Workshops - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Auditorium II
A. Innovating Public Health: From Research to Action and Policy 1.A. - Oral presentations: Public health innovations: insights and impact
Chairperson(s): Silviya Yankulovska (Germany), Sophie Mulcahy Symmons (Ireland)

Innovations in abortion care in France, Germany and the UK following the COVID-19 pandemic
Céline Miani (Germany)

Inequalities in healthy life expectancy and risk factors for poor health in small geographic areas
Nicholas Steel (United Kingdom)

NCD prevention and control in Kenya: feasibility study of health kiosks in markets “HEKIMA Study”
Seeromanie Harding (United Kingdom)

Bridging the gap: mapping co-creation methods for public health impact and innovation
Danielle Agnello (United Kingdom)

Validation of the NEED assessment framework: an EU level Delphi study
Rani Claerman (Belgium)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VII
B. Revolutionizing Public Health and Healthcare: AI and Digital Health Law Centre for Health and Life 1.B. - Round table: Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Health Apps: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Challenges
Chairperson(s): Hannah van Kolfschooten (Netherlands)

James Hazel (Netherlands)

Mahsa Shabani (Netherlands)

Hannah van Kolfschooten (Netherlands)

Vasiliki Rahimzadeh (United States)

Pramiti Parwani (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
C. Health Beyond Borders: Global Health Challenges and Sustainable Solutions EUPHAnxt, EUPHA 1.C. - Round table: Navigating the 17th European Public Health Conference: A Guide for First-Time Attendees
Chairperson(s): Monica Brînzac (EUPHA, EUPHAnxt)

Robert Klarecki (EPH Conference)

Jinane Ghattas (EUPHAnxt)

Wed 13th
Room 3B
D. Equity in Health: Bridging Gaps to Universal Coverage Commonwealth Fund 1.D. - Scientific session: Cross national perspectives: the many faces of health inequities
Chairperson(s): Evan Gumas (United States), Reginald Williams (United States)

The cost of not getting care: income disparities in the affordability of health services across high-income countries
Munira Gunja (United States)

Mapping geographic health disparities in 11 high-income nations
Neil MacKinnon (United States)

Racism in health care: systemic changes and institutional policies to advance health equity
Sidra Khan-Gökkaya (Germany)

Exploring racial inequalities in maternal mental health outcomes
Claire Wilson (United Kingdom)

Inequities faced by those with substance use disorder (SUD)
Zainab Garba-Sani (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 5B
E. Environmental Health: Innovating Policies and Practices 1.E. - Oral presentations: Understanding the health implications of environmental challenges
Chairperson(s): Gerardo Sanchez Martinez (Denmark), Beatriz Morais (United Kingdom)

Burden of disease due to ambient particulate matter pollution in Germany from 2010 to 2021
Dietrich Plass (Germany)

How ambient NO2 impacts the mortality burden of ischemic heart disease in Portugal (2011-2021)?
Marta Clemente (Portugal)

Health burden and costs attributed to the carbon footprint of health systems in the European Union
Jose Chen-Xu (Portugal)

Better together: a program to increase the public health corps in the southeast United States.
Sarah Kershner (United States)

How was the impact of heatwaves on daily hospital admissions in Portugal (2000-2018)?
Ana Margarida Alho (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Room 3A
F. Fostering our habitat: Climate Emergency, Urban Health 1.F. - Pitch presentations: The impact of climate change on health
Chairperson(s): Paul Kavanagh (Ireland), José Durão (Portugal)

Association between gender inequality and climate adaptation across the global
Ana-Catarina Pinho-Gomes (United Kingdom)

High-resolution modeling and projection of heat-related mortality in Germany under climate change
Junyu Wang (Germany)

Development of a heat mortality surveillance approach for England
Imogen Davies (United Kingdom)

The impact of heat events on health care usage due to mental health disorders – a systematic review
Andrea Schmidt (Austria)

Preparing health students for climate change: the impact of an innovative ‘Plan Health Faire’ course
Jérémy Guihenneuc (France)

Clustered not ubiquitous - How is IoT technology contributing to inequitable health outcomes?
Irfhana Zakir Hussain (Canada)

Exploring the relationship between energy poverty and mental wellbeing: a qualitative study
Merel Stevens (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VI
G. Easing the Burden: Responding to the Threat of Chronic Diseases EUPHA-FN, -CHR, WHO/NCDs/I 1.G. - Scientific session: Forecasting dietary habits trends, human and planetary health
Chairperson(s): Saverio Stranges (EUPHA-CHR), Mary Rose Sweeney (EUPHA-FN)

Foresight diet quality: current trends and future problems
Marialaura Bonaccio (EUPHA-FN)

Reducing obesity and overweight: Subregional Policy Dialogues in the WHO European Region
Kremlin Wickramasinghe (Denmark)

Diet Impact Assessment model: an interactive tool for analysing the health, environmental and affordability implications of diets
Marco Springmann (United Kingdom)

The future of nutrition education for health systems capacity building
Giuseppe Grosso (EUPHA-FN)

Wed 13th
Room 3C
H. Transforming Health Systems: Strength, Resilience, Efficacy 1.H. - Oral presentations: Health care systems
Chairperson(s): Mihály Kökény (Hungary), Manuel Badino (Spain)

An analysis into the rise of private healthcare in England by geographical location and time period
Lucy McCannn (United Kingdom)

Evaluating health system resilience testing; what makes this practice successful?
Julia Zimmermann (United Kingdom)

System-wide health needs segmentation: innovating integrated care for complex needs households
Roberta Piroddi (United Kingdom)

Maternal near-miss and mortality associated with being referred: a case control study in Luanda
Maria Castelo (Angola)

Active education for reducing the attainment gap in a public health course in the United Kingdom (UK)
Marjorie Lima do Vale (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 1.09
I. Tackling Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology, Vaccines, Preparedness 1.I. - Oral presentations: Tackling infectious diseases
Chairperson(s): Leonora Weil (United Kingdom), Berend Beishuizen (Netherlands)

Effectiveness of a school- and primary care-based HPV vaccination intervention (the PrevHPV study)
Aurélie Bocquier (France)

Estimated number of COVID-19 deaths averted by vaccination in Belgium
Veerle Stouten (Belgium)

How have respiratory tract infections changed in the post-covid era for children under 5 years?
Kimberley Foley (United Kingdom)

Vaccine conspiracy beliefs are the main determinant of adult vaccine hesitancy
Mariusz Duplaga (Poland)

Mother-to-child Transmission using the National HBV Perinatal Prevention Data in Korea, 2002-2021
Moran Ki (Korea, South)

Wed 13th
Room 5A
K. Empower and Educate: The Future of Health Literacy and Promotion EUPHA-HL, -HSR 1.K. - Scientific session: Health literacy of children and adolescents across Europe
Chairperson(s): Jany Rademakers (Netherlands), Orkan Okan (EUPHA-HL)

The influence of health literacy on health outcomes and behaviors in fourth-graders in Germany
Torsten Michael Bollweg (Germany)

First insights in children’s health literacy in the Netherlands–results in a sample of 8-11 year olds
Jany Rademakers (Netherlands)

Involving children in health literacy research
Catherine Jenkins (EUPHA-HL)

Health literacy challenges of young adults with rheumatic diseased in the transition to adult care
Mark Matthijs Bakker (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VIII
L. Health Policies: Engaging in Public Debates and Decision-Making Pavia Uni SPH, EUPHA-HA, -ECO, -DH 1.L. - Scientific session: Public Health data in support of healthy ageing policies
Chairperson(s): Anna Odone (EUPHA-DHAI -IDC), Zoltán Ungvári (EUPHA-HA)

Administrative data for public health: a regional data warehouse applied to dementia epidemiology
Timo Clemens (Netherlands)

Who are the superheroes? A cross-sectional study on the determinants of healthy ageing
Giansanto Mosconi (Italy)

Impact of the transition to retirement on alcohol consumption: a longitudinal analysis within SHARE
Giacomo Pietro Vigezzi (Italy)

Licia Iacoviello (Italy)

João Vasco Santos (EUPHA-ECO)

Wed 13th
Room 5C
M. Mental Health Matters: Advancements in Public Mental Health Defactum - PH Research 1.M. - Scientific session: Young and lonely – exploring experiences, challenges, and potential solutions
Chairperson(s): Julie Christiansen (Denmark), Anne Friis Bo (Denmark)

Considerations for coping with loneliness from the perspective of young people
Lily Verity (United Kingdom)

Challenges and possibilities in adolescent loneliness interventions
Mathias Lasgaard (Denmark)

Interventions to reduce loneliness in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Lauren Burke (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Auditorium III
N. Caring for Our Next Generation: Equitable Health from Childhood to Adulthood EUPHA-INJ, -CAPH, EuroSafe/IDB network 1.N. - Scientific session: Child injuries monitoring and reporting: Challenges and technological developments
Chairperson(s): Maria Papadakaki (EUPHA-INJ), Julia Dratva (EUPHA-CAPH)

Preventing unintentional injuries due to home and leisure time accidents in children: the parents’ beliefs matters (CHILD Vigilance project - CHIVI)
Tatiana Alves (Portugal)

Machine Learning Approach to Injury Monitoring in Children and Adolescents
Sonja Feer (Switzerland)

Long-term disability following childhood injury: an imperative to monitor and address the continuum of trauma care
Shanthi Ameratunga (New Zealand)

Home and leisure accidents among children and young people up to 19 years old as an event observed in the EU-IDB surveillance system: 2012-2021 data
Tatiana Alves (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Auditorium IV
O. Inclusive Health: Addressing the Needs of Migrants, LGBTI, and Minorities EUPHA-SGMH 1.O. - Scientific session: Trans & Gender-Diverse Individuals’ Mental & Behavioral Health Risks & Intervention Needs
Chairperson(s): Arjan van der Star (EUPHA-SGMH), Lovro Markovic (EUPHA-SGMH)

Gender identity differences in age of first mental health diagnosis: A population-based study of childhood and adolescence
Richard Bränström (Sweden)

Disparities in Mental Health and the Social Determinants of Health Among Privately Insured Transgender Patients in the United States
Gilbert Gonzales (United States)

Self-determination and self-affirmative paths of trans* and gender diverse people in Portugal: Diverse identities and healthcare
Carla Moleiro (Portugal)

Development of a first intervention for tobacco cessation for sexual and gender minority individuals in Romania
Corina Lelutiu-Weinberger (United States)

Wed 13th
Room 1.13
P. Data-Driven: Assessments for Informed Policy-Making and Foresight SPAC 1.P. - Round table: How could a perfect monitoring and response system look like?
Chairperson(s): Joana Gonçalves-Sá (Portugal), Ana Bento (United States)

Joana Gonçalves-Sá (Portugal)

Ana Bento (United States)

Daniela Paolotti (Italy)

André Peralta-Santos (Portugal)

André Peralta-Santos (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Room 1.15
Q. Building Capacity: Learning and Ethics for the Health Workforce Observatory, WHO ECPHC, WHO CCHWPP, EUPHA-HCW 1.Q. - Round table: Primary healthcare workforce crisis in Europe: global policy discourse and national implementation
Chairperson(s): Michelle Falkenbach (EUPHA-HCW), Ellen Kuhlmann (EUPHA-HCW)

The primary healthcare workforce crisis: a comparative assessment of the European region
Ellen Kuhlmann (EUPHA-HCW)

Tiago Correia (EUPHA-HCW)

Viola Burau (Denmark)

Marius-Ionuț Ungureanu (EUPHA-HCW)

Anna Sagan (Kazakhstan)

Poster walks - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 1.08
1.R. - Poster walk: Public health policy and politics
Chairperson(s): Sofia Ribeiro (EUPHA-PHPP), Anna Romanova (Switzerland)

1.R.1 - Social Cohesion in Different Periods of the Pandemic: What Works in Reducing COVID-19 Mortality
Ying-Chih Chuang (Taiwan)

1.R.2 - 15 years of the Colorrectal Cancer Screening Programme. Decreasing inequalities
Isabel Idigoras Rubio (Spain)

1.R.3 - About the need for a Swiss digital health 'Sistine Chapel' – lessons from 25 years of health policy
Federica Zavattaro (Switzerland)

1.R.5 - Changing the environment: Removing HFSS items in prominent areas of stores in Nottinghamshire
Olivia Brown (United Kingdom)

1.R.6 - Tobacco Industry CSR activities in Poland between 2020-2023
Paulina Dera (Poland)

1.R.7 - Steering Through Adversity: Norway's Strategic Approach to Secure Wellbeing in Times of Trouble
Ragnhild Bang Nes (Norway)

1.R.8 - Review of national rare disease strategies: innovation driving change
Valerie Power (Ireland)

1.R.9 - Strengthening public health professionals in policymaking in the Eastern WHO European region
Julian Hein (Germany)

1.R.10 - Scientific policy advice during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic – a comparison of 25 democratic countries
Theresa Dicks (Germany)

1.R.11 - Factors for sustainable cross-sector collaboration for health equity: a Dutch qualitative study
Celeste Coolen (Netherlands)

1.R.13 - The impact of tobacco retailers density reduction on smoking status of Belgian adults
Sarah Croes (Belgium)

1.R.15 - Decision-making under pressure: ethical considerations in COVID-19 policy making in Switzerland
Caroline Brall (Switzerland)

1.R.16 - Heterogeneous courses of cardiovascular disease incidence in Europe 2000-2019 – what are the causes?
Susanne Stolpe (Germany)

Wed 13th
Room 1.06
1.S. - Poster walk: Health workforce, education and training
Chairperson(s): Ileana Prejbeanu (Romania), Cara Gates (United Kingdom)

1.S.1 - Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Italian general practitioners on food supplements
Diana Menis (Italy)

1.S.2 - A Delphi method approach to consensus-based translation of 'Second Victim' definition into German
Hannah Roesner (Germany)

1.S.3 - Does staffing impact health and work conditions of staff in long-term care homes?: a scoping review
Michaella Miller (Canada)

1.S.5 - Assessment of adults’ misconceptions for Human papilloma virus through development of an instrument
Selva Dilan Golbasi Koc (Türkiye)

1.S.7 - Ready or not? The state of emergency preparedness among Italian Public Health medical residents
Nunzio Zotti (Italy)

1.S.8 - Medical deserts in Europe - root causes and approaches to mitigate their negative effects
Alicja Domagała (Poland)

1.S.10 - How do palliative care clinicians use their emotions during end-of-life encounters?
Katrien Moens (Switzerland)

1.S.11 - Incentives to attract and retain physicians to underserved areas - a case study from Portugal
Sara Alidina (Portugal)

1.S.12 - Strengthening the quality of primary healthcare services and interdisciplinary collaboration
Cecilie Nørby Lyhne (Denmark)

1.S.13 - Interaction between alcohol intake and employment status changes on mortality among young workers
Heejoo Park (Korea, South)

1.S.14 - Future proof competencies for nurses working in primary care; a mixed methods study
Renate Wit (Netherlands)

1.S.16 - Let’s Get Walking: Establishing Workplace Walking Groups in a regional Public Health Department.
Ciara Kelly (Ireland)

Workshops - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha TCDhpm 1.X.1. - Scientific session: Achieving universal health coverage: international lessons from Irish policy implementation
Chairperson(s): Martin McKee (EUPHA), Zeynep Or (France)

Co-producing research on universal health system reform in the context of COVID-19
Paul Kavanagh (Ireland)

How to not revert to type: learnings from the pandemic response for universal health system reform
Sarah Parker (Ireland)

The role of governance in shaping health system reform: a case study of the design and implementation of new health regions in Ireland, 2018–2023
Carlos Bruen (Ireland)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha Bielefeld Uni AG 2, Bielefeld Uni SPH, Circle U. EUA, Uni Pisa Dep RNTMS 1.Y.1. - Scientific session: Navigating choppy water for global health competencies, education and innovation in Europe
Chairperson(s): Lara Tavoschi (Italy), Victoria Saint (Germany)

Henrique Barros (Portugal)

Victoria Saint (Germany)

Francisco Mboufana (Mozambique)

Mariam Sbaiti (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha Observatory 1.X.2. - Scientific session: Reducing inequalities in access to care in Europe: achieving universal health coverage and more
Chairperson(s): Ewout Van Ginneken (Germany)

Erica Richardson (United Kingdom)

Cristina Hernandez Quevedo (United Kingdom)

Yulia Litvinova (Germany)

Gemma Williams (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha EUPHA-ENV, -CAPH, -PMH, INCHES 1.Y.2. - Scientific session: Children’s mental health problems explode. Can exposome research offer a solution?
Chairperson(s): Marija Jevtic (EUPHA-ENV), Peter Van Den Hazel (EUPHA-ENV)

Karin Boode (Netherlands)

Youth mental health and exposome
Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

Peter Van Den Hazel (EUPHA-ENV)

Wed 13th
Auditorium II
A. Innovating Public Health: From Research to Action and Policy KCL PI 2.A. - Practice session: Policy labs: getting public health research into policy and practice
Chairperson(s): Harriet Boulding (United Kingdom), Tianne Haggar (United Kingdom)

Introducing the Policy Lab Method
Alexandra Pollitt (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VII
B. Revolutionizing Public Health and Healthcare: AI and Digital Health NIVEL, UNICATT, Copenhagen Uni 2.B. - Scientific session: Learning from intercountry comparisons in digital healthcare transition monitoring
Chairperson(s): Gemma Williams (United Kingdom)

Monitoring the digital healthcare transition in the Netherlands: Challenges, achievements and future
Jelle Keuper (Netherlands)

Monitoring the digital healthcare transition in Italy: Initiatives, metrics and feedback from Primary Care Physicians
Fidelia Cascini (Italy)

Monitoring the digital healthcare transition in Denmark: Challenges, achievements and future
Karsten Vrangbaek (Denmark)

Wed 13th
C. Health Beyond Borders: Global Health Challenges and Sustainable Solutions EUPHA-GH, -LAW, -IDC 2.C. - Round table: A Pandemic Treaty to deliver global health equity: negotiating under a ticking clock
Chairperson(s): Elena Petelos (EUPHA-GH, -HTA), Amandine Garde (EUPHA-LAW)

Sujitha Subramanian (United Kingdom)

Dimitra Lingri (Belgium)

Debjani Muller (Canada)

Ricardo Mexia (EUPHA-IDC)

Bettina Borisch (Switzerland)

Wed 13th
Room 3B
D. Equity in Health: Bridging Gaps to Universal Coverage 2.D. - Pitch presentations: Health equity and ethics
Chairperson(s): Els Maeckelberghe (EUPHA-ETH), Nisha Kini (Germany)

Accessibility of digital healthcare in 2023: insights from a Dutch national survey study
Lilian Van Tuyl (Netherlands)

Territorial health inequalities in breast cancer mortality across France from 1968 to 2017
Cinthya Ayerim Lucio Garcia (France)

Did social inequalities in child development change during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany?
Stephanie Hoffmann (Germany)

Socioeconomic inequalities in avoidable mortality: results from the Italian nationwide cohort
Alessio Petrelli (Italy)

Are health inequalities decreasing in Sweden?
Karin Engström (Sweden)

Inequities in child health in Luxembourg
Till Seuring (Luxembourg)

Research ethics implications in the development of personalised therapy for pediatric SIRS patients
Silviya Yankulovska (Germany)

Issues of social justice in the development of personalised therapy for paediatric SIRS patients
Silviya Yankulovska (Germany)

Wed 13th
Room 5B
E. Environmental Health: Innovating Policies and Practices Ecorys, EUPHA-PHPP, -ENV 2.E. - Round table: Building climate resilient health systems in the EU
Chairperson(s): Rana Orhan Pees (EUPHA-PHPP), Lisbeth Hall (Netherlands)

Chiara Cadeddu (Netherlands)

Aleksandra Kazmierczak (Denmark)

Andrea Schmidt (Austria)

Juliette Mattijsen (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Room 3A
F. Fostering our habitat: Climate Emergency, Urban Health EUPHA-URB, -PMH, -ENV 2.F. - Scientific session: Challenges in healthcare architectures
Chairperson(s): Stefano Capolongo (EUPHA-URB), Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

Hospital design and planning in the line of foresight of health needs.
Marija Jevtic (EUPHA-ENV)

Sustainability in the Next Generation Hospital. Needs and Requirements collection from healthcare infrastructures supply chain stakeholders with One Health approach.
Andrea Brambilla (Italy)

Digital health spaces in the city of Lisbon. The role of digitalization in linking boundaryless hospitals and smart health cities.
Luís Lapão (Portugal)

Building bridges: mobile mental health care units in four European countries.
Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VI
G. Easing the Burden: Responding to the Threat of Chronic Diseases RKI, Africa CDC, WHO EURO 2.G. - Practice session: Africa and Europe: peer-to-peer HIS assessments for NCD, mental health and injuries surveillance
Chairperson(s): Angela Fehr (Germany), Marieke Verschuuren (WHO EURO)

The Africa CDC Guidance for Strengthening NCDI-MH Surveillance Systems: The role of HIS assessments
Adelard Kakunze (Ethiopia)

Health information system assessments: Opportunities for international collaboration
Neville Calleja (Malta)

Wed 13th
Room 3C
H. Transforming Health Systems: Strength, Resilience, Efficacy WHO EURO, Observatory 2.H. - Round table: Health system description and comparison: lessons from the WHO/Observatory Insights series
Chairperson(s): Bernd Rechel (European Observatory), Natasha Azzopardi Muscat (WHO EURO)

Ruth Waitzberg (Germany)

Yerbol Spatayev (Kazakhstan)

Simona Atanasova (Republic of North Macedonia)

Tomas Zapata (WHO EURO)

Wed 13th
Room 1.09
I. Tackling Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology, Vaccines, Preparedness Pavia Uni SPH, EUPHA-IDC, -DH 2.I. - Scientific session: Addressing vaccine hesitancy: from understanding determinants to implementing targeted strategies
Chairperson(s): Anna Odone (EUPHA-DHAI -IDC), Roberta Siliquini (Italy)

The EU project VAXaction: tacking effectively vaccine hesitancy in Europe
Flavia Pennisi (Italy)

Advancing immunisation information systems: a proposal for the “unvaccinated registry”
Elena Maggioni Maggioni (Italy)

The evolution of vaccine mandates: from historical perspectives to contemporary applications
Giacomo Pietro Vigezzi (Italy)

Carlo Signorelli (Italy)

Maria Gańczak (EUPHA-IDC)

Wed 13th
Room 5A
K. Empower and Educate: The Future of Health Literacy and Promotion ICC of M-POHL, Aarhus Uni, SDCS, EUPHA-HL, -HCW, WHO EURO 2.K. - Scientific session: Promoting organizational health literacy in healthcare organizations and beyond in Europe
Chairperson(s): Diane Levin-Zamir (Israel), Christa Straßmayr (Austria)

OHL-ALL: a theory-informed and practice-orientated organizational health literacy equity approach
Peter Bindslev Iversen (Denmark)

Organizational health literacy in hospitals and primary health care - developing innovative tools
Hanne Søberg Finbråten (Norway)

Organizational health literacy strength and learning opportunities in Italian hospitals
Chiara Lorini (Italy)

An action plan to improve organizational health literacy in hospitals in the Czech Republic
Alena Šteflová (Czechia)

Organizational health literacy responsiveness in community pharmacies in Serbia
Dušanka Krajnović (Serbia)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VIII
L. Health Policies: Engaging in Public Debates and Decision-Making TU Berlin, Observatory 2.L. - Round table: Monitoring health reforms to inform policy innovation: the Health Systems and Policies Monitor
Chairperson(s): Katherine Polin (Germany), Ewout Van Ginneken (Germany)

Reinhard Busse (Germany)

Ines Fronteira (Portugal)

Iwona Kowalska-Bobko (Poland)

Isabel de La Mata (European Commission - DG Sante)

Kerstin Vesna Petric (Slovenia)

Wed 13th
Room 5C
M. Mental Health Matters: Advancements in Public Mental Health EUPHA-ECO 2.M. - Scientific session: Economics of Mental Health in the interplay between health systems and public health
Chairperson(s): João Vasco Santos (EUPHA-ECO), Vanessa Gorasso (EUPHA-ECO)

The economics of mental ill-health in the EU/EEA
Michele Cecchini (France)

Estimating the economic burden of mental and substance use disorders in Belgium
Masja Schmidt (Belgium)

Social Inequalities in mental health service use and perceived helpfulness: A global analysis across 111 countries
Christoph Henking (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Auditorium III
N. Caring for Our Next Generation: Equitable Health from Childhood to Adulthood 2.N. - Oral presentations: Improving physical and mental health outcomes
Chairperson(s): Raffaele Palladino (United Kingdom), Hans-Peter Wiesinger (Austria)

Can a Universal Mindfulness Programme Improve Well-Being in Adolescents?
Jemina Qvick (Finland)

Predictors of high blood pressure in children from 6 to 11 years: The PREDI cohort study
Marco Mastroeni (Brazil)

How does family support mitigate the impact of childhood adversity on adolescent mental health?
Nicholas Kofi Adjei (United Kingdom)

Land of Shadow: Perceived maternal self-efficacy
Elena Capitani (Italy)

Intergenerational Transmission of Overweight and Obesity among Preschool Children in Sweden
Marie Lindkvist (Sweden)

Wed 13th
Auditorium IV
O. Inclusive Health: Addressing the Needs of Migrants, LGBTI, and Minorities 2.O. - Oral presentations: Mental health of migrant populations
Chairperson(s): Charles Agyemang (EUPHA-MIG), Sophie Jooren (Netherlands)

Labour migration and mental health of left-behind children in Georgia: a mixed methods study
Khatia Antia (Germany)

Cross-cutting integration of equity and diversity lens in public health: a novel approach of JACARDI
Benedetta Armocida (Italy)

Post-partum depression according to women’s migration profile, a nationwide study in France
Elie Azria (France)

Increasing inequalities in mortality among individuals with a foreign background in Sweden.
Alexander Miething (Sweden)

Unmet healthcare needs in migrant population in Finland: comparative analysis between 2014 and 2022.
Hannamaria Kuusio (Finland)

Wed 13th
Room 1.13
P. Data-Driven: Assessments for Informed Policy-Making and Foresight EC JRC; EC DG-SANTE, EUPHA-HIA, -EPI, -PHPP, -ENV, -ECO, -FS 2.P. - Scientific session: Improving health impact assessment in the context of EU policy cycle
Chairperson(s): Piedad Martin-Olmedo (EUPHA-HIA), Stefania Boccia (EUPHA-EPI)

Health impacts methodology in the European Commission
Vitus-Cornelius Van Rij (Belgium)

Applying knowledge translation for an effective use of Burden of Disease
Henk Hilderink (EUPHA-FS)

Role of epidemiology in the EU policy formulation of chemicals
Eleonora Chinchio (Italy)

Marleen Bekker (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Room 1.15
Q. Building Capacity: Learning and Ethics for the Health Workforce EUPHA 2.Q. - Skills building seminar: Publishing and disseminating your research: How to get published, and what then?
Chairperson(s): Monica Brînzac (EUPHA, EUPHAnxt)

Peter Allebeck (EUPHA)

Rachel Moriarty (United Kingdom)

Poster walks - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 1.08
2.R. - Poster walk: Health care services and systems
Chairperson(s): Lorena Dini (EUPHA-HSR), Renate Wit (Netherlands)

2.R.1 - Achieving integrated care through clusters of co-occurring diseases for people with multimorbidity
Thomas Beaney (United Kingdom)

2.R.2 - How common is emergency department as a death place in Portugal and who is more likely to die there?
Beatriz Sanguedo (Portugal)

2.R.3 - The Effect of Multidisciplinary Care on Polypharmacy in Advanced Cancer Patients near the End of Life
Yun-Yi Chen (Taiwan)

2.R.4 - Performance and trend of core measures among oral cancer patients: A population-based cohort study
Yun-Yi Chen (Taiwan)

2.R.5 - Patient and healthcare provider perspectives on a digital first general practice: mixed-method study
Anke Versluis (Netherlands)

2.R.7 - Impact of bundled payments on healthcare use and costs for cardiovascular diseases in the Netherlands
Jesper Dros (Netherlands)

2.R.9 - Ethical Dilemmas in Home Palliative Care
Gila Yakov (Israel)

2.R.10 - Scoping the EU's health impact in the Southern Neighbourhood: Building resilience and trust
Majd Alshoufi (Netherlands)

2.R.11 - The effect of team-model on healthcare usage and treatment levels among people with type 2 diabetes
Marja-Leena Lamidi (Finland)

2.R.12 - Pharmacist care for hypertension management among patients with diabetes: a systematic review
Viktoria Gastens (Switzerland)

2.R.13 - Standardizing Primary Health Care in Italy: Operational Guidelines for Community Health Houses
Alice Borghini (Italy)

2.R.14 - Governance and health system reform: a case study of new health regions in Ireland, 2018-2023
Carlos Bruen (Ireland)

2.R.15 - Alarm fatigue and sleep quality in healthcare workers
Lukasz Rypicz (Poland)

2.R.16 - Public trust in national electronic health record systems: A scoping review of qualitative studies
Kimon Papadopoulos (Switzerland)

Wed 13th
Room 1.06
2.S. - Poster walk: Food, nutrition and diet
Chairperson(s): Christopher Birt (United Kingdom), Astghik Atanyan (Armenia)

2.S.2 - Levels of adherence to the Planetary Health Diet of current diets in Italian adults
Giuseppe Grosso (EUPHA-FN)

2.S.3 - Establishing a healthy and sustainable diet in diabetes management: a social marketing approach
Rogerio Ribeiro (Portugal)

2.S.4 - Predicting Obesity via Deep Learning: The Role of Chrononutrition
Luigi Palla (Italy)

2.S.5 - Effectiveness of pictorial-warning intervention to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened-beverages
Kumar Mishra (India)

2.S.6 - Association between bisphenol A exposure and cardiometabolic outcomes: a longitudinal approach
Sofia Almeida Costa (Portugal)

2.S.7 - Dietary inflammatory potential: a comprehensive approach to the inclusion of flavonoids
Sofia Almeida Costa (Portugal)

2.S.8 - Correlates of food insecurity among university students in a low socioeconomic area
Henri Dehove (France)

2.S.9 - A Review of Lifestyle Interventions in Weight Loss Programs for Community-Based Psychiatric Patients
Giulia Picardo (Italy)

2.S.10 - Veggies4myHeart – educational project to promote vegetable knowledge and consumption in preschoolers
Sara Simões Dias (Portugal)

2.S.12 - Potential reformulation of food products two years after implementation of Nutri-Score in Belgium
Maria Salve Vasquez (Belgium)

2.S.14 - Consumption of low-calorie sweetened products and intakes of free sugar and energy among UK adults
Mathuramat Seesen (United Kingdom)

2.S.15 - PASS-IPL: health and sustainable food program a key for university health promotion
Rute Borrego (Portugal)

2.S.16 - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lifestyle’s behaviours of school-aged children in Portugal
Ana Rito (Portugal)

Workshops - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha EUPHA-CHR, Western Uni Canada 2.X.1. - Sleep Health Disparities across the life-course: from research to public health policy
Chairperson(s): Saverio Stranges (EUPHA-CHR), Dayna Johnson (United States)

Sleep health across the life cycle: an unmet and neglected public health priority
Saverio Stranges (EUPHA-CHR)

Social and environmental determinants of sleep health disparities
Dayna Johnson (United States)

A call to action about promoting healthy sleep among children 
Elizabeth Keys (Canada)

Strategies to address common sleep disorders among middle-aged and older adults
Tetyana Kendzerska (Canada)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha ICPHR, EUPHA-MIG 2.Y.1. - Scientific session: Communication in participatory health research with refugees and migrants
Chairperson(s): Bernadette Kumar (EUPHA-MIG), Ana Gama (Portugal)

Ana Gama (Portugal)

Anne MacFarlane (Ireland)

Jeremy Auerbach (Ireland)

Naseem Tayebi (Germany)

Ana Gama (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha PopHealthLab - Fribourg Uni Switzerland, Western Uni Canada, EUPHA-CHR 2.X.2. - Scientific session: Cancer Screening Across the Life Course and Surveillance Bias
Chairperson(s): Arnaud Chiolero (Switzerland), Saverio Stranges (EUPHA-CHR)

Cancer prevention over the life course
Arnaud Chiolero (Switzerland)

Monitoring inequities using routine administrative data: a case study of cancer screening in Ontario, Canada
Saverio Stranges (EUPHA-CHR)

Socioeconomic drivers of low value screening
Frerik Smit (Australia)

Cancer screening and surveillance bias
Stefano Tancredi (Switzerland)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha GHTM/IHMT, WHO HWPP 2.Y.2. - Scientific session: International Health Regulations – role on disease control and global challenges
Chairperson(s): Rita Sá Machado (Portugal), Carina Silva (Portugal)

Implementation of the international health regulations – global challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic
Rafael Vasconcelos (Portugal)

International Health Regulations’ role in zoonosis prevention, and intersection with travel medicine
Júlia Martinho (Portugal)

Strengthening Global Health Security: The Role of the International Health Regulations in Monitoring and Controlling Vector-Borne Diseases
Inês Subtil (Portugal)

The IHR Journey: Past Lessons and Future Directions
Tiago Correia (EUPHA-HCW)

Wed 13th
Auditorium I
EPH Conference OC - Opening Ceremony: Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation

Moderator: Ricardo Mexia, Chair of the 17th EPH Conference 2024

Speaker: Sara Cerdas, Former Member of the European Parliament 2019-2024, Portugal


The Opening Ceremony is live streamed to Auditoriums VI, VII and VIII.

Lunch symposiums - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Auditorium VIII
EUPHA EUPHA - Everything you want to know about EUPHA

Iveta Nagyova, President EUPHA

Tit Albreht, President-elect EUPHA

Charlotte Marchandise, EUPHA Executive Director

Check out the programme here.

Wed 13th
Auditorium VI
GSK GSK - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) burden in older adults and the potential role of prevention in strengthening European healthcare systems

Click here for more information.

The programme can be downloaded here.

Join the network meetings - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Auditorium II
EUPHAnxt JTN1 - EUPHAnxt - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3A
EUPHA-PHPP JTN2 - Public health policy and politics - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3B
EUPHA-HSR JTN3 - Health services research - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3C
EUPHA-PHMR JTN4 - Public health monitoring and reporting - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 5A
EUPHA-PHG JTN5 - Public health genomics - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 5B
EUPHA-ECO JTN6 - Public health economics - Join the network

Lunch symposiums - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Auditorium VII
WHO EURO NCDS - Commercial determinants of NCDs in the WHO European Region: A call to action

Click here for more information.

Join the network meetings - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 5A
EUPHA-INJ JTN10 - Injury prevention and safety promotion - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3A
EUPHA-HIA JTN7 - Health impact assessment - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3B
EUPHA-IDC JTN8 - Infectious diseases control - Join the network
Wed 13th
Room 3C
EUPHA-ETH JTN9 - Ethics in public health - Join the network

Plenary session - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Auditorium I
WHO EURO, Observatory PL1 - Plenary 1: Artificial Intelligence in public health

Check out for more information here.
The plenary session is live streamed to Auditoriums VI, VII and VIII.


  • Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Dimitra Panteli, Programme Manager/Senior Health Systems Analyst, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies



  • Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
  • Katharina Ladewig, Director, Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Research, Robert Koch Institute, Germany
  • Marco Marsella, Director Digital, EU4Health and Health systems modernisation, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission
  • Keyrellous Adib, Technical Officer Data Science and Digital Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Wed 13th
Auditorium II
A. Innovating Public Health: From Research to Action and Policy EUPHA-ECO, EBoDN, OECD 3.A. - Round table: Towards a research agenda for burden of disease studies
Chairperson(s): Vanessa Gorasso (EUPHA-ECO), João Vasco Santos (EUPHA-ECO)

Improving transparency: Development of reporting guidelines for burden of disease studies
Brecht Devleesschauwer (Belgium)

Refining current methods: Including comorbidity adjustment in burden of disease estimates
Michael Porst (Germany)

Working on new applications: Use of economic evaluation in burden of disease estimates
Michele Cecchini (France)

Working on new topics: Estimation of the burden of zoonotic diseases
Carlotta di Bari (Belgium)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VII
B. Revolutionizing Public Health and Healthcare: AI and Digital Health ASPHER, DiPH Taskforce, LSC DiPH 3.B. - Scientific session: Why do we need clear understanding of digital public health interventions?
Chairperson(s): Laura Maaß (Germany), Mariusz Duplaga (Poland)

A long journey from telemedicine to digital (public) health: the vision of different stakeholders
Mariusz Duplaga (Poland)

Same term, but unequal understanding: differences in digital public health intervention features
Laura Maaß (Germany)

Navigating the complexity of User Engagement: need for normative evaluations in digital interventions
Maham Saleem (Germany)

Digital Public Health and Digital Health: twins or Neighbors? A data protection perspective
Anabelle Macedo Silva (Brazil)

Wed 13th
C. Health Beyond Borders: Global Health Challenges and Sustainable Solutions 3.C. - Pitch presentations: AMR and other health threats
Chairperson(s): Marta Lomazzi (Switzerland), Treisy Malory Villegas Gomez (Sweden)

Risks of high temperature exposure on infectious diseases in Portuguese hospitals
Ana Margarida Alho (Portugal)

Integrating SDGs, One Health and transdisciplinarity into AMR Education Strategies
Avis Anya Nowbuth (Norway)

National early warning systems for emerging AMR in high-income countries: a systematic review
Jessica Iera (Italy)

How to analyze multistakeholder collaboration for infectious disease outbreaks: a scoping review
Tomris Cesuroglu (Netherlands)

Autochthonous dengue outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: enhanced surveillance and vector control measures
Giuditta Scardina (Italy)

Impact of organisational injustice on health and wellbeing of female police: A meta-ethnography
Mahnoz Illias (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 3B
D. Equity in Health: Bridging Gaps to Universal Coverage EUPHA-HL, -HP, -GH, -DH, -ETH, IUHPE WG on HL, WHO M-POHL 3.D. - Round table: Improving equity in health: Understanding and responding to health literacy as a social determinant
Chairperson(s): Don Nutbeam (Australia), Orkan Okan (EUPHA-HL)

Gill Rowlands (United Kingdom)

Stephan Van den Broucke (Belgium)

Ana Rita Pedro (Portugal)

Christina Dietscher (Austria)

Susie Sykes (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 5B
E. Environmental Health: Innovating Policies and Practices EUPHA-HIA, INPHET, EUPHA-ENV, -PHMR 3.E. - Scientific session: Environmental Health Tracking Systems: a tool for planetary health
Chairperson(s): Piedad Martin-Olmedo (EUPHA-HIA), Peter Van Den Hazel (EUPHA-ENV)

The INPHET- a global approach to Environmental Public Health Tracking
Fuyuen Yip (United States)

Environmental Public Health Tracking in England- support for Health Impact Assessments
Ariana Zeka (United Kingdom)

EHT and environmental justice at EPA Victoria: Aspirations and regulatory realities
Timothy Chaston (Australia)

Hanna Tolonen (EUPHA-PHMR)

Wed 13th
Room 3A
F. Fostering our habitat: Climate Emergency, Urban Health Aletta Jacobs SPH, ASPHER, EUPHA-ENV, -GH, -HIA, -LAW, FPH, GCCHE 3.F. - Round table: Legal action & capacity building: essential for climate action to protect and promote public health
Chairperson(s): Laurent Chambaud (France), Mary Codd (Ireland)

David Patterson (Netherlands)

Farhang Tahzib (EUPHA-ETH)

Liz Green (United Kingdom)

Ana-Catarina Pinho-Gomes (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VI
G. Easing the Burden: Responding to the Threat of Chronic Diseases WHO EURO, EUPHA, JA PreventNCD 3.G. - Scientific session: Making WHO European Region the Healthiest Online Environment for children: Restrict harmful marketing
Chairperson(s): Kremlin Wickramasinghe (Denmark), Amandine Garde (EUPHA-LAW)

Innovative tools from WHO Europe to protect children from digital marketing of unhealthy products
Olga Zhiteneva (Denmark)

Collaborative efforts of the Joint Action PreventNCD and the WHO Europe to protect children from harmful marketing
Maria Joao Gregorio (Portugal)

Leveraging Behavioural Insights to Create Healthier Online Environment for Children
Iveta Nagyova (EUPHA)

Amandine Garde (EUPHA-LAW)

Wed 13th
Room 3C
H. Transforming Health Systems: Strength, Resilience, Efficacy THCS, EUPHA-HSR, -HTA 3.H. - Scientific session: Advancing Health and Care System Transformation with the THCS Partnership
Chairperson(s): Ilmo Keskimäki (Finland), Chiara de Waure (EUPHA-HTA)

Reviewing and assessing emerging trends and needs for research, development and innovation (RDI) and capacity building in a short, medium and long-term perspective
Ruth Baron (Netherlands)

Enhancing policy impact: Bridging evidence to action
Cécile Fragny (France)

Facilitating the transfer and implementation of practices across health and care systems
Juha Koivisto (Finland)

Strengthening ecosystems
Juha Teperi (Finland)

Enabling effective knowledge sharing through a Knowledge Hub
Andrea Pavlickova (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 1.09
I. Tackling Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology, Vaccines, Preparedness Crete Uni , Riga Stradins Uni, Sciensano, EUPHA-IDC, -GH, EC HaDEA 3.I. - Scientific session: Increasing EU preparedness and improving European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19: the EUVABECO approach
Chairperson(s): Elena Petelos (EUPHA-GH, -HTA), Georgios Margetidis (Luxembourg)

Preparing for future public health crises by fostering a conducive environment
Christos Lionis (Greece)

Enhancing preparedness by developing robust implementation
François Kaag (France)

An interdisciplinary approach: Exploring the five dimensions of the tools deployed by EUVABECO
Matthieu Billuart (Belgium)

The vital role of stakeholders and National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs)
Dace Zavadska (Latvia)

Future actions and a call for ongoing support and
Sibilia Quilici (Belgium)

Wed 13th
K. Empower and Educate: The Future of Health Literacy and Promotion 3.K. - Oral presentations: Digital health literacy
Chairperson(s): Isolde Sommer (Austria), Rana Noureddine (France)

Health literacy in the evolving era of personalised medicine and digital health
Flavia Beccia (Italy)

Marketing Harm to Children: Children’s exposure to unhealthy commodity marketing using body cameras
Louise Signal (New Zealand)

Associations between bedtime media use and sleep outcomes in an adult population-based cohort
Stephanie Schrempft (Switzerland)

The higher education's role in the multisectoral evolution of the diabetes mobile unit programme
Danah Smith (Bahrain)

Data literacy in healthcare: A systematic collection and evaluation of OERs on data acquisition
Christian Kempny (Germany)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VIII
L. Health Policies: Engaging in Public Debates and Decision-Making Observatory 3.L. - Round table: Outcomes from a public debate on the future health priorities of the European Union
Chairperson(s): Matthias Wismar (European Observatory), Josep Figueras (European Observatory)

Giada Scarpetti (Germany)

Caroline Costongs (EuroHealthNet)

Isabel de La Mata (European Commission - DG Sante)

Wed 13th
Room 5C
M. Mental Health Matters: Advancements in Public Mental Health EUPHA-PMH, -ENV 3.M. - Skills building seminar: Culture, Arts and Mental Health
Chairperson(s): Marija Jevtic (EUPHA-ENV), Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

Culture for Health – Example from Serbia
Marija Jevtic (EUPHA-ENV)

Arts and Mental health
Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

Mental Health Arts Festival as a tool for mental health promotion
Karolina Zakarauskaite (Lithuania)

Wed 13th
Auditorium III
N. Caring for Our Next Generation: Equitable Health from Childhood to Adulthood Glasgow Uni SPHSU, EUPHA-CAPH 3.N. - Round table: Health inequalities over life-course between people with & without childhood social care experience
Chairperson(s): Mirjam Allik (United Kingdom), Sonia Saxena (EUPHA-CAPH)

Lived experiences: What made or would have made a difference to me when growing up?
Mirjam Allik (United Kingdom)

What does international evidence tell us about the health of people with childhood social care (CSC) experiences?
Mirjam Allik (United Kingdom)

What long-term health outcomes can we anticipate for children who have been in social care?
Viviane Straatmann (Sweden)

What challenges exist within the child welfare system in meeting the health needs of children in care?
Hilma Forsman (Sweden)

How can health practitioners support children and young people in social care?
Sonia Saxena (EUPHA-CAPH)

Wed 13th
Auditorium IV
O. Inclusive Health: Addressing the Needs of Migrants, LGBTI, and Minorities Bielefeld uni SPH, Lancet MERH 3.O. - Scientific session: Migrant labour exploitation and health: How can research foster protection of migrant workers?
Chairperson(s): Nora Gottlieb (Germany), Sally Hargreaves (United Kingdom)

Understanding labour exploitation as a social determinant of health in migrant populations – insights from the Danish population-based registers
Karen Lau (United Kingdom)

How do communities define “work precarity” and “labour exploitation”? Lessons for research from participatory research in high economic hardship communities in Chicago, Illinois/USA
Linda Forst (United States)

How can we measure labour exploitation and develop interventions to protect migrant workers’ health? Insights from intervention-focused research on cattle ranching in Brazil and child domestic work in Liberia and Nigeria
Cathy Zimmerman (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 1.13
P. Data-Driven: Assessments for Informed Policy-Making and Foresight 3.P. - Pitch presentations: Data, assessments, impact
Chairperson(s): Lorena Dini (EUPHA-HSR), Giuseppe Serra (Italy)

Comparing Italian hospital discharge and mortality data: implications for epidemiological research
Katherine Logan (Italy)

Impact of primary course COVID-19 vaccination on hospitalizations in Belgium, a Bayesian approach
Elias Vermeiren (Belgium)

Patterns of alcohol use in Belgium, 2013-2020
Sarah Nayani (Belgium)

Consumption and expenditure of antidepressants and anxiolitycs in 14 european countries.
Manuela Martella (Italy)

Measuring laypeople’s notions of intersex in the Netherlands and Flanders
Jenneke van Ditzhuijzen (Netherlands)

A matter of measurement? Segregation and all-cause mortality in Sweden's three metropolitan regions.
Agneta Cederstrom (Sweden)

Wed 13th
Room 1.15
Q. Building Capacity: Learning and Ethics for the Health Workforce 3.Q. - Pitch presentations: Health workforce, patient safety
Chairperson(s): Ellen Kuhlmann (EUPHA-HCW), Natalia Rachwal (Germany)

Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate Students Learning Needs using XR Technology
Christiana Nicolaou (Cyprus)

The Critical Role of Perceived Academic Institutional Support among Students in a Divided Society.
Carmit Satran (Israel)

Balancing public health and public safety: a situational analysis of a substance use pathway
Susie Sykes (United Kingdom)

Enhancing digital health competencies: insights from european human resources for health
Luis Lapao (Portugal)

Empowering Educators: Italian Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, and Vaccine Hesitancy
Azzurra Massimi (Italy)

International and intercultural training on the use of Art Therapy for Dementia Care.
Martina Giusti (Italy)

Primary care nurses’ readiness to promote digital health technology use among patients
Lotta Virtanen (Finland)

Poster walks - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 1.08
3.R. - Poster walk: Health and Environment: Urban and Planetary Challenges
Chairperson(s): Chiara Cadeddu (Netherlands), Rachel Thompson (United States)

3.R.1 - Socio-economic gradients in urban green space access and respiratory health
Daniel Szabó (Czechia)

3.R.2 - Thermal inequality and heat-related adaptive capacity: A systematic review
S. Claire Slesinski (Germany)

3.R.3 - The association between traffic noise and self-rated health within the German National Cohort (NAKO)
S. Claire Slesinski (Germany)

3.R.4 - Heat-related risk in outdoor workers in the context of climate change: a systematic review
Maria Francesca Rossi (Italy)

3.R.5 - Accounting for adaptation when projecting climate change impacts on health: a review of methods
Kai Wan (United Kingdom)

3.R.6 - A scoping review on health care use during extreme air temperatures in older populations in Europe.
Jutta Pulkki (Finland)

3.R.7 - Knowledge, behaviours, practices, and expectations on climate change among French health workers
Jérémy Guihenneuc (France)

3.R.8 - A systematic review of health outcomes of public transport use by older adults
Omer Dilian (Israel)

3.R.10 - Outdoor living environment and cardiovascular disease risk: results from a Swedish cohort
Pauline Rebouillat (Sweden)

3.R.11 - Effect of sustainable food habits on gut microbiota diversity: A pilot study
Annika Tillander (Sweden)

3.R.12 - Isolation of Shewanella algae from blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in Northwestern Adriatic Sea
Elisa Massella (Italy)

3.R.13 - Scanning the horizon- environmental health indicator surveillance
Aoife O'Connell (Ireland)

3.R.14 - Taxing animal-based food products: A qualitative framing analysis of the media debate in Germany
Anna Leibinger (Germany)

3.R.15 - Air Pollution Reduces the Individuals’ Life Satisfaction Through Health Impairment
Mary Abed Al Ahad (United Kingdom)

3.R.16 - A selective diesel vehicle ban’s impact on NO2 concentrations in Munich: a quasi-experimental study
Anna Leibinger (Germany)

Wed 13th
Room 1.06
3.S. - Poster walk: Health promotion
Chairperson(s): Paul Kocken (Netherlands), Knud Ryom (Denmark)

3.S.1 - Sickness absence patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic among Finnish public sector employees
Eija Haukka (Finland)

3.S.2 - A scoping review on sociodemographic inequalities in breast cancer screening attendance in Germany
Núria Pedrós Barnils (Germany)

3.S.3 - Utilization of paternity and parental leave in Italy: the parents' perspective
Francesca Zambri (Italy)

3.S.4 - Co-creation of migrant health interventions in Portugal: Insights from the VO(I)CES project
Ana Gama (Portugal)

3.S.5 - Health promotion programs in prison: attendance and role in promoting PA and subjective health status
Riki Tesler (Israel)

3.S.6 - Identification of different types of nicotine product users: results from a cluster analysis
Iris Kramer (Netherlands)

3.S.7 - Physical activity promotion in Aged care: a participatory approach
Annika Frahsa (Switzerland)

3.S.8 - Changes of lifestyle and mental health among COVID-19 situation: resident-centered health promotion
Takeo Shibata (Japan)

3.S.9 - Correlates of using behavioural sciences to design health promotion interventions and programs
Ariane Belanger-Gravel (Canada)

3.S.10 - Understanding compliance with smoke-free environments: a realist review
Sophie Jooren (Netherlands)

3.S.11 - International survey of young adults’ opinions on tobacco endgame measures & e-cigarette regulations
John Gannon (Ireland)

3.S.12 - Students’ attitudes towards and willingness to intervene in partner violence against women in Sweden
Maria Wemrell (Sweden)

3.S.13 - Citizen needs towards personalised medicine and genetic testing: results from a European survey
Martina Porcelli (Italy)

3.S.15 - Sociodemographic inequalities in smoking cessation: a population survey from Flanders, Belgium
Marie Vermote (Belgium)

3.S.16 - Non-health-targeted promotions and step counts of smartphone-based mall walking program users
Yoko Matsuoka (Japan)

Workshops - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha M-POHL, EUPHA-HL, WHO EURO, JA PreventNCD 3.X.1. - Scientific session: Health literacy in Europe: Building a comparative database for shaping public health policy
Chairperson(s): Robert Griebler (Austria), Christopher Le (Norway)

The M-POHL Health Literacy Population Survey 2024-2026 (HLS24)
Robert Griebler (Austria)

Measuring digital health literacy in Europe – developing a new tool to capture innovation
Diane Levin-Zamir (Israel)

Measuring communicative health literacy – a revision of the HLS19-COM-P scale
Hanne Søberg Finbråten (Norway)

Measuring navigational health literacy – an extension of the HLS19-NAV scale
Lennert Griese (Germany)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha EUPHA-PHG, -EPI 3.Y.1. - Genomics in EU Health Systems: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges for Personalized Health
Chairperson(s): Roberta Pastorino (EUPHA-PHG), Péter Pikó (EUPHA-PHG)

The state-of-the-art and barriers for the adoption of personalised prevention in Europe and beyond
Stefania Boccia (EUPHA-EPI)

Implementation of polygenic risk scores in secondary prevention of (breast) cancer
Jeroen van Rooij (Netherlands)

The 1+Million Genomes Maturity Level Model for Genomics in Healthcare
Astrid Vicente (Portugal)

Benefits of cross-border access to human genomes at scale for research and healthcare
Serena Scollen (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha WHO 3.X.2. - Scientific session: Integrating trust as a key component of pandemic preparedness and resilience
Chairperson(s): Brian Yau (Switzerland), Sandra Machiri (Switzerland)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha EUPHA-INJ, -SSWH, -ECO, EuroSafe/IDB network 3.Y.2. - Road traffic injuries, disability burden and implications for compensation schemes in Europe
Chairperson(s): Maria Papadakaki (EUPHA-INJ), João Vasco Santos (EUPHA-ECO)

Health loss after road transport injury – new perspectives
Emilie Friberg (EUPHA-SSWH)

Statistics on disability pensioners is important for assessing injury burden
Johan Lund (EUPHA-INJ)

Analysis of traffic injury trends, and strategies for road safety promotion in Lithuania
Birute Strukcinskiene (EUPHA-INJ)

ProtAct-Us from serious injuries with long-term consequences
Werner Leitgeb (Austria)

Public-Private Partnerships: A model for injury prevention and safety promotion – Benefitting communities and NGOs
Eva Vaagland (Norway)

Wed 13th
Auditorium II
A. Innovating Public Health: From Research to Action and Policy EUPHA-PHPP, Observatory, PNHC 4.A. - Skills building seminar: Waves of community health engagement and governance: innovating through a design-as-policy approach
Chairperson(s): Marleen Bekker (Netherlands), Dheepa Rajan (Belgium)

Marleen Bekker (Netherlands)

Dheepa Rajan (Belgium)

Goncalo Figueiredo Augusto (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VII
B. Revolutionizing Public Health and Healthcare: AI and Digital Health EIT Health 4.B. - Round table: Closing the loop in the European Health Data Space: relation between primary and secondary data use
Chairperson(s): Cristina Chiotan (Belgium), Monica Åberg Yngwe (Sweden)

Nienke Schutte (EUPHA-PHMR)

Milana Trucl (Belgium)

Sinead O'Connor (Ireland)

Aneta Tyszkiewicz (Belgium)

Elina Drakvik (Finland)

Wed 13th
C. Health Beyond Borders: Global Health Challenges and Sustainable Solutions RIVM 4.C. - Scientific session: Navigating through complex challenges of responding to outbreaks of multidrug-resistant organisms
Chairperson(s): Aura Timen (Netherlands)

Home-based nursing care: what do we know about multidrug-resistant organisms in this setting?
Tessa Langeveld (Netherlands)

Long-term care facilities: what do we know about multidrug-resistant organisms in this setting?
Soemeja Hidad-Nuh (Netherlands)

Preparedness for and collaboration during regional outbreaks with multidrug-resistant organisms
Berend Beishuizen (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Room 3B
D. Equity in Health: Bridging Gaps to Universal Coverage TCDhpm 4.D. - Scientific session: From policy to implementation: Learnings around health system reforms and Universal Health Coverage
Chairperson(s): Steve Thomas (Ireland), Johan Hansen (EUPHA-HSR)

Implementation as the acid test: International lessons from Universal Health Coverage reforms around the world
Liz Farsaci (Ireland)

Big bang in the middle of a storm: Lessons from implementing health system reform in Finland
Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen (Finland)

Towards integration of care in Portugal: Expansion of a new management model for the NHS
Ines Fronteira (Portugal)

Reform of the Irish health system towards Universal Health Coverage and the role of the private sector
Catherine O'Donoghue (Ireland)

Wed 13th
Room 5B
E. Environmental Health: Innovating Policies and Practices 4.E. - Pitch presentations: Effects of environmental exposure
Chairperson(s): Peter Van Den Hazel (EUPHA-ENV), Giulia Squillacioti (Italy)

Greenness and mortality in an industrialized area in Southern Italy: a health impact assessment study
Orazio Valerio Giannico (Italy)

Neighborhood environment and falls: a longitudinal Japan gerontological evaluation study.
Yo Matsumoto (Japan)

Green and blue spaces residential exposure over childhood and multimorbidity in adolescence
Susana Santos (Portugal)

Urinary artificial sweeteners and breast cancer risk in women from the Moli-sani Study
Marialaura Bonaccio (EUPHA-FN)

Long-Term exposure to NO2 and Stroke Mortality in Portugal: an ecological study from 2001 to 2021
João Morgado (Portugal)

Burden of disease due to road traffic noise in Flanders, Belgium
Arno Pauwels (Belgium)

Wed 13th
Room 3A
F. Fostering our habitat: Climate Emergency, Urban Health LSHTM HPRU ECH, EUPHA-ENV 4.F. - Scientific session: Progress in assessing climate change risks to health and implementation in UK and Europe
Chairperson(s): Marija Jevtic (EUPHA-ENV), Grace Turner (United Kingdom)

Review of national climate change risk assessment methods for impacts on health and health systems in WHO European Region
Grace Turner (United Kingdom)

The impact of fuel poverty on cold-related mortality in England and Wales: disentangling the effects of fuel price, income, and energy efficiency
Kai Wan (United Kingdom)

Individual level risk factors associated with episodes of heat as recorded within primary care records: a time-stratified case-cross over study
Ross Thompson (United Kingdom)

Integrating environmental sustainability within national food-based dietary guidelines: a qualitative analysis from five case study countries
Genevieve Hadida (United Kingdom)

Assessing the health risks from flooding and chemical contamination: a scoping review
Raquel Duarte-Davidson (United Kingdom)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VI
G. Easing the Burden: Responding to the Threat of Chronic Diseases 4.G. - Pitch presentations: Diabetes and chronic diseases
Chairperson(s): Luigi Palla (Italy), Robby De Pauw (Belgium)

Exploration of research projects on personalised prevention supported by the European Commission
Alessandra Maio (Italy)

Cross-national characteristics and differences in type 2 diabetes: Malta versus Luxembourg
Sarah Cuschieri (EUPHA-CHR)

Childhood socioeconomic differences in type 2 diabetes: longitudinal results of The Maastricht study
Rachelle Meisters (Netherlands)

Body composition trajectories before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Whitehall II study
Dávid Major (Hungary)

Diabetes, chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Germany and Europe (EHIS-3 Survey)
Giselle Sarganas (Germany)

Impact of retirement on physical activity in older adults: a longitudinal analysis from SHARE
Giacomo Pietro Vigezzi (Italy)

An integrated approach to enhance vaccine uptake in chronic patients – the VacciNetwork project
Giovanna Adamo (Italy)

Digital services as alternative for in-person visits among clients with long-term illnesses
Emma Kainiemi (Finland)

Wed 13th
Room 3C
H. Transforming Health Systems: Strength, Resilience, Efficacy 4.H. - Pitch presentations: Health system performance
Chairperson(s): Evangelia Chrysikou (EUPHA-URB), Mohammed Merzah (Hungary)

Out of hospital cardiac arrest outcomes’ determinants: an Italian retrospective cohort study
Chiara Barbati (Italy)

Factors influencing delay in cancer diagnosis: a qualitative study in Chile, Colombia and Ecuador
Olivia Oturai (Denmark)

Integrated care in the Baltic states over a 5-year period: progress, challenges and future directions
Nathan Shuftan (Germany)

Inter-regional Hospital Patients’ mobility: Is co-operation better than competition?
Giovanni Guarducci (Italy)

Psychiatric comorbidity and hospitalization outcomes for AMI in portuguese public hospitals
Ana Fonseca (Portugal)

End-of-Life Care Intensity and Socioeconomic Disparities in Cancer Patients: Lazio, Italy
Michela Servadio (Italy)

Results from the Swiss Cohort of Healthcare Professionals: Intention to stay and well-being
Isabelle Peytremann (Switzerland)

Agricultural activities reduce the risk of requiring long-term care among older Japanese
Hideto Takase (Japan)

Wed 13th
Room 1.09
I. Tackling Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology, Vaccines, Preparedness 4.I. - Pitch presentations: Insights for improving public health interventions
Chairperson(s): Heide Weishaar (Germany), Marie Vermote (Belgium)

Lipids and glycemia profiles in adults: the Italian Health Examination Survey 2023 - CUORE Project
Benedetta Marcozzi (Italy)

Association between a new healthcare access index and life expectancy in Japan: A nationwide study
Akihisa Nakamura (Japan)

Food additive monosodium glutamate and risk of cardiovascular diseases - NutriNet-Santé cohort
Anaïs Hasenböhler (France)

Overdiagnosis of lung cancer in Chinese populations
Dongchen Xie (China)

Socioeconomic background and childhood cancer survival in Germany – A nationwide register study
Maike Wellbrock (Germany)

Polycystic ovary syndrome and labor market attachment in Swedish women
Vivien Boldis (Sweden)

Dementia risk factors and cognitive function in a nationwide population-based sample aged 65+
Beate Gaertner (Germany)

Malnutrition in Guinea-Bissau: a country wide representative cross-sectional study
Carina Silva (Portugal)

Wed 13th
Room 5A
K. Empower and Educate: The Future of Health Literacy and Promotion EUPHA-HL, -GH, -WGGE, WHO CCHL, TU Munich, West Attica Uni, Harvard Uni 4.K. - Scientific session: The realm of the information ecosystem and its public health impact
Chairperson(s): Orkan Okan (EUPHA-HL), Elena Petelos (EUPHA-GH, -HTA)

Health information seeking and health literacy in midwife-led care and the modern information environment
Elisabeth Wilhelm (United States)

How factchecking organizations can partner within public health for a healthier internet
Tina Purnat (United States)

Unravelling misinformation: investigating the associations between health literacy and resilience
Rafaela Rosário (Portugal)

InfoQ: Certifying credible providers of digital health information
Sebastian Schmidt-Kähler (Germany)

The impact of misinformation on social media in the context of natural disasters
Sonya Hilberts (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Auditorium VIII
L. Health Policies: Engaging in Public Debates and Decision-Making EUPHAnxt, EUPHA 4.L. - Skills building seminar: Skills building seminar: Enhancing your elevator pitch: persuading a policymaker in seconds
Chairperson(s): Monica Brînzac (EUPHA, EUPHAnxt), Jinane Ghattas (EUPHAnxt)

Charlotte Marchandise (EUPHA)

Wed 13th
Room 5C
M. Mental Health Matters: Advancements in Public Mental Health 4.M. - Pitch presentations: Insights into mental health
Chairperson(s): Shona Cosgrove (Belgium), Khatia Antia (Germany)

Childhood socioeconomic status and depression in adulthood: systematic review.
Stamatia Damianakou (Cyprus)

The impacts of UK coronavirus virus job retention (furlough) scheme on mental health
Lateef Akanni (United Kingdom)

Disparities in the Incidence and Prevalence of Psychotic Disorders Between With and Without Disabled
Kyoung Eun Yeob (Korea, South)

Factors Influencing Depression in People with Disabilities:Individual and Interpersonal Levels
JungHee Cho (Korea, South)

Examining factors associated with cocaine use in late adolescence and early adulthood
Margaret M. Brennan (Ireland)

Wed 13th
Auditorium III
N. Caring for Our Next Generation: Equitable Health from Childhood to Adulthood NIPH CAHPS 4.N. - Scientific session: Equity in Child Health: Leveraging Universal Health Promotion Services for Families Amid Uncertainty
Chairperson(s): Boye Welde (Norway)

Promoting Equity: Child & Adolescent Health Service
Hanne N. Bjørnsen (Norway)

Starting Right, an evidence-based assessment of children in municipalities healthcare centers
Kristin Haraldstad (Norway)

Inclusive, needs-based research for addressing Health Literacy in Parents with immigrant backgrounds
Kirsti Riiser (Norway)

Wed 13th
Auditorium IV
O. Inclusive Health: Addressing the Needs of Migrants, LGBTI, and Minorities 4.O. - Pitch presentations: Migrant population health
Chairperson(s): Allan Krasnik (Denmark), Roger Keller Celeste (Brazil)

Are migrant workers at greater risk of workplace deaths? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Karen Lau (United Kingdom)

Latent tubercolosis infection in the migrant population: an Italian surveillance experience.
Guido Pagliantini (Italy)

Primary health care models for refugees and the involvement of nurses: A systematic review
Andreas W. Gold (Germany)

Educational achievement and health during adolescence in second generation immigrants in Sweden
Sara Agnafors (Sweden)

Civic participation and self-reported health: An intersectional comparative study in Europe
Federica Rossetti (Belgium)

Chronic pain over time among Syrian refugees resettled in Norway
Yeneabeba Tilahun Sima (Norway)

Community Health Worker Service: addressing the needs of Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland
Camila Biazus Dalcin (United Kingdom)

Living conditions in Italian administrative detention centres for migrants: a scoping review
Elena Mazzalai (Italy)

Wed 13th
Room 1.13
P. Data-Driven: Assessments for Informed Policy-Making and Foresight EUPHA-HTA, -PHG, -ETH, -ECO, -HSR 4.P. - Round table: Advancing genomic diagnostics for rare genetic diseases: a focus on non-clinical domains of HTA
Chairperson(s): Chiara de Waure (EUPHA-HTA), Giovanna Elisa Calabrò (Italy)

Integration of Whole genome sequencing in pediatric healthcare: an Italian HTA
Mario Cesare Nurchis (Italy)

Gianfranco Damiani (Italy)

Els Maeckelberghe (EUPHA-ETH)

João Vasco Santos (EUPHA-ECO)

Sandra García Armesto (Spain)

Wed 13th
Room 1.15
Q. Building Capacity: Learning and Ethics for the Health Workforce EUPHA-HCW, WHO EURO, Dep of PH Babes-Bolyai Uni Romania, WHO CCHWPP 4.Q. - Scientific session: Global landscapes of healthcare worker migration: advancing effective and equitable solutions
Chairperson(s): Ellen Kuhlmann (EUPHA-HCW), Marius-Ionuț Ungureanu (EUPHA-HCW)

A source and a destination country for migrant healthcare workers: the case of Ireland
Niamh Humphries (Ireland)

The impact of healthcare worker migration in source countries: Colombia, Indonesia, and Jordan
Julia Lohmann (Germany)

The paradoxical surplus of healthcare workers in Africa: the need for research and policy engagement
Eleanor Hutchinson (United Kingdom)

Forced displacement and the healthcare workforce crisis: Venezuelan healthcare workers in Peru
Gareth Rees (Peru)

Tomas Zapata (WHO EURO)

Poster walks - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 1.08
4.R. - Poster walk: Public health economics
Chairperson(s): Martina Giusti (Italy), İrem Şevik (Türkiye)

4.R.1 - Cost per kilogram weight-lost - Lifestyle change program at the Public Health Institute in Croatia
Jasmina Kovačević (Croatia)

4.R.2 - Consumer Preferences for Health Services Offered by Health Insurance Companies in Germany
Raphael Schilling (Germany)

4.R.4 - Cost-effectiveness of respiratory syncytial virus adjuvanted vaccine in Portuguese aged ≥ 60 years
Lefteris Zarkadoulas (Belgium)

4.R.5 - Health & wealth: targeted hygiene reduces the health economic burden of workplace infections
Joanne Newman (United Kingdom)

4.R.6 - Decision-analytic modelling of costs & benefits of adding sigmoidoscopy to CRC screening in Germany
Kathrin Krueger (Germany)

4.R.9 - Factors Associated with Unmet Supportive Needs in Adult Cancer Survivors in South Korea
Dal-Lae Jin (Korea, South)

4.R.10 - 'Development of a tool for assessing the performance of long-term care systems in care transitions'
Estera Wieczorek (Poland)

4.R.11 - Unequal cannabis use among European adolescents: the mediating role of perceived access and risk
Julian Perelman (Portugal)

4.R.13 - New evidence on household financial protection against out-of-pocket payments for health in Poland
Marzena Tambor (Poland)

4.R.14 - Geographical variation in prostate cancer testing explained by socio-economic position in Stockholm
Balram Rai (Sweden)

Wed 13th
Room 1.06
4.S. - Poster walk: Migrant and ethnic minority health
Chairperson(s): Sara Causevic (Sweden), Cristina Teixeira (Portugal)

4.S.1 - Health selection in three cohorts of outmigrants, return migrants and non-migrants
Marcelo Urquia (Canada)

4.S.3 - Polish midwives’ experiences of providing maternity care to Ukrainian women in Poland
Ilona Nenko (Poland)

4.S.4 - Uptake of cervical screening and acceptability of HPV self-sampling in Irish Traveller women
Patricia Fitzpatrick (Ireland)

4.S.5 - Patients' experiences of racism in German inpatient healthcare
Regina Brunnett (Germany)

4.S.6 - Can health communication improve newly settled refugees’ health literacy? A quasi-experimental study
Maissa Al-Adhami (Sweden)

4.S.7 - Cultural filters in processing information on COVID vaccines among minoritized groups in London, UK
Tahreem Chaudhry (United Kingdom)

4.S.8 - Factors influencing protective gear use in crisis-affected Afghanistan during COVID-19
Jung-Won Lee (Korea, South)

4.S.9 - Vaccine-preventable diseases in migrants to Europe: a systematic review
Beatriz Morais (United Kingdom)

4.S.10 - Comparison of perinatal hospital services of women living in Roma settlements in Slovenia
Tatjana Krajnc Nikolic (Slovenia)

4.S.11 - Educational and employment for adults with a history of migration and foster care in Finland
Maili Malin (Finland)

4.S.12 - Prepregnancy and post-partum contraception according to migration, a nationwide study in France
Elie Azria (France)

4.S.13 - Prevalence of Mental health and Receipt of Services in Latino Immigrants Living in Philadelphia
Brigitte Guariglia (United States)

4.S.15 - Diagnoses of mental health disorders among Norwegian youth and young adults with immigrant parents
Naima Said Sheikh (Norway)

4.S.16 - Co-creating stigma-prevention strategies for mental health interventions with migrant populations
Raquel Mara Teixeira (Portugal)

Workshops - Wednesday 13th Nov

Time (CET) / Location Track Organiser
Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha GÖG, WHO/M-POHL/OH 4.X.1. - Health literacy policies – how can they be developed and implemented?
Chairperson(s): Christina Dietscher (Austria), Angelika Schlacher (Austria)

A guide for policy and decision makers on health literacy policies
Angelika Schlacher (Austria)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha Aletta Jacobs SPH, ASPHER, EUPHA-LAW, -ENV, -HIA, -PMH, -GH, FPH, GNAPH 4.Y.1. - Climate trauma, public protest and the ethics of civil disobedience in our warming world
Chairperson(s): Piedad Martin-Olmedo (EUPHA-HIA), Brigit Toebes (Netherlands)

Jutta Lindert (EUPHA-PMH)

David Patterson (Netherlands)

Farhang Tahzib (EUPHA-ETH)

Wed 13th
Room 0.07
X. Pecha Kucha WHO Regional Office for Europe 4.X.2. - How can public health leaders and stakeholders best advance the One Health approach?
Chairperson(s): Emilia Aragon De Leon (WHO EURO), Kasia Czabanowska (ASPHER)

Simona Seravesi (Denmark)

Issam Alsamara (Netherlands)

Evelyne de Leeuw (Australia)

Mary Codd (Ireland)

Timo Clemens (Netherlands)

Wed 13th
Room 0.08
Y. Pecha Kucha Chair PH and HSR/IBE/LMU Munich 4.Y.2. - Scientific session: Building inclusive risk communication, community engagement and infodemic management strategies
Chairperson(s): Zeliha Öcek (Germany), Dilek Aslan (Türkiye)

Addressing vulnerable groups in (public) health and humanitarian crises using RCCE-IM strategies
Dilek Aslan (Türkiye)

Improving RCCE-IM for LGBTQ+ migrants: Lessons learned from COVID-19 Pandemic
Jorge Gato (Portugal)

Risk communication with asylum-seekers: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic experience in Munich
Zeliha Öcek (Germany)

Risk communication with migrants: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic experience in Malmö
Pia Svensson (Sweden)

Wed 13th
Auditorium I
EUPHA, ASPHER PL2 - Plenary 2: Global health

Check out for more information here.
The plenary session is live streamed to Auditoriums VI, VII and VIII.


  • Iveta Nagyova, President EUPHA
  • Henrique Barros, President ASPHER


  • Emma Rawson Te Patu, President World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA)
  • Ilona Kickbusch, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland (tbc)
  • Charles Agyemang, Professor of Global Migration, Ethnicity & Health, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Agnès Buzyn, Former Minister of Health and Social Affairs, France
  • Moredreck Chibi, Public Health Innovation Lead, WHO Regional Office for Europe