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Published: 10 February 2021

 Dear EUPHA Public Mental Health Section members and friends,

It is our great pleasure to network with you with the first newsletter of the 2021 of the Public Mental Health Section and share some important news!

We hope you are all well in these challenging times.

  • Call for abstracts for the 14th European Public Health Conference 2021

The 14th European Public Health Conference 2021 „Public health futures in a changing world“ will be held virtually on 10-12 November 2021. Public Mental Health Section is encouraging its members and collaborators to submit your research work abstracts to the conference.

Abstract submission is open from 1 February until 1 May 2021.

Public Mental Health Section puts efforts to propose a broad spectrum of public mental health related workshops in the 14th EPH Conference 2021. Thus PMH Section invites you to share with us your interests and research work in advance in order to construct a tailored and most capturing programme with public mental health topics.    

All Public Mental Health related research proposals are welcome to be submitted by 31 March, 2021 to the Public Mental Health Section:, and

We will put our efforts to structure your research ideas into the workshops and propose them to the EPH Conference.

  • Call for papers for Violence and Mental Health (Frontiers in Psychiatry)

 Editors: Jutta Lindert, Mauro Carta, Haim Knobler

 This Research Topic aims to bring together studies that investigate the association and the impact of violence on mental health. In case you are interested in this topic please contact prof. Jutta Lindert, email:

 Editors: Jutta Lindert, Stefano Capolongo

The research Topic aims to report on recent papers that investigate and understand the short and long-term impact of the built environment on mental health. The aim is to highlight the advances that have been made in this research area in recent years, and progress towards how best to assess the short and long term impact on different population groups.

Submission Deadlines: 03 May 2021 for Abstracts and 17 August 2021 for Manuscripts.

More information on submission of manuscripts is available online:

  • Research initiatives COVID-19 and public mental health

Public Mental Health Section under the leadership of Professor Jutta Lindert has initiated several international research networks to investigate longitudinal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on population mental health. Multicentered international studies are COPER (COVID-19 Pandemic and it`s impact on mental health of men and women in the European Region) and COCARE (COVID-19 Pandemic and mental health of carers). All parties interested in collaboration are welcome to contact the principal investigator of the studies Prof. Jutta Lindert:

  • European Mental Health Responses to the Pandemic Survey

The EUPHA Public Mental Health Section, in cooperation with the Mental Health Foundation (UK), are collaborating in gathering information on countries’ responses to the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are interested in learning about your perspective on how mental health support systems have adapted to the pandemic in different countries, regions and localities. The survey will take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete and findings may help shape future responses to the pandemic.

Please participate in this study by using this link:

We are looking forward to further collaboration with you!

Best wishes,

Dr. Marija Jakubauskiene

Prof. Jutta Lindert

Prof. Johan Bilsen

EUPHA-PMH Section President

EUPHA-PMH Section Vice President

EUPHA-PMH Section Vice President

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