The European Public Health Association Newsletter - June 2022 |
1. EditorialWelcome to our pre-summer update. Check out the updates from EUPHA, the EPH Conference, the European Journal of Public health and interesting news/publications. Wishing you pleasant reading, Iveta Nagyova, EUPHA president, and Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA executive director |
2. EUPHA updateNew EUPHA Executive director: Dineke Zeegers Paget hands over to Marieke VerschuurenAs of July 1st, Marieke Verschuuren will be EUPHA’s Executive Director. Marieke is very familiar with EUPHA, as she sat on EUPHA’s Executive Council as Secretary for the past 3,5 years, and is founder and active member of the EUPHA Public health monitoring and reporting section. She has a strong track record in public health, including advocating the right to health for all at Wemos, working as an independent public health consultant, leading the public health foresight study 2018 at the National Institute for Public Health and Environment in the Netherlands, and as technical officer at WHO Regional Office for Europe. In addition, she authored key publications on European health information systems and population health monitoring. The 15+ years of experience in working on the interface of policy and research will guide her work as EUPHA’s new Executive director. Dineke hands over the directorship after 25 years of leading the EUPHA organization. We are extremely grateful for everything that she has done for EUPHA and are very pleased that she will continue to be part of the office team as EUPHA strategic advisor. EUPHA selected as member of HERA's Civil Society ForumEUPHA has been selected to be member of the Civil Society Forum of the European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). This Forum is a sub-group of the HERA Advisory Forum. The appointment is for three years. As member of the Forum, EUPHA will bring the public health perspective to the table and represent our members, including national public health associations and societies in Europe. Dr Ricardo Mexia, president of our EUPHA Infectious diseases control section, is the EUPHA representative and he has attended the first Forum meeting on 28 June. We are looking forward to this collaboration and providing valuable inputs to HERA’s mission to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to health emergencies. EUPHA statement on reproductive rights are human rightsEUPHA reaffirms its position and stands in solidarity with women all over the world. We call to action our colleagues in other professional associations, in civil society, and in international and national bodies, to join their voices to ours and support women in claiming their fundamental rights and our colleagues who work to safeguard the reproductive rights of women and girls wherever they live. Task Force on Public Health Workforce ProfessionalisationOn 31 May 2022, ASPHER kicked off the ASPHER-WHO/EURO Task Force on Professionalising the Public Health Workforce (PPHW-TF). The PPHW-TF is pivotal to raising awareness and recognition of the public health profession in the European Region and globally. It is centred around topics such as: public health employment, licencing and credentialing, job taxonomy, workforce development and planning, and education at graduate and post graduate levels. We are excited to move forward with WHO Regional Office for Europe on this timely and urgent agenda with a large and motivated group led by ASPHER past-President Kasia Czabanowska. EUPHA is represented by Ellen Kuhlmann, president of the EUPHA Health workforce research section. Climate action through public health education and training - joint statement on EU Health Policy PlatformThe final joint statement on 'Climate action through public health education and training', led by ASPHER on the EU Health Policy Platform is now published. EUPHA endorses this timely statement that highlights the urgency for action in both adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the health sector, with the focus on education and training. Read this joint statement to see how your organization can support climate-health in education. availability of biosimilar medicines offers an equally effective, better value option for physicians and patients: insights from EUPHA President Dr Iveta Nagyova and Xavier MesrobianIn this article, co-authored by both authors, the connection between biological medicines and chronic diseases is explored. kids a break! Contribution from EUPHA-LAW section president, Prof. Amandine GardeTogether with other organisations from the healthy food marketing campaign, EUPHA co-organised a meeting with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on the topic of food marketing to children. The event took place at the European Parliament on June 28th. Professor Amandine Garde, EUPHA-LAW section president, gave an overview of the current EU legal framework regarding food marketing to children, and presented the key elements that should be included in a EU Food Marketing Directive.
3. European Public Health WeekLast month we celebrated the European Public Health Week. Some of the highlights, based on our database and the evaluation survey:
We look back on a successful EUPHW: raising awareness about public health and promoting collaboration among the public health community. Many thanks to all event hosts, partners and disseminators for helping us to realise this! Our next step is to keep evolving the European Public Health Week to reach and connect even more public health professionals. Stay tuned for more information about next year’s Week #EUPHW2023. Dates and more information will be announced on the EUPHW webpage.
4. European Public Health Conference15TH EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE, 9 - 12 NOVEMBER 2022 - STRENGTHENING HEALTH SYSTEMS: IMPROVING POPULATION HEALTH AND BEING PREPARED FOR THE UNEXPECTED.PRE-CONFERENCES Pre-conferences are held on Wednesday 9 November. The full programme can be found on our website. Pre-conferences are held for half day (morning or afternoon) or full day. Attending a pre-conference requires separate registration. This can be done while registering for the main conference but can also be added to your existing registration at a later time. Registration fees are €75 and €150. Sponsored pre-conferences are €20. (all sessions inclusive network buffet lunch). Evaluating implementation of public policy for the promotion of physical activity and healthy nutrition: Why, how and what should this involve. (PENP), organised by EUPHA Public health policy and politics section and EU-Policy Evaluation Network Addressing pre-existing and emerging mental health challenges in times of crisis and beyond – Strategies, approaches and practices from a European perspective (MENH), organised by Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA), Germany, and the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH - GÖG), Austria Microsimulation models as a health policy decision support tool (ECON),organised by EUPHA Public health economics section Unravelling data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer) (REBR), organised by Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium Health literacy and salutogenesis in context (LISA), organised by EUPHA Health promotion section with the BMBF Research Consortium Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence (HLCA) and German universities. Precarious employment - harmonized definition and reporting in public health (PREM), organised by Precarious Work Research Consortium, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Health systems responses to migration: from crisis mode to diversity-sensitive inclusive systems (MIGR), organised by Heidelberg University Hospital, Bielefeld University, EUPHA Migrant health section and Lancet Migration European Hub Natural experimental evaluations for public policy and health systems: recent advances and updated guidance (NEEV), organised by EUPHA Public health epidemiology, Public health economics and Health services research sections; in collaboration with the UK Medical Research Council and MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Methods and analytical strategies for longitudinal studies on social security, work and health (SSWH), organised by EUPHA Social security, work and health section (SSWH) FULL PARALLEL PROGRAMME AVAILABLE The parallel programme is now available online! Check out when you are scheduled for presentation. You can search by logging in and typing in your surname. Instructions for presenters (workshops, orals, pitches, posters) can be found here. Accepted abstracts are published in the Abstract Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health. Until 15 July you can amend your abstract before it is being processed for publication. Presenters of abstracts are required to register for the conference before 15 July. More information on our website. REGISTRATION IS OPEN WITH BENEFITS FOR EUPHA MEMBERS Registration for the in-person 15th EPH Conference is open. You can benefit from early bird registration fees until 1 September. We are expecting over 1,500 delegates in Berlin. Meet your colleagues at the largest public health event in Europe during four fully packed conference days. EUPHA members and delegates from Germany pay € 670 before 1 September, non-members € 760, Students, trainees and colleagues from low- and middle-income countries pay € 400 (all including VAT). More information here LUNCH SYMPOSIUMS We offer an exciting lunch symposiums programme which is open for all delegates, no separate registration required. Enhancing pathways for vaccine assessments and national decision-making – a driver of resilient health systems Organised by VaccinesEurope As Europe begins to look beyond the pandemic, there is an opportunity to reflect on the future needs of the vaccine ecosystem as a driver of health system resilience and sustainability. A key area for attention and policy action concerns the country-specific pathways through which vaccines are assessed and decisions made on their inclusion in National Immunisation Programmes (NIPs). This lunch symposium will bring together key stakeholders from across Europe’s immunisation ecosystem to consider the actions that are needed to enhance national vaccine pathways. More lunch symposiums will be announced shortly on our website. PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS There are currently no restrictive measures for the event industry in place in Berlin. Event organizers are free to decide whether and how to make use of protective measures. For the EPH Conference 2022 we will follow the recommendations for responsible events to ensure our delegates can attend the conference safely. Current measures in Berlin can be followed in detail on the websites of VisitBerlin and the State of Berlin. CONFERENCE VENUE The 15th EPH Conference will be held in the hub27 Berlin, part of Messe Berlin. Hub27 is a modern, multifunctional conference centre with ample room for networking and meeting colleagues. It is easily accessed by U-Bahn and S-Bahn from all parts of Berlin. You can reach Berlin by train from everywhere in Europe. Long-distance high-speed trains arrive at and depart from the Hauptbahnhof. Flights to and from the new Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport (BER), 20 km from the city centre.
5. EUPHA members updateAustrian Public Health Association looks back at a successful annual scientific conferenceAfter a two-year break, the 25th annual scientific conference of the Austrian Public Health Association (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health - ÖGPH) was organised. It took place under the motto "global crises - national public health?". The ÖGPH annual conference took place during the European Public Health Week. For the first time, the ÖGPH also published a compilation of relevant abstracts on the topic of the day. In May the ÖGPH also held its general assembly. Bulgarian Public Health Association active participation in EUPHW2022The European Public Health Week 2022 had a large Bulgarian participation with 44 events out of a total of 235 events from 32 countries. It is the fourth consecutive year that Bulgaria organises the highest number of events. Bulgarian language took an honorable second place after English in terms of frequency among the 21 languages in which the events of the week were held. here.
6. European Journal of Public HealthThe new impact factors have been announced and we a pleased to share with you that the impact factor of the European Journal of Public Health has increased to 4.424. We have made a selection of the most cited articles which is free to access for everyone, everywhere. Volume 32, Issue 3, June 2022EDITORIAL COMMENTARY CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH One-year incidence of sexual harassment and the contribution to poor mental health in the adult general population WORK AND HEALTH CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS Population-based screening in children for early diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia: design of the VRONI study An intervention in general practice to improve the management of Lyme borreliosis in Denmark Redistribution of garbage codes to underlying causes of death: a systematic analysis on Italy and a comparison with most populous Western European countries based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 COVID-19 |
7. Call for proposals, job opportunitiesTwo vacancies at EuroHealthNetEuroHealthnet is recruiting a Programme Manager and an Administrative and Operations Assistant. for participants: eDelphi Survey on Rapid Review MethodologyRapid Systematic Reviews, also called Rapid Reviews, are an evidence summary method that accelerates the process of conducting a traditional systematic review through streamlining or omitting a variety of methods to produce evidence in a resource-efficient manner. The Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre, which is a joint Concordia University, UQAM and CIUSSS-NIM research centre, is recruiting participants for the following project: Identifying priority questions regarding rapid reviews methodology: an eDelphi process. Call for Submissions | Nicotine and Tobacco ResearchAdvancing Equity in Policies Restricting Flavors in Nicotine/Commercial Tobacco Products by Addressing Racial and Social Justice |
8. Interesting newsConference on Tobacco, Law and Human Rights: Crossing borders, spaces and substances - Conference reportRead the report of the conference organised by Prof. Brigit Toebes, Dr. Katerina Tsampi and Dr. Michelle Bruijn, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen and Global Health Law Groningenmon 12-13 May 2022. we want to fight cancer, we should tax the companies that cause itThe Guardian | 21 June 2022 "Expecting ordinary citizens to mitigate risk is backwards. It should be the responsibility of the companies polluting the environment to pay the price for the cancers they are creating." Public acceptability of policies to address obesitySafe Food | June 2022 How are inequalities in health from Long COVID being exacerbated and what are the strategic implications for more equitable support for those with enduring clinical sequelae of infection?ASPHER | Statement | June 2022 EuroHealthNet calls for a more coherent strategic and coordinated approach to implement the EU 'Healthier Together' NCD InitiativeEurohealthnet | Statement | 28 June 2022 EEA Report - Exposure to pollution causes 10% of all cancer cases in EuropeEuropean Environment Agency | Report | 28 June 2022 PHIRI project - May / June newsletterIn this newsletter, the PHIRI team shares with you the videos of thethree sessions they organisedduring the European Public Health Week 2022. |
9. Upcoming courses and conferences
10. Interesting publicationsPost COP26: legal action now part of public health's environment and climate change toolboxA commentary by EUPHA-LAW steering committee members and representatives from Greenpeace and HEAL, published in the European Journal of Public Health. system performance assessment: a framework for policy analysis of inequalities in COVID-19 years of life lost from 2020 to 2021: a Scottish Burden of Disease StudyJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health | Original Research | 25 May 2022 From drug prohibition to regulation: a public health imperativeThe Lancet | Comment | 21 June 2022 The resilience mythThe BMJ | Opinion | 10 June 2022 Call for action: Health services in the European region must adopt integrated care models to manage Post-Covid-19 ConditionThe Lancet | Comment | 21 June 2022 Health Literacy, Socioeconomic Status and Vaccination Uptake: A Study on Influenza Vaccination in a Population-Based SampleInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 6 June 2022 Enabling research capacity strengthening within a consortium context: a qualitative studyThe BMJ Global Health | Original Research | 28 June 2022 Oral health care in Europe: Financing, access and provisionOral diseases are increasingly recognized as one of the most prevalent conditions in Europe, affecting nearly half of the European population. Despite their high prevalence, statutory coverage of dental care is limited in many European countries as evidenced by restricted service packages and high private funding compared to other health services. A call for citizen science in pandemic preparedness and response: beyond data collectionThe BMJ Global Health | Analysis | 27 June 2022 The cost of living: an avoidable public health crisisThe Lancet Public Health | Editorial | June 2022 Infographies - The LancetSince 2014, the Lancet has been publishing visual summaries, data visualisations, and illustrated explorations to enhance and complement work published across the journal. The latest one focuses on coeliac disease. health equity through housing policies: critical reflections and future directions for researchJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health | Essay | 14 June 2022 Affect, dis/ability and the pandemicSociology of health and illness | 2 June 2022 |
11. European Commission newsEuropean Health Data Space - Q&AHow can EU Member States benefit from the European Health Data Space? The European Health Data Space' ambitious goal is to advance digital health for all Member States and to make the healthcare systems of the EU ready for the digital future. Read more questions and answers on this Q&A page. Together: the Commissions launches €156 million initiative on non-communicable diseases in EuropeOn 22 June, the European Commission launched an important initiative to support EU Member States to reduce the burden of EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by addressing the leading causes of avoidable premature death in Europe and improving citizens' health and well-being. To do so, the Commission has published a guiding document to the “Healthier Together: EU Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Initiative”. This Initiative identifies effective actions and the available legal and financial supporting tools across five main areas: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, mental health and neurological disorders, as well as their main contributing factors. The Initiative will have a budget of €156 million under the 2022 work programme of the EU4Health programme. Horizon Europe Cancer Research callsThe European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) has published five calls for proposals on cancer research to support the EU Cancer Mission. Managing antimicrobial resistance #AMR across the #healthsystem - draft opinion by Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in healthThe Expert Panel was requested to provide a concise policy-oriented opinion with analysis and recommendations on four questions, to support the Commission on the issue of AMR. Health Union: Start of delivery of vaccines in response to the monkeypox outbreakOn June 28th, the delivery of the first vaccine doses purchased by the European Commission's Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) in response to the current monkeypox outbreak started, with an initial 5,300 doses arriving in Spain, out of the total 109,090 doses procured. It is the first of a series of deliveries that will take place regularly in the weeks and months to come to ensure that all Member States are ready to respond to the current monkeypox outbreak, prioritising the most affected Member States. Health Union: Political agreement on the Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health RegulationThe Commission has welcomed the political agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council on June 23rd, on the Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health Regulation. The new rules are providing the EU with a comprehensive legal framework to govern joint action on preparedness, surveillance, risk assessment, and early warning and response. to Fork: New rules to reduce the risk and use of pesticides in the EUThese new rules should improve the health of people living in the European Union, as we know there are major risks to the health of citizens linked to the use of chemical pesticides, especially for those persons using them but also for vulnerable groups and children.'s Beating Cancer Plan: Commission proposes to prohibit flavoured heated tobacco productsOne June 29th, the European Commission has proposed to prohibit the sale of flavoured heated tobacco products in the EU. This proposal comes in response to the significant increase in the volumes of heated tobacco products sold across the EU. Commissioner Kyriakides said: "With nine out of ten lung cancers caused by tobacco, we want to make smoking as unattractive as possible to protect the health of our citizens and save lives." together EU non-communicable diseases initiativeThe European Commission has launched the Healthier together – EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative (EU NCD Initiative) to support EU countries in identifying and implementing effective policies and actions to reduce the burden of major non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and improve citizens’ health and well-being. |
12. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control newsEurosurveillance - Volume 27, Issue 22, 02 June 2022Editorial Eurosurveillance - Volume 27, Issue 23, 09 June 2022Research Eurosurveillance - Volume 27, Issue 24, 16 June 2022Editorial Eurosurveillance - Volume 27, Issue 25, 23 June 2022Surveillance |
13. WHO newsProtecting children from the harmful impact of food marketing: policy briefThis policy brief provides policy-makers and programme managers, health professionals and advocates with information and policy options to increase protection of children from the harmful impact of food marketing No place for cheap alcohol: the potential value of minimum pricing for protecting livesThis report discusses the potential of minimum pricing for alcohol for improving public health and examines how minimum pricing policies should be applied alongside alcohol taxation measures. It reviews the status of implementation of minimum pricing globally, provides an overview of the most recent evidence behind the policy, addresses its main strengths and limitations and offers practical considerations for countries. determinants of cancer control policy (Eurohealth)This Eurohealth special issue seeks to understand the commercial determinants of cancer control policy. politics of healthy ageing: myths and realitiesResearch from the European Observatory’s Economics of Health and Active Ageing series finds overwhelmingly that population ageing is not a major problem for the sustainability of health care systems or societies. So why is it so often treated as a threat? 11 smallest countries in the Region commit to COVID-19 recovery, health and sustainable tourismMeeting at the 8th high-level meeting of the WHO/Europe Small Countries Initiative, the countries’ health ministers and delegates endorsed a bold vision to drive recovery in the post-COVID-19 era. The 2-day event, held on 2–3 June 2022 in Bečići, Montenegro, saw the ministers and their representatives discuss 2 key issues: how small countries can successfully recover from the pandemic, and how they can place health at the heart of their tourism sectors. begins subregional policy dialogues to fight obesityWHO is starting a series of policy dialogues to fight obesity across the WHO European Region. These subregional events will bring together countries from the Western Balkans, central Asia and other parts of the Region to learn from national experience and find new ways of preventing an obesity epidemic. Training Course on Noncommunicable Diseases: Surveillance, Implementation and EvaluationThe WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) is coordinating a new training course on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which is jointly developed by WHO collaborating centres and partner organizations. The course is developed for early and mid-career professionals working in the field of NCDs, including researchers, policy-makers and postgraduate students. WHO/Europe reports on the contribution of urban planning and management to resilience and health protectionThe WHO/Europe project ‘Protecting environments and health by building urban resilience’ has reviewed evidence, practice and monitoring frameworks on urban resilience to help local authorities and decision-makers reflect on the environment and health dimensions of local preparedness and resilience, and to promote the application of urban planning approaches to establish safe, healthy and sustainable cities. pan-European strategy set to transform primary health care across the RegionWHO/Europe has released its region-wide strategy on primary health care (PHC), setting out a vision to transform PHC over the next years based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The new strategy includes clear, concrete recommendations on how countries can strengthen their PHC systems moving forward. showcases work from across the Region at 75th World Health AssemblyRead the report on the 75th World Health Assembly, as well as the daily updates. do the cultural contexts of waste practices affect health and well-being?By examining evidence from a broad array of disciplines in peer-reviewed and grey literature, as well as case studies from the Region, this report opens up a systematic engagement with the role of culture in waste management practices and how this fosters or undermines conditions for health and well-being. mental health report: Transforming mental health for allOn June 17th, the World Health Organization released its largest review of world mental health since the turn of the century. The World mental health report: transforming mental health for all is designed to inspire and inform better mental health for everyone everywhere. Drawing on the latest evidence available, showcasing examples of good practice from around the world, and voicing people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most needed and how it can best be achieved |
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. |
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