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EUPHA Executive Bodies

EUPHA Section Council

The EUPHA Section Council represents the interests and common concerns of all sections; facilitates relations between the sections and other relevant bodies of the association; makes recommendations to the annual conference programme; and coordinates and develops EUPHA statements.

Contact Alastair Leyland, the chair of the Section Council or the EUPHA office or vice-chair Luís Saboga Nunes.


Section Council meeting March 2015

Section Presidents

Child and adolescent public health

Prof Sonia Saxena, United Kingdom

Chronic diseases

Prof Saverio Stranges, Canada

Digital health and artificial intelligence

Prof Anna Odone, Italy

Environment and health

Prof Marija Jevtic, Serbia

Ethics in public health

Dr Farhang Tahzib, United Kingdom

Food and nutrition

Prof Giuseppe Grosso, Italy


Dr Henk Hilderink, Netherlands

Global health

Dr Elena Petelos, Greece

Health and care workforce

Dr Marius-Ionuț Ungureanu, Romania

Health impact assessment

Prof Piedad Martin-Olmedo, Spain

Health literacy

Prof Orkan Okan, Germany

Health promotion

Dr Eric Breton, France

Health services research

Dr Johan Hansen, Netherlands

Health technology assessment

Prof Chiara de Waure, Italy

Healthy ageing

Prof Zoltán Ungvári, Hungary

Infectious diseases control

Prof Maria Gańczak, Poland

Injury prevention and safety promotion

Dr Maria Papadakaki, Greece

Law and public health

Ms Dimitra Lingri, Greece

Migrant and ethnic minority health

Prof Sonia Dias, Portugal

Oral health

Dr Pauline Vassallo, Malta

Public health economics

Prof João Vasco Santos, Portugal

Public health epidemiology

Dr Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Italy

Public health genomics

Dr Roberta Pastorino, Italy

Public health monitoring and reporting

Dr Hanna Tolonen, Finland

Public health policy and politics

Dr Sofia Ribeiro, Portugal

Public mental health

Prof Jutta Lindert, Germany

Sexual and gender minority health

Dr Arjan van der Star, United States

Social security, work and health

Prof Ute Bültmann, Netherlands

Urban public health

Mr Manuel Franco, Spain