Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma: Digital Launch of Recommendations 'Growing up with Allergy and Asthma'

10 December 2020

The European Allergy & Asthma Youth Parliament launched the recommendations "Growing up with Allergy and Asthma - How EU policymakers can support young allergy and asthma patients live better lives".

EUPHA welcomes the recommendations to improve the quality of life of young allergy and asthma patients. Involving young patients in policy debates is a crucial part of integrative care. But as a first step, healthy environments need to be ensured for young people and in particular for those suffering from allergy and asthma.
EUPHA (and Environment and Health Section) underlines importance of environmental issues in the burden of chronic diseases and especially asthma and allergy. EU Green Deal is our roadmap for better health of young citizens through actions in improving quality of life, climate change mitigation, food and nutrition policies and regulations of chemicals products, and strengthening all important prevention actions.