1.1.Supporting our members to become and further develop a strong national voice
1.1.A. Build the capacity in advocacy
EUPHA aims to provide capacity building for our members and for interested individuals on how to advocate. This includes skills-building workshops during the EPH Conferences as well as a dedicated space on our website with advocacy tips. The EUPHA Policy Pillar takes the lead here. Collaboration is organised with the EUPHA members, and other international NGOS, such as the World Federation of Public Health Associations, the African Federation of Public Health Associations, the American Public Health Association, the Public Health Association Australia and EPHA.
1.1.B. Strengthen the evidence base
EUPHA is devoted to strengthening the evidence base for public health advocacy. The European Journal of Public Health remains the leading instrument for providing the evidence base. We also include support for national and international journals, for instance by showcasing these on our website. The EUPHA sections are used to provide the evidence as well as propose new topics in need of evidence and identify knowledge gaps. Collaboration with our national members is the starting point here. The EUPHA Research Pillar takes the lead here.
1.1.C. Support and develop national voices
EUPHA is dedicated to having national voices in all 53 countries of the WHO Europe region. This includes the setting up and support of national voices of public health. Activities include support for individuals in countries where no public health association yet exists, to be organised through the website and through twinning with existing and strong national voices. Partners here include the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) and the Open Society Institute.
1.1.D. Make national voices visible at European level
EUPHA is dedicated to assisting our members to be the voice of public health. One objective is to make sure the national voices are visible and shared with all other members. This is organised through the website, the EJPH and by including national actions in our newsletter (EUPHA members update). EUPHA also aims to organise workshops at the EPH Conference to showcase national actions.