LaHeRS & PHC-HMU, Hellenic Mediterranean University
The Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) is affiliated to the Department of Social Work, School of Health Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Primary Health Care Unit (PHC-HMU) operates as a university primary care unit with co-financing from Greece and the European Union under the Operational Program Human Resources Development Education and Lifelong Learning (MIS 5045537). Director of LaHeRS and PHC-HMU is Assistant Professor Maria Papadakaki. LaHeRS aims at protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention. Injury prevention is one of the key priorities of LaHeRS and particularly prevention of unintentional injuries (e.g. motor vehicle injuries, falls, pedestrian-related injuries, natural disasters etc), and violence (child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, suicide, youth violence, etc). It is a unique academic laboratory combining health and social sciences into health and safety promotion strategies, while playing a key role in developing and delivering psychosocial services to economically deprived individuals residing in rural and remote areas with limited access to health and social care services. LaHeRS runs laboratory and field research, formulates policy and works directly with people to inform, educate, and empower them about health, mental health and social issues, particularly the underserved and those at risk. LaHeRS tests innovative solutions to treat individuals, couples, families and communities experiencing adverse bio-psychosocial circumstances and evaluates the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of health, mental health and social welfare services. LaHeRS supports the development of scientific tools and material for use by academic, research and civil organizations; development of training material and lifelong training programs for front line professionals, and more. LaHeRS has a long experience and involvement in research projects related to health promotion and injury prevention under state and European funding [e.g. European Union’s Health Programme “738148/ORAMMA” and “Y-SAV 2009-12-22”, Leonardo da Vinci/Partnerships (LdV “LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-008”), Directorate General for Transport and Mobility/DG-MOVE (MOVE/ C4/SUB/2011-294/SI2.628846/REHABIL-AID), the Directorate General for Justice and the “DAPHNE III” programme such as the COMMUN-AID (JUST/2011-2012/DAP/AG/3272) and the WOM-POWER (JUST/2011-2012/DAP/AG/3008), Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme (Intensive Programmes 2012 (IP)/International education for training traffic accident reconstruction specialists) and is also a member of large European networks funded under the COST programme such as “COST Action 357” and “COST Action TU1101”. In the context of promoting the health and well being of vulnerable populations, the Primary Health Care Unit (PHC-HMU) was set up at the Hellenic Mediterranean University to offer medical and nursing care (medical unit) as well as psychosocial support (counselling centre) to students experiencing adverse physical, psychological, financial circumstances. A number of professionals (including medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, special educators and administrative staff) bring together their expertise and skills to assess, plan and manage care jointly at the PHC-HMU. As a university primary care unit, PHC-HMU aims at offering support to students with low family income or a certified disability, monitoring their bio-psychosocial needs, increasing their accessibility to health and psychosocial care and improving their academic outcomes. Under the PHC-HMU, an observatory has been set up to monitor students’ health and psychosocial needs and their academic progress as well as develop personalised plans for students with low academic achievement and policy recommendations for the university authorities and relevant bodies in charge of policy matters. LaHeRS & PHC-HMU, Hellenic Mediterranean University is a member of EUPHA since November 2021. Recent News29 Jan 2025 |
Dr Maria Papadakaki LaHeRS & PHC-HMU, Hellenic Mediterranean University Estavromenos Street 71004 Heraklion Greece