The European Public Health Association Newsletter - August 2021 |
1. EditorialWelcome to our after summer update. Over the summer, we clearly noticed the impact of climate change on our world and our health. The flooding in Germany and other countries was one example, the exreme heat in Southern Europe another and the highest temperature ever (30 degrees) in Iceland was yet another example. We hope this newsletter provides you with updated information from EUPHA, the European Commission, ECDC and WHO Europe. Wishing you pleasant reading, Iveta Nagyova, EUPHA president, and Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA executive director |
2. EUPHA updateEUPHA is looking for fellows for the 14th EPH ConferenceWe are currently seeking 12 individuals who are ready to show initiative in promoting the 14th European Public Health Conference and in advancing the public health knowledge in Europe. As a fellow, you will participate in the conference preparatory meeting and co-author a EUPHA track report! Webinar on Public Health, Climate Change, and Strategic Litigation7 October 2021, 13.00-15.00 (London)
Further information: publishes e-collection on Health, Public Health and Health EconomicsElaborated by EUPHA Public Health Economics section, our new e-collection in the European Journal of Public Health explores the complex and fascinating field of public health economics. Editorial: Sustainable financing of European non-governmental organizations (NGOs)In this editorial, EPHA's Director General Milka Sokolovic and EUPHA's Executive Director Dineke Zeegers Paget reflect on the necessity to reinstall operating grants for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in 2022, in order to better support their valuable work. In their experience, operating grants remain the most effective and reliable and source of income for NGOs, whose key challenges are independence, continuity and level playing field. |
Other pre-conferences on current topics as climate change and health, injury prevention, health promotion, migrant health, health care in Germany, public health in Ireland and mental health can be found here. |
4. EUPHA members updatePolish students promote COVID-19 immunization among young peopleInspired by public health research, a group of polish students decided to get vaccinated, and joined -as role models- an online National Health Fund campaign promoting COVID-19 immunization among young people. Volunteering opportunity at the 2021 Congress of the French Society of Public HealthThe French Society of Public Health is looking for french-speaking volunteers to join its communication team during the 2021 Congress (13-15 October). |
5. European Journal of Public HealthAdvance Articles - August 2021 |
6. Call for proposals, job opportunitiesUCL - Lecturer in Global HealthThe focus of this post will be teaching global public health and research methods (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods) to UCL undergraduate and postgraduate. Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus UniversityThe Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University invites applications for one to three positions as full professor in research fields of relevance for the Department of Public Health including research related to Biostatistics, Epidemiology, General Practice, Nursing, Public Health Science, Sports Science, Toxicology or Occupational Medicine. The positions are permanent full-time positions. Read more here. Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Public HealthThe Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor in research fields of relevance for the Department of Public Health including research related to Biostatistics, Epidemiology, General Practice, Nursing, Public Health Science, Sports Science, Toxicology or Occupational Medicine. The position is a fixed-term full-time position with a view to permanent employment as an associate professor. Contact person for those positions: Ole Bækgaard, Nielsen Institutleder - Read more here. |
7. Interesting newsEurostat - Alcohol consumption in the EUFind some up-to-date statistics on alcohol consumption in the EU. For example, did you know that one in twelve adults in the EU consumes alcohol every day? Health Professionals' Education and Training (PET) Policy: Ensuring a Trained Public Health WorkforceWorld Federation of Public Health Associations [PODCAST] Climate disruption and our healthPublic Health on Call by the Bloomberg School of Public Health |
8. Upcoming courses and conferences
9. Interesting publicationsA health systems resilience research agenda: moving from concept to practiceThe BMJ Global Health | Analysis | 5 August 2021 Optimising antimicrobial use in humans - review of current evidence and an interdisciplinary consensus on key priorities for researchThe Lancet Regional Health Europe | Health Policy Profiteering from vaccine inequity: a crime against humanity?The BMJ | Editorial | 16 August 2021 COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and healthJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health | Essay | 19 August 2021 Conflicts of interest: an invisible force shaping health systems and policiesThe Lancet Global Health | Comment | August 2021 The Lancet Heat & Health SeriesIn this two-paper series, the physiological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to individual heat vulnerability, and the megatrends affecting future heat-related morbidity and mortality at the population level, are comprehensively reviewed. between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders: retrospective cohort studyThe British Journal of Psychiatry | 19 August 2021 Mental and physical health problems before and after detention: A matched cohort studyA Dirkzwager et al. Climate action for health and hopeThe BMJ | Editorial | 27 August 2021 |
10. European Commission newsRegister now: Webinar EU4Health Work Programme 2022: targeted stakeholder consultation outcome, 10 September 2021DG SANTE is organising a half-day webinar to explore the outcome of the targeted consultation. The webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on the priorities, strategic orientations and the needs to be addressed through the EU4Health annual work programmes, in particular the 2022 EU4Health Work Programme and beyond. Register here. Coronavirus: EU makes available additional humanitarian funding of €41 million to fight the pandemicThe EU will provide €41 million to help low and middle-income countries facing an unprecedented health, humanitarian and socio-economic crisis as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to persist, combined with the imbalance in the delivery of vaccines. Read more here. Information sessions on the EU4Health ProgrammeOn 13 and 15 July 2021, the European Commission held two information sessions on action grants, public procurement and joint actions selected in the first wave procedure for implementation of the 2021 EU4Health work programme. EU strengthens support to speed up vaccination in the Eastern Partnership regionAs part of the European Union's efforts to support vaccination in partner countries, the Commission today increased from €40 million to €75 million its assistance package to deploy safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines and speed up the vaccination campaigns in the six Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Read more here. Coronavirus: Commission approves new contract for a potential COVID-19 vaccine with NovavaxOn August 4, the European Commission has approved its seventh Advanced Purchase Agreement (APA) with a pharmaceutical company to ensure access to a potential vaccine against COVID-19 in Q4 of 2021 and in 2022. Read more here. Lebanon: EU mobilises €5.5 million for coronavirus responseThe Commission is allocating €5.5 million in humanitarian funding to help strengthen the COVID-19 response in Lebanon. The funding comes as Lebanon faces high infection rates, with the national health system close to collapse as well as low vaccination rates. Read more here. |
11. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control newsECDC: On Air - A podcast on European EpidemiologyGet a peek behind the scenes at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Eurosurveillance - Volume 26, Issue 31, 05 August 2021Rapid Communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 26, Issue 32, 12 August 2021Rapid Communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 26, Issue 33, 19 August 2021Rapid communication Eurosurveillance - Volume 26, Issue 34, 26 August 2021Rapid communication |
12. WHO newsDigital food environments: factsheetFood marketing has taken on new forms in the digital space and many online platforms have introduced marketing of food and drink products in their content.This factsheet highlights the need to regulate the digital environment and harness it to promote healthy and sustainable nutrition options. and COVID-19 - studies from WHO/EuropeTwo new case studies from WHO/Europe look at the response to COVID-19 of some respiratory health services in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Belgium, accompanied by WHO/Europe’s new scientific brief on COVID-19 and asthma. Statement - WHO/Europe: stagnating COVID-19 vaccination uptake requires urgent actionStatement to the press by Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe Read the statement here. Leaders to take stock of health in the European Region at virtual annual meetingStarting on 13 September 2021, health ministers and high-level representatives of partner organizations and civil society from across the WHO European Region will gather online for the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC71). This year’s agenda covers a wide range of health issues including: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, recommendations and conclusions of the report by the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, and the role of primary health care. Read more here. |
This newsletter received co-funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). The content of this newsletter represents the views of the author(s) only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. |
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