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International Symposium: Society, Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention: Time for a Paradigm Shift
June 5-6 2025, Pozzilli, Isernia, Molise Region, Italy

Organised by: Neuromed, Federico II University, Naples, Italy, EUPHA Chronic diseases section, Western University Canada
Click here for the preliminary programme. Click here to register.


Symposium: From single chronic disease to multimorbidity prevention, surveillance, and public health policy: need for multisectoral approaches

Santé publique France and the European Public Health Association jointly organized the international symposium on multimorbidity, 26 - 27 June at Saint Maurice. 
With the key speakers in the field of multimorbidity and chronic diseases, the challenges and opportunities in surveillance, research, prevention and public policy in the field of multimorbidity were discussed.

Click here for the programme.
The main topic points can be found here.

EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, workshops:

  • Workshop: Long COVID: A Myth or a reality?
    Organised by: EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-PHMR
  • Workshop: Innovations for chronic diseases management: complementing usual care with digital therapeutics
    Organised by: EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-DH
  • Workshop: Mental health in old age
    Organised by: EUPHA-PMH, EUPHA-CHR
  • Round table: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention: which opportunities from the EU Cancer Mission?
  • Skills building seminar: Sharp Pencils, Clear Minds: Translating research to policy through effective policy briefs
    Organised by: Sciensano; EUPHA-CHR; EUPHAnxt
  • Round table: Implementing Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Challenges and opportunities from European countries
    Organised by: Sciensano; EUPHA-CHR; EUPHAnxt
  • Workshop: Obesity: the greatest burden of the 21st Century and the post-pandemic
    Organised by: EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-ENV

EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:

  • An urgent need to fully understand Long Covid-19 and its sequela
    Organised by: EUPHA-CHR
  • The interaction of environmental impact and chronic diseases: from theory to practice
    Organised by: EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-ENV
  • Strengthening awareness of obesity in Europe: from knowledge to action
    Organised by: EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-CHR, WHO/Europe
  • Injury Severity Classification and burden of disability measurement

EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:

WCPH 2020, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Workshop: Food processing in the modern era: implication for public health
    Organised with EUPHA-FN (abstract)
  • Workshop: Data analysis, advocacy activities, and actions to counteract the double burden of malnutrition
    Organised with EUPHA-FN, EUPHA-HP, WHO/Europe (abstract)
  • Workshop: How are digital solutions contributing to enhance immunization programmes and policies? (abstract)
  • Workshop: AMR and Cancer: Cross-cutting priorities for an integrated public health and primary care approach
    Organised with EUPHA -IDC and WFPHA (abstract)
  • Workshop: Behavioural insights and public health
    Organised by EUPHA Chronic Diseases Section, International Behavioural Trials Network, Pavol, Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia, WHO Regional Office for Europe (abstract)
    Chairpersons: Iveta Nagyova, Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia, Prof Simon Bacon, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada & International Behavioural Trials Network – IBTN

EPH 2019, Marseille, France pre-conferences/workshops:



The Team
Aims of the section
Background information
Annual reports/meetings
Recent news

  • Workshop: Behaviour change and knowledge translation: The unlocked potential to improve people’s health with WHO Euro and IBTN
  • Workshop: Innovative future meal services targeting old people in Europe with the Section Food and nutrition
  • Workshop: Capacity-building for implementing integrated care with the Scottish Government 

EPH 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2016, Vienna, Austria pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2015, Milan, Italy pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2014, Glasgow, United Kingdom pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2013, Brussels, Belgium pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2012, Malta pre-conferences/workshops:

EPH 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark workshop:

EPH 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands pre-conferences/workshops:

Workshops at EPH conferences in years before:

Other section presentations:


Recent News