The European Public Health Association calls on the Kingdom of Denmark to make health a priority when it assumes the chair of the Arctic Council in 2025

The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) welcomes the news that the Kingdom of Denmark will take the chair of the Arctic Council in 2025 and calls on the governments of Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands to place health, and especially the health of Arctic Indigenous Peoples, high on the Council’s agenda. 
The case for prioritizing health in the Arctic region now is overwhelming.
This region is undergoing unprecedented changes that have profound implications for the health and well-being of Arctic populations, particularly indigenous communities. As the primary intergovernmental forum for promoting cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states, the Arctic Council must prioritize health to address the multifaceted challenges posed by these transformations. Focusing on health will not only enhance the quality of life for Arctic inhabitants but also bolster the region's resilience and sustainability.
Click here to read the full call.