EUPHA mental health section and the IMPLEMENTAL project

Prof. Dr. Jutta Lindert (EUPHA Public Mental Health Section)
The EUPHA Public Mental Health is excited to have been invited to actively support the EU–funded JAIMPLEMENTAL joint action led by the National Institute of Public Health, Greece, under the leadership of Dr. Vasileia Konte (website). The final three days conference of JA Implemental took place in Athens, September 16th – September 19th bringing together experts from 21 countries, institutions, stakeholders from 10 European organization (among others: EUPHA, OECD, WHO) and policy makers.
The Joint action aimed to improve mental health services in the European region by using two best practice models to transform mental health services. The best practice models were the reform of mental health services in Belgium (launched 2010) and the Austrian “Supra” approach to suicide prevention (launched 2012). Central to the Belgian reform is the aim to transform the mental health system from an institution-based system to a care pathway-based system. This model is in line with the global movement towards community-oriented care.  Central to the SUPRA approach is an integrated suicide prevention program.  
Country partners presented the transformative local (e.g., Germany), regional (e.g. in Spain), and national (e.g., Lithuania, Iceland) projects that built on the two best practices and  highlighted the progress in transforming mental health services initiated by JA IMPLEMENTAL. The projects were based on the Plan-do-study-act  (PDSA) framework.The progress includes dialogues between experts from different sectors, including practitioners from the health care and the social care sector, researchers, and policymakers. This dialogue increased individual and structural capabilities. A network of committed experts across Europe has been created. With the JAIMplemental network and the increased capabilities in the countries, further service improvements will be possible.
The EUPHA mental health section is excited to continue supporting the IMPLEMENTAL project by contributing to data analyses, such as analyses of the PDSA cycle and disseminating the results of the IMPLEMENTAL project to experts within EUPHA. Furthermore, the aims of the Public Mental Health Section and pf JAImplemental is contributing to evidence based mental health systems. A first dissemination workshop presenting JAImplemental processes and outputs  will be held at the next EUPHA conference in Lisbon in 2024. The agenda of the final conference has shown clusters of work that can be sustained and further with the EUPHA mental health section, using much needed synergies.
Taken together, during the final meeting we celebrated success while not forgetting, however, how much work still needs to be done in the field of mental health promotion, prevention and care.