We are particularly looking for ideas and collaborators for Tuesday (Mental Health), but the section may also get involved on Monday (e.g., rapidly changing political climates and LGBTQI+ health).

3. Project Spotlight: Transilience

TRANSILIENCE is a European project (CERV call) and focuses on empowering transgender youth. This project is a collaboration between VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium and Ghent University Hospital, Belgium. 

Literature shows that transgender young people are often victims of bullying and gender-based violence. Moreover, at many times their gender identity and expression are not always accepted. These factors have a negative impact on their mental health and resilience. Therefore, this project focuses on strengthening the resilience of transgender young people. What makes this project innovative, is its approach. This project wants to collect information and reinforce young transgender people themselves, rather than focussing on re-education of the social environment or institutions. In this way, this project aims to help young people cope with internalised transphobia, give them a chance to share their experiences with others, support them in expressing their gender identity at school and at home and teach them to cope with gender dysphoria.

To achieve these objectives, several modules were developed for transgender young people, each of which aims to strengthen a different form of resilience (physical resilience, social resilience, resilience at school, resilience through digital stories and mental resilience). All recruited young people are between 15 and 30 years old and are all in treatment at Ghent University Hospital. Several methodologies were used to shape and evaluate these modules. First of all, a co-creation session was organised together with transgender young people to think about what these modules could look like. During this session, young people thought about what conditions these modules should meet, who could best supervise them, at what location/spaces they should be organised, etc. With the information and the results of a literature review, we set to work with external coaches to shape the modules. All coaches participated in a training day where they received training on how to work with young people in a transsensitive way.

The modules were implemented in two trajectories. A pre- or post-test was sent out at the beginning and end of each trajectory. Moreover, a focus group also took place at the end of each trajectory to capture the experiences of the young people. Meanwhile, the first trajectory was completed and we used the results from the focus group and pre-post-test of trajectory one to shape the second trajectory. All lessons learned from the first trajectory were taken into account in when setting up the modules in trajectory two. We are currently recruiting and starting up the modules of the second trajectory.

In June, we will organise another international stakeholder meeting in which we will explain our results and process of this project. This will take place online. An exact date will be communicated later on. If you are interested in the project and would like to join this meeting, you can always send an email to: For other questions about the project, you send an email to that same email address.
Want to know more about the project? Take a look at our project website:  

The TRANSILIENCE team: Charlotte, Mauro, Olu, Indra, Jana

Best regards,

Arjan van der Star, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Section President

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