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2.2.Building the capacity and knowledge of the individual public health professional by further developing information exchange, joint actions and encouraging a common approach to European public health


2.2.A. Support the development of strong public health and health services research at national and European level

EUPHA pledges to support the development of strong research on public health and health services. The EUPHA sections and the EUPHA Research Pillar take the lead here. EUPHA supports its members to develop a strong research network with national and international partners. Partners include the European Commission, WHO Europe, the European Observatory and ECDC as well as other European NGOs dedicated to research (e.g. EHMA, EuroHealthNet). 

2.2.B. Encourage and further develop information exchange and international capacity and knowledge building

EUPHA is committed to facilitating the best information exchange possible. Apart from using and further developing the existing tools (EJPH, newsletter, EUPHA sections), EUPHA is proactive in capacity and knowledge building by taking initiatives, developing new tools and collaborating with partners. This includes the development of a marketing and communication strategy and partnering with supporting networks, including European NGOs and European institutions.  EUPHA also encourages skills-building activities at the EPH conferences. The Training Pillar and the EUPHA sections take the lead here. 

2.2.C. Focus on the translation of relevant research outcomes into actual policy and practice

EUPHA emphasizes the importance of translation of relevant research outcomes into actual policy and practice. The EUPHA sections and EUPHA pillars as well as the EUPHA members are leading here. Partners include the European Commission, WHO Europe, the European Observatory and EPHA.