The European Public Health Association Newsletter - June 2020 |
1. EditorialWelcome to our June newsletter. In this newsletter, we look back on a successful EUPHA Health workforce research conference. Furthermore you will find updates on the World Congress on Public Health, the list of titles from the latest issue of the European Journal of Public Health, and key numbers from the European Public Health Week. Wishing you a wonderful and safe summer and pleasant reading, Dr Iveta Nagyova, EUPHA president and Dr Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA executive director |
2. EUPHA updateCOVID-19 video reports - on EUPHA's YouTube channelCheck out the COVID-19 video reports playlist with 7 short clips on our YouTube channel.
Successful EUPHA Health workforce research section mid-term conferenceOn 18 and 19 June the EUPHA Health workforce research section mid-term conference took place. The future of the health workforce was the theme of this two-day event. Via a livestream, the conference could be followed and there were a total of 180 registered participants. The book of abstracts is published and available online. |
3. European Public Health WeekThanks to you, EUPHW was a great success for the second time, even in the context of a global pandemic.
4. European Public Health Conference16th World Congress on Public Health goes virtual from 12-16 October 2020When the WCPH 2020 actually takes place in October, it is more relevant than ever. As the world confronts the coronavirus, the sharing of knowledge becomes ever more important, and the WCPH 2020 is the place to do it. The congress will feature a dedicated Covid-19 track, covering the latest on the fight against the pandemic, the impact on health systems and the future for public health after the crisis. But we will also focus on other pressing challenges: climate change, food and water supply, poverty and inequalities. The theme of the congress remains unchanged: ‘Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy, and Action’. More news on our website. Public health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action Programme online Plenary speakers Registration |
5. EUPHA members updateFederation for Health launches member channelThe digital platform for members of the Dutch Federation for Health allows members to connect, collaborate and exchanges experiences. newsletter - June 2020Read the June newsletter from the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA). |
7. Call for proposals, job opportunitiesEFPC Executive Board Call for Nominations 2020The European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) is inviting members to submit their interest or to nominate a member to fill a vacancy on its Executive Board. This is a three-year term. EUPHA and EUPHAnxt Fellowship programme for the WCPHEUPHA and EUPHAnxt are looking for 12 enthusiastic individuals who are ready to show initiative in promoting the World Congress on Public Health and in advancing the global public health knowledge.
If you want to submit your application for the Fellowship Programme 2020, click here and fill the form. The deadline is 1 August 2020 (23:59 CEST). |
8. Interesting newsECDC expert discusses the need for public health support"The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is a European agency operating under the European Commission, with the mandate of increasing Member States’ public health preparedness and providing independent scientific guidance on infectious disease prevention and control. Dr Agorista Baka explores the key challenged facing public health support." General Report of Activities 2019 - key achievements and governance: a year in reviewThe General Report of Activities is an annual publication providing a detailed progress report of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) activities over a 12-month period. It catalogues the Centre’s achievements in each area of its annual work programme. The report is a useful information source for all those seeking comprehensive information on the Centre and its work. Public Health in 5 Podcasts1. Environmental Health Chat - This podcast series explores how environmental exposures affect our health. Each episode highlights ways researchers work in partnership with community groups to understand and address environmental health issues. e-Guide for Financing Health Promoting ServicesEuroHealthNet launches an online guide for financing health promoting services. Good health and wellbeing is a value in itself but also arguably our greatest social and economic asset. Relatively few resources however, go into fostering this asset by promoting health and preventing illness across the population. The e-guide encourages health and social planners and policy makers at all levels to address this issue, and to find innovative ways to invest in health and wellbeing. It includes case studies and examples that can provide inspiration, and the latest developments on potential new sources and novel approaches to finance health and social measures that tackle the underlying causes of ill-health and disease. |
9. Upcoming courses and conferences
10. Interesting publicationsStatement on COVID-19 from the European Forum for Primary Care: Reducing the Impacts on Vulnerable GroupsOn behalf of its members and partnering institutions, and based on four focus groups and a two-part survey, the EFPC has prepared a statement on Covid-19. Lancet Migration situational briefs - Global collaboration to advance migration healthThis series of situational and policy briefs summarises key practical and operational aspects of the COVID-19 response in relation to migrants and refugees. They include public health and policy recommendations and perspectives that build on the Lancet Migration Global Statement recommendations to ensure migrants and refugees: have access to healthcare; are included in prevention, preparedness and response; and are part of responsible and transparent public information strategies, during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are intended to be short briefs providing key information on particular migrant and refugee contexts and thematics, rather than fully comprehensive country or regional overviews. cardiac arrest during the COVID-19 pandemic in Paris, France: a population-based, observational study Rethinking the role of the school after COVID-19 COVID-19: long-term effects on the community response to cardiac arrest? Investing in the health of girls and women: a best buy for sustainable developmentThe corona crisis and the need for public health foresight studies Human mobility, climate change, and health: unpacking the connections Prevalence and attributable health burden of chronic respiratory diseases, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Does urbanicity modify the relationship between a polygenic risk score for depression and mental health symptoms? Cross-sectional evidence from the observational HUNT Study in Norway Are we all in this together? Longitudinal assessment of cumulative adversities by socioeconomic position in the first 3 weeks of lockdown in the UKSelf-rated health inequalities in the intersection of gender, social class and regional development in Spain: exploring contributions of material and psychosocial factors are the women? Gender inequalities in COVID-19 research authorship role of alcohol use and drinking patterns in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: a systematic review Health Impact Assessment of the Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy in Wales in response to COVID-19 pandemic Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in the COVID-19 response Realising the Potential of Primary Health Care New edition: Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice (fourth edition)Edited by Ichiro Kawachi, Iain Lang, and Walter Ricciardi
New to this Edition:
11. European Commission newsCoronavirus: Member States agree on an interoperability solution for mobile tracing and warning appsMember States, with the support of the Commission, have agreed on a set of technical specifications to ensure a safe exchange of information between national contact tracing apps based on a decentralised architecture. This concerns the vast majority of tracing apps that were already – or are about to be – launched in the EU. Once the technical solution is deployed, such national apps will work seamlessly when users travel to another EU country which also follows the decentralised approach. Disinformation and misinformation around COVID-19The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) prepared an infographic about fake news on COVID-19. We have to keep in mind that spreading disinformation and misinformation about COVID-19, though not always a criminal offence, has very serious repercussions, endangering public health and directly affecting people’s lives. Vaccines Strategy unveiledOn 17 June, the European Commission presented a European strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing and deployment of vaccines against COVID-19. The strategy proposes a joint EU approach and builds on the mandate received from EU health ministers. Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides said: "This is the EU at its best: pooling resources, joining efforts, bringing tangible results to the everyday lives of people. No one is safe until everyone is safe and we will leave no stones unturned in our efforts to protect EU and global citizens." programme for a healthier and safer UnionThe European Commission has published a proposal for an ambitious and dedicated health programme for the next seven years - ‘EU4Health’. The programme will fill gaps revealed by the COVID-19 crisis to build more resilient health systems and strengthen our common crisis preparedness and response. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said: “EU4Health shows that the EU is ready to support Member States in building more resilient health systems. EU health systems must be prepared for future pandemics, deal effectively with non-communicable diseases”. |
12. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control newsEurosurveillance - Volume 25, Issue 24, 18 June 2020Rapid communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 25, Issue 22, 04 June 2020Rapid communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 25, Issue 23, 11 June 2020Rapid communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 25, Issue 25, 25 June 2020Rapid communication |
13. WHO newsStories of hope as refugees help tackle the COVID-19 pandemicAs many countries in the WHO European Region still struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, refugees and migrants are playing an important part in efforts to fight the coronavirus, supporting health systems and communities with their skills across the Region. story: World Refugee Day - refugees contribute to efforts against COVID-19On World Refugee Day 2020, WHO/Europe highlights the lives, work and societal contributions of refugees and migrants to a united response to a common public health threat: the COVID-19 pandemic. Refugees and migrants play a critical role in societies’ response to COVID-19 and many across the European Region have found ways to contribute, such as working in the health sector – volunteering, supporting vulnerable members of their communities, producing masks and more. websiteVisit WHO Europe's COVID-19 website for daily updates. - COVID-19 chatbotThe chatbot is supported by experts from WHO/Europe and UNICEF ECARO and will provide you with accurate information on COVID-19. It is now available in English, Greek, Italian, Kazakh, Macedonian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. More languages are coming soon. to make health systems more resilient to COVID-19 and other crisesWhy have some health systems coped better than others during the COVID-19 pandemic? Some answers might become clear if we could assess how resilient health systems are in response to crises or shocks, such as the current pandemic and other emergencies, including financial ones, or how well health systems were prepared for such events in the first place. |
This newsletter received co-funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). The content of this newsletter represents the views of the author(s) only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. |
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