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On this page, we provide you with links of the reports published by EUPHA, on behalf of EUPHA, or in collaboration with EUPHA.

  • EUPHA's member survey on public health priorities 2022
    The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) asked its members what they think are the most important priorities in public health in the coming 5 years. According to them, mental health is a top priority in European public health. In addition, lifestyle factors are key as they underly many chronic conditions that are deemed important priorities, such as cancer.
    Explore the results in our infographic.
  • Healthy and Sustainable diets for European countries, published on 20 May 2017
  • EUPHA Report: 2011-1 Environment and health
  • Public health in Europe - the role of EUPHA members. 2011 Master thesis of Syed Rahman, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • EU HPF Answer to Consult on CDs Jan12. European Health Policy Forum's answer to the EU consultation on communicable diseases (link). Dr Iveta Nagyova, president of the EUPHA section on Chronic Diseases, has given ample input on behalf of EUPHA in this answer set up by the European Health Policy Forum.