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1.3.Working towards global health through our work in Europe, representing the European voice at global level and supporting public health at global level


1.3.A. Work towards global health

EUPHA is dedicated to working towards global health. This includes supporting initiatives and organisations furthering global health (e.g. European Academic Global Health Alliance (EAGHA)), putting global health on the EPH conference agenda and being committed to the updated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations. EUPHA members with membership from overseas are invited to assist EUPHA in building a global dimension in our activities. The EJPH is committed to include global themes and allow global subscription at preferential rates. Our recently nominated EUPHA ambassador for Global public health, Prof. Walter Ricciardi, will take the lead here. 

1.3.B. Represent the voice of Europe at global level

EUPHA stresses the importance of having a strong European voice at the global level. The regional membership of the WFPHA and the structure of EUPHA members becoming automatic WFPHA members is the first step. EUPHA sections are invited to participate in global events. 

1.3.C. Support public health at global level

EUPHA encourages support for public health at global level. This includes inviting our EUPHA members to connect with other regions in the world, expanding the distribution of our newsletter worldwide and allowing global membership within EUPHA. The EJPH and our national members’ scientific journals are encouraged to expand readership to a global level. Supporting other regions and their regional public health associations is organised in close collaboration with the WFPHA.