EUPHA Executive council
The Executive Council is charged with the management of the association.
President Prof Tit Albreht, National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Past president Dr Iveta Nagyova, PJ Safarik University, Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine, Kosice, Slovakia |
Secretary Prof Charles Agyemang, Amsterdam Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Treasurer Ms Maria Tsantidou, Panhellenic Union of Public Health Physicians of National Health System (PEIDY E.S.Y.), Nea Smyrni, Athens, Greece |
EJPH council Prof Peter Allebeck, Karolinska Institute, Department of Global Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden |
Section council Prof Alastair Leyland, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
EUPHAnxt Dr Patrícia Pita Ferreira, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands |
Executive director Charlotte Marchandise, EUPHA, Utrecht, Netherlands |
Strategic advisor Prof Martin McKee, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, United Kingdom |