E-collection: Ageing and health

The ageing of the population, occurring worldwide, leads to increased prevalence of chronic diseases and disability, yet, at the same time it offers opportunities for long and healthy lives for people. This can be seen from two perspectives: on the one hand, people live longer and to a large extent healthier. Many people can work longer, travel for leisure and practice sports. On the other hand, the current COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that older people are especially in need of protection as they are more vulnerable to illness and diseases. The e-collection Health and ageing lists scientific peer-reviewed papers on healthy ageing that are published in the European Journal of Public Health in the past three years. The e-collection is accompanied by an editorial describing the policy links and summarising the evidence.

This e-collection is supported by EUPHA as part of the activity to support its member, the Croatian Public Health Association. During the first half of 2020 Croatia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. On the presidency's agenda is healthy ageing. With this e-collection EUPHA and the Croatian Public Health Association present the evidence-base on health and ageing.