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EPH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:

The section is (co)organising three pre-conferences:

Workshops at EPH Conference

  • Long COVID: A Myth or a reality?
    Organised by EUPHA-CHR, EUPHA-PHMR
  • Round table: Member States’ Health Information Systems: State-of-play and best practices
    Organised by PHIRI, TEHDAS, EU HIP, Sciensano, EUPHA-PHMR, WHO
  • SDG indicators: country scenarios and the way towards 2030
    Organised by EUPHA-PHMR, WHO Euro
  • Projecting future burden of disease for informed public health decision making
    Organised by COST Action CA18218–European Burden of Disease Network, EUPHA-FS, EUPHA-PHMR
  • Health examination surveys to support decision making and for monitoring risk factors
    Organised by EUPHA-PHMR, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare/Collaborating Centre for Noncommunicable Disease Prevention, Health Promotion and Monitoring

EPH 2022, Berlin, Germany, pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Sessions co-organised with Population Health Information Research Infrastructure - PHIRI

EPH 2021, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:

WCPH 2020, Online event, pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Pre conference: Privacy by default, security by design. Effects of GDPR on public health research
    Organised with: EUPHA-DH, EUPHA-ETH, EUPHA-HSR, EUPHA-LAW initiative, InfAct: Joint Action on Health Information, Sciensano,  Ministry of Health Malta, Gesundheit Österreich, EUPHA
  • Workshop: Joining forces: frameworks for international and multi-sectoral collaborations in health information (abstract)
    Organised with: InfAct, Sciensano (Belgium)
  • Workshop: The Place Standard Tool around the world – experience on impact, equity aspects and transferability (abstract)
    Organised with: BZgA (Germany), Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland (UK), EUPHA-HIA, JAHEE
  • Workshop: Health Impact assessment of climate change: monitoring and experiences (abstract)
    Organised with: EUPHA-PHMR, Public Health Wales 
  • Workshop: Closing the data gap on child health  –  approaches, characteristics and methodological  challenges (abstract)
    Organised with: THL (Finland)


Privacy by default, security by design. Effects of GDPR on public health research 

EPH 2019, Marseille, France, pre-conferences/workshops:

  • Pre-conference: An introduction to Public Health Foresight Studies
  • Pre-conference: Showcasing innovative cases in health reporting
  • Workshop: Better ask those who are concerned: co-creation in participatory epidemiology and health promotion with EUPHA Health promotion section, Robert Koch Intistute, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Workshop: Population health monitoring goes upstream to improve the uptake of the wider health determinants with Urban public health section
  • Workshop: Learning to assess Health Information Systems with InfAct, WHO EURO and Sciensano
  • Workshop: Strengthening capacities in health information for better public health practice in Member States with InfAct and Sciensano

EPH Conference 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia:

EPH Conference 2017, Stocholm, Sweden:

The section (@PHMRsection) tweeted during the EPHC 2017 - please find a summary of the tweets and retweets here.

- Nicole Rosenkötter, EUPHA PHMR, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Germany: The role of routine population health monitoring in policy formation: an introduction of why (and how) public health reporting can support decision making
- Petronille Bogaert, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Belgium/ BRIDGE Health: Why do public health services and researchers struggle with sharing health information and evidence with policy makers?
- Suszy Lessof, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: Framing evidence briefings - how shaping the question makes a difference
- Suszy Lessof, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: Writing well
- Gaetan Lafortune, OECD: Using data – an international perspective
- Marina Karanikolos, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: Using data – an international and scientific perspective
- Suszy Lessof, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: Defining key messages
- Catherine Stones, Graphic and Communication Design, University of Leeds, UK: Developing infographics part 1 and part 2

  • Workshop Health information is beautiful: communicating health information through infographics

- Catherine Stones, Graphic and Communication Design, University of Leeds, UK: Developing guidelines for public health infographic design
- Holly Nielsen, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe: Infographics at WHO/Europe
- Mariana Dyakova, Public Health Wales: Investment for health and well-being:developing and using infographics as an advocacy tool in Wales
- Arne Häger, Infographics at ECDC part 1 and part 2 

EPH Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria

Introduction of the European Health Information Initiative by Claudia Stein
Introduction of the WHO SUPPORT tool to assess health information systems and develop and strengthen health information strategies by Marieke Verschuuren and Tina Dannemann Purnat
Introduction of the components of the EU health information system by Philippe Roux
Introduction of the components of the health information activities of the OECD by Gaetan Lafortune
Introduction of the components of the health information system of WHO-EURO by Claudia Stein
Introduction of problems and needs of an EU health information system. Introduction of a road map for the operationalization of an EU health information system by Petronille Bogaert and Herman van Oyen

EPH Conference 2012, Malta:

EPH Conference 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark:

  • Workshop on new data developments for the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI). Workshop abstracts are available at the ECHIM project website

EPH Conference 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands:


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