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EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, pre-conferences/workshops:
Pre-conference: Health literacy, health education and healthy life styles: connections and contradictions towards sustainability
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education; Univ of Education, Freiburg (Germany); Health Institute of Coimbra (Portugal)
EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, workshops:
- Promoting and enhancing health literacy through school interventions
Organised by: EUPHA Working Group on Health Literacy, EUPHA-HP, EUPHA-CAPH, Technical University Munich - National and European studies on health literacy in children and adolescents
Organised by: EUPHA Working Group on Health Literacy, EUPHA-HP, EUPHA-CAPH, Technical University Munich, Robert Koch Institute - Pillars of health promotion and the role of Health literacy in the life course approach
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, University of Education (Germany), IPC of Coimbra, CrAdLiSa - Health literacy and vaccine literacy as determinants of vaccine acceptance: a critical discussion
Organised by: EUPHA Working Group Health Literacy, EUPHA-HP, Technical University Munich, Public Health Austria, Careum Switzerland, Global Health Literacy Academy
EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference: Genuine Participation and the Transformational Potential of Health Promotion - Coronavirus Politics
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education and International Institute, University of Michigan - Workshop: COVID-HL: A global survey on digital health literacy in university students during the pandemic
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, COVID-HL Network - Workshop: Health literacy in childhood and adolescence (HLCA): A focus on health literacy in schools
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, Bielefeld University (Germany) - Workshop: Social Prescribing: what has been learned in developing evidence, what challenges and solutions?
- Round table: The comparative politics and policy of Covid-19
Organised by: EUPHA-HP, UNESCO Chair GHE, University of Michigan (USA)
WCPH 2020, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Data analysis, advocacy activities, and actions to counteract the double burden of malnutrition
Organised with EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-CHR, WHO/Europe (abstract) - Workshop: Harnessing the digital transformation of disease prevention: a focus on m-health and genomics (abstract)
Organised with: EUPHA-PHG, EUPHA-DH, EUPHA-HP - Workshop: Public Mental Health Promotion: A Global Perspective drawing on Local Narratives (abstract)
Organised with: Public Mental Health Promotion: A Global Perspective drawing on Local Narratives - Workshop: Health tourist and health promotion: introducing the European Charter for Sustainable Health Tourism! (abstract)
Organised with: PROMIS, Sicilian Health Government, CEFPAS - Workshop: Context and practice of health literacy foundations (abstract)
Organised with: University of Education of Freiburg (Germany), University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), CrAdLiSa - Workshop: Health literacy in Policies: European and National Perspectives (abstract)
Organised with: WHO/Europe, Health Literacy Europe, IHLA, Bielefeld University (Germany)
EPH 2019, Marseille, France, pre-conferences/workshops:
- Pre-conference:Health Promotion principles as foundations for solidarity and public health
- Workshop: Health literacy and life skills: children and adolescents’ tools for health promotion
- Workshop: Health Literacy in the workplace: from health literate organizations to resilient individuals
- Workshop: A methodology for monitoring population health literacy in Europe – the HLS19 project with Austrian Public Health Institute
- Workshop: Health literacy: an asset to public health policy with Bielefeld University, NIVEL, CAPHRI at Maastricht University, Newcastle University, Global Health Literacy Academy, M-POHL Network WHO
- Workshop: Online anti-vaccination movements: the role of social media in public health communications with Digital Public Health and section on Infectious diseases control
- Workshop: Better ask those who are concerned: co-creation in participatory epidemiology and health promotion with EUPHA Public health monitoring and reporting section, Robert Koch Intistute, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Workshop: Tools and opportunities for health promotion with THL, EuroHealthNet, EU JointAction ChrodisPlus, and Injury prevention section
EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Sin tax or syntax: how to promote healthy lifestyles
- Workshop: Towards new possibilities: Health literacy in the regional, national, European, and global context
- Architecture and Urban Context's Design Strategies to Promote City Users' Healthy Behaviours
EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Health literacy and the resilient citizen in the healthy community: filling the gap between theory and health promotion research in the sustainability agenda.
Organised with the EUPHA section on Child and adolescent public health, Bielefeld University (CPI), European Health Promotion Research - Workshop: The 'Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence' research consortium (HLCA): empirical findings
Organised by the EUPHA section on Health promotion and Bielefeld University - Workshop: Advancing salutogenesis for health promotion and public health
Organised by the EUPHA section on Health promotion and IUHPE Global Working Group of Salutogenesis
EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:
- Workshop: Meeting in Vienna 30 years after Ottawa: where do we plan to go from here?
- Pre-conference: Operationalizing health promotion on the life course through the health literacy approach: where do we stand 30 years after Ottawa?
EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:
- The added value of participation in health promotion: Examples and critical assessment
EPH 2013, Brussels, Belgium pre-conferences/workshops:
- Context matters: Social and cultural factors in health promotion research
EPH 2012, Malta pre-conferences/workshops:
- Theory-guided health promotion interventions: Examples and critical assessment 2011 (Copenhagen): Health promotion and the social determinants of health: Bridging the gap between structure and agency and Drug prevention in educational settings: The role of social networks and social norms
EPH 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands pre-conferences/workshops:
At other previous EPH Conferences:
- EPH 2009, Lodz: Critical health literacy
- EPH 2008, Lisbon: Social and cultural resources for health: local level approaches
- EPH 2007, Helsinki: Capacity-building in health promotion 2006 (Montreux): 20 years health promotion research in and on settings
- EPH 2005, Graz: Linking health promotion and health care
- EPH 2004,Oslo: Urban problems and health promotion
- EPH 2003, Rome: The role of health promotion in tackling inequalities in health
- EPH 2002, Dresden: Progress and problems of health promotion in Central and Eastern Europe
- EPH 2001, Brussels: Health information(systems) for health promotion
- EPH 2000, Paris: Reducing health inequalities through health promotion
- EPH 1999, Prag: Legal and financial conditions of health promotion - views back and ahead from different European countries
- EPH 1998, Gothenburg: Recent developments of health promotion policy and research of the EU
- EPH 1996, London: Health promotion 10 years after Ottawa - views from different European countries
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