Join our activities
EUPHA has a large number of activities, which have an open standing invitation to all professionals with an interest in public health to join.
European Public Health Conferences
Do you want to present your research or experiences in an international conference? Then submit an abstract to the annual European Public Health Conference. Abstract submission is open from 1 February to 1 May. If your abstract is accepted, you will be part of an exciting conference programme with over 1,000 abstracts presented in different formats.
EUPHA sections
Are you interested in specific topics? Then join one of the 22 theme-specific networks, called EUPHA sections. Joining a section allows you to receive topic-specific information, invitations to join in workshops or statements. Becoming a section member is free of charge.
Are you an aspiring, early-career public health professional? Are you interested in the field of public health? Are you under 35 years of age? Then you may want to join EUPHAnxt, our unique network and platform for students and early career researchers, policymakers and professionals in the field of public health. EUPHAnxt is a free and open initiative that aims to sensitize and involve the future generations into the European and multidisciplinary network of public health associations. Becoming a subscriber is free of charge.