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European Public Health Week

13-17 May 2024


Health is a political choice!


Events for Cyprus

Below is a list of the events, click here to return to the search page.

Please note that the 'Online only' events listed on this page may be hosted outside this country, but are still accessible via online media (such as live streaming).

Please click one of the event types below or scroll down to see the available events.


This list is in chronological order, starting with the events that begin earlier in the day.

Events with a star are highlighted by EUPHA.

Please check the time zones here.


  HW71 - Mental health: People at the centre (Cyprus Psychologists’ Association (Clinical and Health Psychology Division) & Cyprus Epidemiology and Public Health Association (CyEPHA))

  HW74 - Healthy Parents, Health children (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Breastfeeding Association, Cyprus epidemiology and Public Health Association, Birth Forward)

In-person with live streaming

  HW122 - Politics, Policy and the Public's Health (University of Nicosia in partnership with CyEPHA (Cyprus Epidemiology and Public Health Association))

Online only

  HW123 - Beat Exam Stress (University of Nicosia)

  HW44 - BreathIN | Air Pollution, Biodiversity, and Green Buildings (University of Nicosia (UNIC, Cyprus) / Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, IPT) (Portugal) / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria, Portugal) / Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH, Greece).)

  HW72 - What is Public Health for you? (Cyprus Epidemiology and Public Health Association in partnership with Cyprus University of Technology (School of Health Sciences), European University Cyprus (School of Medicine/School of Sciences) and University of Nicosia Medical School)

Please note that the details shown are provided to us by the organisers of the activities and as such EUPHA cannot be deemed responsible for any of the events. Please check with the organiser for further information.