First HealthData@EU Pilot Stakeholder forum, 19 October 2023, Paris & online - Register Now!

Together with 16 European partners, EUPHA is involved in the HealthData@EU pilot project, coordinated by the French Health Data Hub. 
Launched in October 2022, the HealthData@EU Pilot project is a two-year European project co-funded by the EU4Health programme. To pilot project aims to develop and test a first version of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) infrastructure for the secondary use of health data. The project will connect data platforms in a network infrastructure and develop services supporting the user journey for research projects using health data from various EU Member States. It will also provide guidelines for data standards, data quality, data security and data transfer to support this cross-border infrastructure (more information on the HealthData@EU pilot project website).
The first HealthData@EU Pilot Stakeholder forum will be held 19 October 2023, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm CEST, online. 
The stakeholder forum is a public event, intended for experts, professionals and decision-makers in the (digital) health sector across Europe and will be the opportunity for the project partners to present and discuss the development of the project and its first outcomes, the challenges experienced, and the work ahead.  
If you are interested in joining this event, please register here!