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Published: 19 August 2024

Dear colleagues,

The EUPHA-LAW presidency of president Amandine Garde and vice-president Nikhil Gokane have chosen to step down as of coming November. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the work they have done for the section along with the section's steering committee (Markus Frischhut, David Patterson, Elena Petelos, Anniek de Ruijter, Farhang Tahzib and Dineke Zeegers Paget)!

EUPHA office is therefore putting out this call for section president candidates. According to the EUPHA Section Rules a new president needs to be elected and appointed by November 2024.

We are looking for a person who is a member of EUPHA, who has working experiences in the field of public health and law and ideally works in a public health institute. 

The appointment is for a term of three years with the option of a second three-year term.
The EUPHA-LAW presidency is a great opportunity to collaborate with various European health information experts.

A description of the tasks of the section president can be found here.

Any costs for travel and requested attendance to meetings/conferences is reimbursed by EUPHA. Please note that all the section work is done on a voluntary basis.

Are you interested to become the next EUPHA-LAW president?
Then please send a meaningful motivation letter and your CV until Friday 20 September, noon CEST to (subject EUPHA-LAW presidency).

What happens next?

  • Applicants are checked by the EUPHA office for EUPHA membership and conflict of interest with the pharmaceutical and/or tobacco industry One has to be a member of EUPHA upon application.
  • Applications of nominees are reviewed by the EUPHA Executive Director, the Chair of the Section Council and the section’s steering committee.
  • Accepted candidates are put forward to the Section Council and the section’s steering committee for voting. Votes are collected centrally at the EUPHA office by means of an anonymous Google form.
  • The applicant with the highest number of votes is elected as section president. All candidates will be contacted in the week of 7 October.
  • The Presidency starts after the EPH Conference in November. If one attends the conference there will be a physical handover during the Join the network meeting of the section.

The vice-president is appointed by the new section president along with the EUPHA-LAW Steering committee.

Do contact EUPHA office ( if you have questions.

Kind regards,
EUPHA office