Upcoming events from the Observatory on health systems and policies

Leveraging evidence for health systems transformation: Passing the baton at the Observatory - Special Symposium, 10 December 2024
Observatory Venice Summer School 2025, Venice, Italy, 20-26 July 2025: Does Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) actually improve performance? Designing HSPA to enable better policy decision making
Past events, recordings, news
Learning from European best practices to strengthen financing of rehabilitation services in Ukraine, 22 November, with the following highlights
Health Systems Global symposium in Nagasaki, 18-22 November, no recordings available outside of the conference yet with the following sessions:

The Technical Support Instrument project “EU Health Resource Hub for Sustainable Investing in Health” wrapped up in Vienna, with highlights here
The attendance at the wonderful EPH conference this year, and the livestreamed plenary on AI as it can be found here.