1.2.Being actively involved in setting the European public health Agenda
1.2.A. Identify the priorities for the European public health Agenda
EUPHA aims to interact with our members and other bodies to identify public health and health services issues that need European attention. The EUPHA Governing Board is the primary body to interact with our members. Annual questionnaires are circulated to our members for input. Our Four Pillars and Sections provide input on emergent public health and health services issues that should be dealt with at European level.
1.2.B. Formulate the priorities for the European public health agenda
EUPHA is committed to use all tools to formulate clear priorities for the European public health agenda. This includes EJPH viewpoints, the EJPH European public health news, reports and statements, short summaries (EUPHActs) on important public health and health services issues to disseminate to policymakers at European level, and letters to European political bodies. Our members are invited to collaborate with the EU presidencies; our sections assist in stimulating the debate. The EPH Conferences produce declarations on a yearly basis linked to the content of the conference. Partners for formulation of the voice include EHMA, EuroHealthNet, and other NGOs. Dissemination partners include: EPHA, the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament, the European Observatory and a network of national and international communication channels.
1.2.C. Voicing the priorities for the European public health agenda
EUPHA is committed to letting our voice be heard and representing the voice of our network of public health professionals. This includes (pro)active collaboration with the EU presidencies through our members, with the European Parliament and with policy-oriented conferences and representing EUPHA and our network in key European meetings, expert and advisory panels. The EUPHA Executive Council, EUPHA Sections and EUPHA office represent EUPHA and our network. Partners include WHO EURO, ECDC, European Commission, OECD, Eurostat, the European Observatory on Health systems and policies and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).