2.1.Building the capacity and knowledge of our member associations and partners, making them stronger and facilitating a growing network
2.1.A. Lead by example
EUPHA is devoted to lead by example by being a strong, independent and sustainable organisation. Having a transparent governance is the starting point here, clear ethical rules for EUPHA are applied (Code of Good EUPHA Practice). EUPHA develops and provide templates to its members that include both human resource and organisational development.
2.1.B. Support our members
EUPHA is committed to supporting our members in the widest sense possible. This includes supplying support letters, the use of the EUPHA logo and country visits as well as participation to national conferences. Being the local partner of the EPH Conference offers the national member the possibility to build the capacity of the member association. EUPHA assists its members by setting up evidence-based support material (EUPHActs) and EUPHA encourages the translation of these tools into national languages.
2.1.C. Help our members help each other
EUPHA encourages our members to help each other. This includes the possibility of twinning members, exchange of information and training of staff. The first experiences of the WFPHA fellowship programme are taking into account here.
2.1.D. Showcase good examples of our members
EUPHA furthers the work of our members by allowing to showcase their work and encourage the exchange of information between members. This includes analysing national actions on the current public health topics and comparing country efforts and allowing members to display their activities internationally through the EUPHA website.