EUPHA-INJ: Sessions at the EPH Conference 2021
The Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion section is (co-) organising several sessions at the 2021 edition of the European Public Health Conference. Make sure to attend!
Wednesday 10th
9.00 - 12.40 INJU - Safety challenges and altered injury patterns in Europe during COVID-19 and beyond
16.10 - 17.10 1.B. - Biological, socioeconomic, legal and environmental health determinants in the COVID-19 pandemic 1.K. - New working environments, occupational risks and socioeconomic inequalities during covid-19 pandemic
Thursday 11th
17.30 - 18.30 7.A. - Multilateral Partnerships to achieve the SDG5: Gender Equality, and to combat COVID-19
Friday 12th
11.30 - 12.30 9.L. - Injury epidemiology, treatment, costs and legislation during the COVID-19 pandemic
12.40 - 13.40 JTN023 - Injury prevention and safety promotion: Join the network