The Team |
EUPHA-LAW aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how legal tools (from regulation to litigation) can support the development and implementation of effective measures to prevent and respond to major public health challenges, considering national, regional and international human rights and other legal obligations.
EUPHA-LAW will work to maximise legal opportunities for public health by better understanding legal constraints. The Section will focus initially on three broad themes reflecting the interests of many EUPHA members:
- Human rights and public health.
- Strategic litigation and public health.
- Trade and public health.
Section members are welcome to propose other themes which sit at the intersection of law and public health and ideas to further develop the section. The work of the Section will be focused, organised and manageable, whilst ensuring that the Section contributes to EUPHA and supports legal capacity building initiatives, while avoiding duplication of related work being undertaken by other organisations.
Recent News
26 September, 2024 Time to close the loopholes in the free trade of tobacco (JA PreventNCD) 22 May, 2023