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Institutional members

CSFM & HSR-PH Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete

The full name is the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine (CSFM) and the Health Services Research & Public Health Laboratory (HSR-PH), Faculty of Social Medicine. 

Head of Department and CSFM and HSR-PH Director is Professor Christos Lionis.

The CSFM offers teaching and research opportunities to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, with an extremely active teaching and research core team of health professionals and scientists. It operates as an outpatient unit of the University Hospital, as well as a university division within an academic setting, and remains the only one of its kind in Greece. Activities have a varied spectrum and include the coordination of a practice-based General Practice Research Network, with the CSFM playing a key role in developing and delivering primary healthcare services, particularly to people residing in rural and remote areas with limited access to health care services, as well as to economically deprived individuals, in an effort to address disparities. The CSFM has been responsible for developing and running the EBM curriculum and training activities for the School of Medicine, as well as for coordinating all public health training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Collaborative arrangements have been established with a number of universities and research institutes in Europe and the USA in order to develop multicentre studies and protocols in clinical research, as well to encourage staff and student exchange opportunities.

In the context of cross-border and multidisciplinary collaboration, the CSFM has been involved in the development of methods for reforming clinical practice in primary health care and for informing evidence-based policy, as reflected in a number of research programs it has developed and implemented, under the aegis of the EU.

HSR-PH Lab The HSR-PH Lab, continuing previous activities in an expanded role, maps all Public Health needs and initiatives of the University General Hospital to teaching and research activities, with a focus on three modalities:

  • Health Services Research & Planning
  • Health Economics
  • Bioethics, Clinical Ethics & Sociology.


CSFM & HSR-PH Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete
Dr Elena Petelos
CSFM & HSR-PH Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete
Voutes Campus
71003 Heraklion