ONE HEALTH - Monographs of scientific conferences of Academy Medical Sciences of Serbian Medical Society

The monograph “One Health” is the result of the work of a group of experts involved in the concept of One Health, i.e., the cooperation of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society and the One Health Association of Serbia. Having in mind the importance of the concept, we thought that we should present current issues and everything pertaining to this concept to the professional and scientific public, thus addressing this complex topic in the light of the development of the concept so far. A number of doctors, veterinarians, biologists and experts in other specialties participated in the preparation of the monograph. Together, presenting various topics, they emphasised that caring for the health of people, animals and environment is very important for the future and life on our planet.
Editors Marija Jevtic, Branislava Belic, Sara Savic 
English version as of page 198.

Marija Jevtic, Branislava Belic, Sara Savic (editors). One Health.  Monograph: Academy of Medical Sciences Serbian Medical Society.  ISBN 978-86-6061-131-6