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Published: 23 October 2023

Dear Section members,

We are happy to share the re-election results for the second three year term of section President Ricardo Mexia. Congratulations Ricardo!


Join the network meeting at EPH Conference

For those that have registered for the EPH Conference in Dublin, which is held from 8-11 November, you can meet Ricardo during the section's Join the network meeting on Saturday 11 November from 12:50 – 13:50 in room LIffey Hall 2. We look forward to seeing you there!

Workshops at EPH Conference

The section is involved in three workshops:

Thu 9th 9:00-10:00 in Liffey Hall 2
1.B. - Workshop: Exploring vaccine hesitancy in Europe: understanding complexities and determinants
Thu 9th 15:10-16:10 in Ecocem Room
3.L. - Round table: Vaccine Literacy and vaccination uptake for newly arrived migrants and people living in prisons
EUPH-IDC; Italian National Institute of Health, University of Pisa, Sapienza University of Rome
Thu 9th 16:40-17:40 in Liffey Meeting Room 1
4.C. - Round table: The role of EU bodies and European Health Union policies, and implications for the Pandemic Treaty
More details about the Conference programme can be found here. Click here for the EPH Conference website. If you wish to register, please follow the link here.