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EUPHA's eight goals to achieve our triple A rating

EUPHA’s strategy for the period 2020-2025 is built on three A’s: Analysis, Advocacy and Action. Here, we describe the 8 goals of the strategy that help to achieve this triple A rating.

Goal 1: Support our members in their work at the national, regional and local level

This goal relates to one of EUPHA’s two-tiers as set out in the 2020-2025 Strategy: “supporting the work of public health practitioners by providing evidence, practical tools, and opportunities to exchange experiences through and with our members”.

The public health and healthcare workers on the ground form the backbone of our public health services, and they will be at the forefront of dealing with all the complex challenges that our societies are facing. Supporting our members also means that EUPHA serves as a liaison between the European level and our national members.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Action.

Goal 2: Consolidate and expand the partnership

As a European organization, EUPHA must continue to invest in strong relationships with our European partners. Yet many of the challenges that we face are global and this means that we must work together with global partners, too.

We must take a broad view not just geographically but also in the issues we engage with, recognizing how policies in other sectors can have profound consequences for health. This means that we need broad alliances, including not only the ‘usual public health suspects’, but also partners from other disciplines and sectors.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Advocacy and Action.

Watch our video ‘What makes a successful partnership? Coming together and working together for better public health’ here.

Goal 3: Stimulate and facilitate mutual learning

Next to voicing knowledge, enhancing capacity is EUPHA’s basic value. Therefore, EUPHA is committed to facilitate mutual learning across national, disciplinary, and topic-based borders.

Through capacity building,  we will prepare future and current generations of public health professionals for their leadership role in public health, and we will contribute to tackling health inequalities across Europe. Through our activities, we will build capacity for our members as well as for the wider public health community.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Action.

Goal 4: Actively stimulate the younger generation to be part of the EUPHA network

EUPHA remains committed to preparing future generations of public health professionals for their leadership role in public health. The main tool for this is EUPHAnxt – the network for students, young researchers, policymakers and professionals in the field of public health.

EUPHA aims to expand the network of the next generations, by linking with existing students’ associations. EUPHA encourages the inclusion of the next generations in our national members’ structures, and is dedicated to actively include the next generations in the EUPHA governing structure.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be related to Analysis, Advocacy and Action.

Goal 5: Keep health a priority on the European and national agendas

As Europe entered the third decade of the 21st century, its population had never been healthier. Despite the progress we have made, we are faced with massive societal challenges that will place serious pressure on our public health and health care services.

The COVID-19 outbreak in 2019/2020 clearly illustrates the importance of having up-to-date and vigilant public health services and a public health community that is ready to respond. This is one of the reasons why the European Commission is investing in health with a dedicated EU Commissioner, as well as a new EU4Health plan 2021-2027 with a budget of around  €1.7 billion.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Advocacy.

Goal 6: Strengthening public health research in Europe

EUPHA is a science-based organization, recognized as an independent and trusted voice of and for public health. To be able to bring the evidence-base to politicians, having high quality of public health research available is the starting point. EUPHA must be the guardian of the quality of research by being alert to any developments that may hinder or decrease the quality of research. EUPHA must be the advocate to strengthen public health research at European level and to ensure that there is a European public health research agenda.

By strengthening and expanding the EUPHA Sections, EUPHA has the resources to address gaps in public health research and develop research agendas for specific topics.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Analysis.

Goal 7: Deliver the right evidence at the right time

EUPHA is a science-based organization, recognized as an independent and trusted voice of and for public health. We will continue to provide state-of-the-art evidence and knowledge, tailored to the specific situation in which it is needed. 

At the same time, we need to confront the changing approach of science in the public debate. If we are to stay connected with society, EUPHA must speak the right language, making use of compelling narratives that speak to policymakers and politicians, and help our members with developing communication approaches that address the concerns of ordinary people.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Analysis and Advocacy.

Goal 8: Support implementation of the SDGs and all policies for a healthy Europe

Changing demographics, rapid technological advancements, environmental and climate change, and growing globalisation of labour and trade – all have an impact on population health.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize these interdependencies between other policy domains and health and vice versa. Due to these interdependencies, the major current and future challenges for public health require intersectoral  action, in line with a Health in All Policies approach.

Triple A: activities related to this goal will be mainly related to Analysis and Advocacy.