Is global dietary change an effective strategy to curb climate change?

The BMJ Nutrition Prevention and Health | Editorial | July 2, 2020
Authors: James Bradfield, Helena Trigueiro and Sumantra Ray
[...] Global population is now estimated at 7.7 billion people with a potential growth to almost 11 billion by 2100, underlining the challenge to feed everyone. Research has shown that we are currently not doing this—822 million people are undernourished, a fact linked with almost half of child mortality globally. However, the solution to this problem cannot simply be to produce more food, particularly when the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. The need for change is reflected in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2.4 which aims to improve the sustainability of food production, increasing productivity while maintaining ecosystems, by 2030. [...]

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