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Advocacy by EUPHA

EUPHA is dedicated to letting the voice of public health professionals be heard in Europe. Join us in our efforts by contacting us. Please find below our latest activities to influence public health policy at European and national level. Please feel free to distribute and support.

 4th Oct 2024
EUPHA welcomes and supports the Economist Group's decision to cease its engagement with the tobacco industry
EUPHA will be happy to re-connect with the Economist Group and work jointly on their health initiatives, which have previously had an important and engaging policy impact. This statement follows the Economist Group’s decision to terminate their relationship with the tobacco industry, which confirms and supports their commitment to public health and public health policies. Read the full statement here.

 8th Jul 2024
The European Public Health Association calls on the Kingdom of Denmark to make health a priority when it assumes the chair of the Arctic Council in 2025
The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) welcomes the news that the Kingdom of Denmark will take the chair of the Arctic Council in 2025 and calls on the governments of Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands to place health, and especially the health of Arctic Indigenous Peoples, high on the Council’s agenda. 
The case for prioritizing health in the Arctic region now is overwhelming.
This region is undergoing unprecedented changes that have profound implications for the health and well-being of Arctic populations, particularly indigenous communities. As the primary intergovernmental forum for promoting cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the Arctic states, the Arctic Council must prioritize health to address the multifaceted challenges posed by these transformations. Focusing on health will not only enhance the quality of life for Arctic inhabitants but also bolster the region's resilience and sustainability.
Click here to read the full call.

 13th Jun 2024
EUPHA welcomes new WHO EURO report on commercial determinants of health
EUPHA strongly endorses the landmark report by the European Regional Office of WHO setting out the need for concerted action against those industries that are driving an epidemic of some of the leading causes of disability and premature death in Europe and commits to working with WHO to take this agenda forward.
Read the statement here.

 6th Jun 2024
Voting as a Pillar of Public Health
A call to vote. Health and democracy are inextricably linked. Democracy thrives when citizens engage actively in the electoral process, expressing their will and aspirations through the power of their votes. Their collective voices determine who will be entrusted with safeguarding the health and well-being of everyone and sends a signal about which policies they should adopt. Through this process, individuals can play a role in creating the laws that are passed and hold governments to account for their actions. For these reasons, the right to vote and public participation ‘lies at the core of democratic government’. However, not everyone who can vote does so. If voting is the vital link between health and politics, then without active participation in the electoral process, this link will be broken. It is imperative that, by voting, we maintain and strengthen this crucial connection.
Read the full statement by EUPHAnxt and the sections on Law and Public Health section and Public health policy and politics here.

 26th Feb 2024
Urgent Call for Ceasefire and Protection of Health Rights in the Wake of Conflict in Gaza
The European Public Health Association condemns the murderous attack by Hamas militants on 7th October 2023 that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people in Israel and the taking of an estimated 240 hostages. EUPHA sends its heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and calls on the parties involved to ensure the release of those who continue to be held without further bloodshed.

Read the full statement here.

 11th Nov 2023
EUPHA and WHO Memorandum of Understanding
This memorandum, which was signed during the EPH Conference 2023 in Dublin, Ireland, underscores the active role of urban and regional entities in shaping health policies and practices, marking a new era where cities and regions as contributors in shaping a healthier Europe, will collaborate more closely with researchers and Public Health professionals from EUPHA.
The MoU concentrates on building a robust evidence base, aiming to facilitate the integration of this evidence into policy and decision-making. It also seeks to create bridges between the local, regional, national, and international levels.
The MoU supports joint advocacy, amplifying the public health voices and strengthening the public health community.
Special attention will be paid to specific topics, with an action plan to be developed in collaboration with WHO Euro teams. These topics include mental health, behavioral and cultural insights, health equity, social and economic determinants of health, addressing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) with innovative solutions, as well as strengthening a primary health care approach through the integration of the Essential Public Health Functions.
We extend our profound gratitude to the WHO team for their unwavering support and collaboration in this endeavor. 
Click here to read the MoU.

 16th Oct 2023
EPH Conference Dublin 2023 Statement
Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity
We are at another turning point in our shared human history, and we must respond effectively. The ways in which humans feed themselves have always mattered but now the links between our food, our health, and our ecosystem must be attended to. Action must be both immediate, and sustainable.
On one side, our modern diet drives endemic ill health, with overnutrition, and malnutrition, wasting, stunted growth, as well as obesity, heart disease, stroke, and more. On the other side our models of food production drive both damage to us, and to our environment, including deforestation, biodiversity loss, desertification, climate change, health and social inequalities, and contamination of water and air.
To turn this corner, to move to a healthier, safer, more sustainable system for feeding ourselves we need to change how we produce food, and how we incentivise farmers. Almost all food production comes from farms and farmers, and they are a key part of the necessary transformation in our food production. It also provides them with an immense opportunity. If we take an approach to food looking at regenerative agriculture globally, eating more plants, food production in the places where it make sense, sometimes local, sometimes very definitely not, we can open up to a more sustainable future, and a fairer future, for all of us.
Read the statement here.

 19th Sep 2023
EUPHA provides evidence for Mid-Term Review LGBTIQ Equality Strategy
On 14 September 2023, EUPHA responded to the call for evidence related to the mid-term review of the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy. The response and related evidence was provided by EUPHA Sexual and gender minority health section. Read our response here.

 7th Sep 2023
Joint statement on sustainable funding for (health) civil society organisations
EUPHA, together with other members of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, calls upon the European Commission DG Sante to reinstall the multiannual framework for Operating Grants for health civil society organisations. These grants allow health civil society organisations to efficiently and sustainably support EU policy making while guaranteeing their independence from vested interests. 
Read the full statement here.

 29th Jun 2023
Health should be included in impact assessment EU climate target
The European Commission launched a call for evidence in relation to a 2040 climate target for the EU. While economic, social, environmental, and fundamental rights and equality impacts are considered in the call, health impacts are strikingly missing. EUPHA and its Environment and health section argue in their response to the call that both individual and population health should be used more intensively as a strong argument in motivating all sectors and decision makers in taking initiative towards a 2040 climate target. Read the full response here.

 19th May 2023
EUPHA supports civil society call for EU mandatory alcohol labelling
EUPHA joins a major alliance of European civil society leaders in urging senior EU officials and Commissioners to issue a mandatory alcohol labelling proposal as soon as possible. In particular, the alliance calls to

  • respect consumers’ right to information by issuing a proposal for mandatory on-label provision of energy value, full nutrition declaration, and list of ingredients for all alcoholic beverages (wines, beer, and spirits) as soon as possible;
  • ensure that basic nutrition information is available on label for consumers to access easily at all times and without the need of additional tools and skills.
Labelling of alcoholic beverages is an important measure to implement as part of a broader strategy to fight alcohol related harm, alongside other effective policy tools proposed in the European Beating Cancer Plan, the WHO SAFER recommendations and the WHO European Framework for Action on Alcohol 2022-2025.
Read the full letter to European Commission officials here.

 11th May 2023
EUPHA Joined WFPHA to Stand in Solidarity with the Ugandan LGBT Community
On 5 May, the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) published a statement in which it expresses solidarity with the Ugandan LGBT Community and denounces the Anti-Homosexuality Act passed by the Ugandan Parliament on March 21, 2023. By co-signing this statement, EUPHA has joined the WFPHA in their call on the Ugandan President, Parliament and Government to foster an inclusive and safe environment for all citizens, while safeguarding the human rights of each individual, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The statement is available here: EUPHA Joined WFPHA to Stand in Solidarity with the Ugandan LGBT Community – Denounce the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act (2023) | WFPHA

 8th May 2023
EUPHA statement on priorities for the EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2024: more attention for chronic diseases, elderly and young people, health inequalities, and civil society engagement needed
The European Commission has launched a targeted stakeholders’ consultation to seek input for the EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2024. Although EUPHA appreciates this opportunity for stakeholders to provide input, we argue that for setting priorities for EU health policy, we need an integrated assessment across sectors building on concepts and measures such as burden of disease, demographic developments, future scenario studies and societal needs. The lack of such an integrated assessment approach results in important omissions in the current set of priorities, including a lack of focus on chronic diseases beyond cancer, addressing the impact of ageing populations and stimulating healthy ageing, ensuring the health of young people and preparing the next generation of (public) health professionals, and tackling health inequalities. Last but not least, among the current priorities there is no acknowledgement of and support for the role of civil society organizations in developing and implementing the EU4Health Programme.
Read the full statement here.

 26th Apr 2023
EUPHA endorses two joint statements from the 2022 Thematic networks of the EU Health Policy Platform
EUPHA participated in two of the 2022 thematic networks that were hosted on the EU Health Policy Platform and undersigns these:

The 'DisQo anti-discrimination & health equity' joint statement was led by the European Public Health Alliance. The statement addresses that despite increasing evidence showing that structural, institutional, and interpersonal racism and discrimination impact both physical and mental health inequities in multiple ways the issue has gained too little attention in the public health domain thus far. The statement identifies five key priorities for addressing the issue in a constructive, respectful, and participatory way.

The Mental Health in All Policies joint statement was led by Mental Health Europe. This joint statement calls for a Mental Health in All Policies approach, i.e., for public policies across sectors to promote population mental health and wellbeing by initiating and facilitating action within different non-health public policy areas and describes the win-win situation for such an approach.

 24th Feb 2023
One year of war in Ukraine: we cannot allow 'war fatigue' to kick in
Today one year ago, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. The amount of human suffering and systemic destruction that have happened since are beyond comprehension. 
EUPHA reiterates the calls made one year ago, which are, unfortunately, still as valid today as they were one year ago. 
Read the full EUPHA statement here.

 15th Feb 2023
EUPHA response to call of evidence on a comprehensive approach to mental health
EUPHA responded to the call of evidence on a comprehensive approach to mental health. Read our response here.

 18th Nov 2022
E-collection: Health and health care for refugees and migrants
It comes as no surprise that one of the priorities of the Czech presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), which runs from July till December 2022, is “Managing the refugee crisis and Ukraine’s post-war recovery”. Per capita, the Czech Republic is receiving the most refugees from Ukraine. 

The Czech Society of Social Medicine and Health Care Management, EUPHA member, compiled a collection of papers from the European Journal of Public Health, presenting the evidence on access to care for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, which can be applied to the current context of the war in Ukraine. The editorial, which highlights possible courses of action to health policy makers in the EU, is co-authored by the vice-presidents of the EUPHA Migrant and ethnic minority section.

The e-collection on Health and health care for refugees and migrants
is available here.

 13th Oct 2022
EUPHA endorses the Manifesto for Early Career Researchers
EUPHA endorses the ‘Manifesto for Early Career Researchers’, which is a call to support early career researchers. This manifesto is an outcome of the 4th Gago Conference on European Science Policy, which took place 13 June 2022, and brought together in Brussels research institutions, policy makers and representatives of early career researchers´ associations. Our EUPHAnxt coordinator, Monica Brinzac, was participating as speaker at the conference and representing the voice of early career researchers and policymakers, in the field of public health.

Want to know more about the activities EUPHA and EUPHAnxt undertake with and in support of the next generation of public health professionals, including early career researchers in the field of public health? Read our joint statement with ASPHER ‘Join us in prioritising the investment in the next generation’.

 30th Sep 2022
Coalition for Vaccination issued a statement on childhood vaccination
The Coalition for Vaccination issued a statement on childhood vaccination. In the statement European healthcare professionals underline the importance of routine vaccination. Read the statement here.
EUPHA is an associated organisation of this Coalition, as such EUPHA actively supports the vision of Coalition for Vaccination and shares its values.

 28th Sep 2022
EUPHA-ASPHER Joint statement: Join us in prioritising the investment in the next generation
The European Union has made 2022 the European Year of Youth, emphasising the importance of enabling the next generation to take a leading role in building a better future – greener, healthier and more inclusive. Both EUPHA and ASPHER have committed to investing in these young public health professionals, including them fully in our networks. We have made investing in the next generation a priority for both our organisations in 2022. Read about this in our joint statement, which is available here; and join us in prioritising the investment in the next generation.

 14th Sep 2022
EUPHA at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
EUPHA actively participated at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, which took place 12-14 September 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Through the WHO Framework of Engagement with non State Actors accredited organisations, like EUPHA, can attend and participate in the Regional Committee meetings.  

EUPHA had the opportunity to deliver the two joint statements that were led by EUPHA. In total EUPHA was involved in four joint statements, i.e. on:

- Agenda item 4 “European regional action framework for behavioural and cultural insights for health, 2022–2027”
A joint statement led by EUPHA and EuroHealthNet and co-signed by 11 other non-state actors. 
Available here: 

- Agenda item 6 "Strengthening health emergency preparedness, response and resilience: learning the lessons and building back better"
A joint statement led by EUPHA and co-signed by 10 non-state actors.
Available here:

And EUPHA co-signed statements related to:
- Agenda item 3 “Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region”, available here.
- Agenda item 10 "European Framework For Action On Alcohol 2022-25", available here

Furthermore, EUPHA submitted a video statement on agenda item 6 'Strengthening health emergency preparedness, response and resilience', presented by our Executive Director Dr. Marieke Verschuuren. The video is available here.

 8th Sep 2022
Joint statement - Operating Grants for health NGOs
EUPHA and 14 other health organisations call on the European Commission to include Operating Grants as a financing mechanism to provide a strong foundation for the contribution of health NGOs as part of the 2023 Work Programme and beyond. Read our joint statement here.

 6th Sep 2022
The Berlin Statement 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the strengths and the weaknesses of health care systems everywhere. Between the 9th and 12th November 2022, the public health community will convene in Berlin, at the 15th European Public Health Conference, to ask how we can learn the lessons and ensure that our systems are prepared for whatever the future may hold. The Berlin Statement includes several calls to European leaders. Read the full statement here.

We invite our members and partners to co-sign this statement by sending their support to 

 30th Aug 2022
EUPHA signs letter from the health community calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
With this letter, the health community joins academics, scientists, Nobel laureates, cities, faith leaders and young people in calling for a treaty to stop fossil fuels. The health letter builds directly on the call in the Healthy Climate Prescription letter to "deliver a rapid and just transition away from fossil fuels", which EUPHA signed in September 2021.

There are concerning health risks and significant health costs associated with every stage of fossil fuel production and use. These are outlined in the this briefing note. Like the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty will aim to be an evidence-based international agreement to control a category of substances well-known to be harmful to human health.

Sign the letter, too. Either as individual or on behalf of your organisation.

 16th Aug 2022
EUPHA's response to European Commission's call for evidence on smoke-free environments
In July 2022, EUPHA gathered evidence on smoke-free environments published in the European Journal of Public Health to answer the European Commission's call for evidence on the topic.

The evidence is supportive of expending the 2009 recommendations on smoke-free environments with outdoor spaces and emerging products, including electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products. The attached overview document presents a selection of peer-reviewed articles on outdoor smoking regulations and on emerging products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. The key results and conclusions are presented, including the implications for policy and the European Commission recommendations.
 More info

 11th Aug 2022
Mental health in 2021 track report
EUPHA publishes the 'Mental health in 2021', which reflects on the mental health track from the 14th European Public Health Conference, held 10-12 November, virtually. 

Did you miss #EPH2021? Or would you like to refresh your memory on the discussions that took place? This report presents the discussions and key messages of the conference’s mental health track, authored by EUPHA fellows.
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 27th Jul 2022
EUPHA responds to the European Commission's consultation on the European Health Data Space act
In July, EUPHA replied to the European Commission's consultation on the Europeah Health Data Space act with the support of the EUPHA Public Health monitoring and Reporting section. 

EUPHA welcomes the establishment of the EHDS, and feels that the regulation proposal provides a solid basis for further discussion and development. In that further development, we urge to Commission to take into consideration various issues that, when not considered well and mitigated, could hamper the practical implementation and effectiveness of the EHDS.

Read more 
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 27th Jun 2022
EUPHA statement on reproductive rights are human rights
EUPHA reaffirms its position and stands in solidarity with women all over the world. We call to action our colleagues in other professional associations, in civil society, and in international and national bodies, to join their voices to ours and support women in claiming their fundamental rights and our colleagues who work to safeguard the reproductive rights of women and girls wherever they live.
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 23rd Jun 2022
Climate action through public health education and training - joint statement on EU Health Policy Platform
The final joint statement on 'Climate action through public health education and training', led by ASPHER on the EU Health Policy Platform is now published. EUPHA endorses this timely statement that highlights the urgency for action in both adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the health sector, with the focus on education and training. Read this joint statement to see how your organization can support climate-health in education.
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 16th May 2022
European Public Health Week 2022 - EUPHA and partners urge governments to provide strong leadership to build back better
The COVID-19 pandemic is showing us that a healthy population is essential. What we need now more than ever before is strong leadership in health and public health. This year’s edition of the European Public Health Week brings together public health professionals and those interested in health to highlight the importance of improving health throughout the life course of allpeople living in Europe.

Read the full press release

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 10th May 2022
Joint Statement to the Special session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on Ukraine
We express our deep concern about the devastating impact of the war in Ukraine on people’s physical and mental health in this joint statement with EPHA, ASPHER and WFPHA. The statement addresses the lasting impacts on healthcare and public health, and concerns about the widening of health inequalities. We welcome the resolution EUR/RCSS/CONF./2 Rev.2 that was adopted at the Special Sessions of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on 10 May 2022. Read the full statement here.
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 26th Apr 2022
Digitalization in health in 2021 - track report
The 14th European Public Health Conference was reported on by dedicated EUPHA fellows.

Did you miss the EPH2021? Would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place?

This report presents the key messages and outcomes of the conference's track on Digitalization in health.

Authors: Gisela Leiras and Patrícia Pita Ferreira
Reviewer: Prof Anna Odone, EUPHA Digital health section president
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 26th Apr 2022
Climate change and environment in 2021 - track report
The 14th European Public Health Conference was reported on by dedicated EUPHA fellows.

Did you miss the EPH2021? Would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place?

This report presents the key messages and outcomes of the conference's track on Climate change and environment.

Authors: Raquel Vareda dos Santos Alves and Laura G. Iruretagoyena
Reviewer: Marija Jevtic, EUPHA Environment and health section president
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 26th Apr 2022
COVID-19 epidemiology, impact and responses in 2021 - track report
The 14th European Public Health Conference was reported on by dedicated EUPHA fellows.

Did you miss the EPH2021? Would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place?

This report presents the key messages and outcomes of the conference's track on COVID-19.

Authors: Ilaria Tocco Tussardi and Irsida Mehmeti
Reviewer: Dr Ricardo Mexia, EUPHA Infectious diseases control section president
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 1st Apr 2022
EUPHA Law and public health section's statement on the war in the Ukraine
EUPHA Law and Public Health section supports EUPHA's statement on the war in the Ukraine, and reminds, among other major points, that health workers, hospitals and medical facilities are protected under international law.
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 8th Mar 2022
EUPHA replies to European Commission's public consultation on Food labelling - revision of rules on information provided to consumers for alcoholic beverages
In June 2021, the European Commission opened a public consultation for stakeholders to provide input on food labelling - revision of rules on information provided to consumers for alcoholic beverages. EUPHA and EUPHA-LAW provided a extensive response.

In February, the second stage of this consultation opened. EUPHA and EUPHA-LAW once again provided the Commission with expertise, that you can access below.
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 4th Mar 2022
Call to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food: Time for an effective regulatory framework
The EU has recognised the marketing of unhealthy food as a major public health concern for over 15 years–ever since its 2005 Obesity Prevention Green Paper. More recently, the EU has also acknowledged that the marketing of unhealthy food has significant implications for children’s rights.
Together with 16 other organisations, EUPHA is convinced that legislative reforms must be driven by evidence, not by an unsubstantiated belief in self-regulation.

On World Obesity Day, we reiterate our calls to the EU:

  • end the marketing of unhealthy food between 6 am and 11 pm on broadcast media;
  • end the marketing of unhealthy food ondigital media;
  • end the sponsorshipby food brands of events with cross-border effects, unless brands can prove that such sponsorship is not associated with unhealthy food; and end the use of marketing techniques appealing to children for the promotion of unhealthy food–particularly on food packaging;
  • define a child as any person below the age of 18;
  • define unhealthy food using the WHO Europe nutrient profile model that is widely accepted in Europe as objective, independent of industry’s interests, and fit for purpose.

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 2nd Mar 2022
EUPHA-CAPH statement: Call for immediate cessation of hostilities towards Ukrainian people
EUPHA-CAPH supports EUPHA in its call for an immediate halt to Russian hostilities in Ukraine. The war endangers freedom, health and safety of Ukraine’s children & adolescents and will devastate a generation. We stand with the people of Ukraine.

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 25th Feb 2022
Health is at stake in the Ukraine invasion
EUPHA unreservedly condemns the invasion of Ukraine by armed forces. As a public health organisation, it notes that the invasion poses important threats to health in the immediate future and the longer term.

EUPHA stands in solidarity with its member associations in countries that may also face future threats from external aggression, and especially those in the Baltic states.

Read the full statement here.

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 4th Feb 2022
Joint call to MEPs to protect the strength of the BECA report during plenary vote
In a joint letter initiated by the European Chronic Disease Alliance and supported by EUPHA, organisations express their continued support to the report of the special committee on “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer” and ask MEPs to adopt it without compromising its content.  
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 2nd Feb 2022
EHMA - EUPHA Statement on Strengthening EU's competitiveness in health
EUPHA and EHMA welcome the study on ‘EU’S PATH TO COMPETITIVENESS: How Digital, Energy and Health can lead the Way Forward’ (I-Com), presented in a digital symposium on 11 January 2022 by the Institute of Competitiveness.
In this statement, our organisations highlight the points that need to be taken into account if we want these initiatives to succeed.

  • A healthy and empowered health workforce
  • Not just for but with European citizens
  • Resilient and flexible health systems
  • Recognition for social disparities
  • Invest in governance
If your organisation wishes to support this statement, please send your logo to

Read the statement  
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 21st Jan 2022
EPH2021 Chronic Diseases Track Report
The 14th European Public Health Conference was covered by dedicated EUPHA fellows.

Did you miss the EPH2022? Would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place?
This report presents the discussions and outcomes of the Conference's track on Chronic Diseases.

Authors: Susanna Gentili, Vincy Huang
Reviewers: Julian Mamo (EUPHA-CHR section president), Sarah Cuschieri (EUPHA-CHR)  
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 21st Dec 2021
Digitalization and the European Health Union - be aware of potentials and pitfalls
The Council Conclusions on strengthening the European Health Union, that were published yesterday, 20 December, mention digital health. In our supplement 'Digitalization: potentials and pitfalls from a public health perspective' the public health’s community take on digital health is portrayed, including:
- the identification of discrimination; breaches of privacy; iatrogenesis; disinformation and misinformation or ‘fake news;’ and cyber-attacks as five factors that should pose a serious cause for concern by the public health community and which merit further research;
- the responsibility of governments to create the policy environment and incentives that steer the industry towards the development, adoption and use of technologies that contribute to health system goals going beyond the confines of health technology assessment in evaluating specific technologies to see whether they should be funded;
- the proposal of applying the health literacy approach as one of the possible avenues to ensure that digital technologies work to reduce rather that reproduce health inequalities;
- the importance of designing and setting up digital health interventions in an ethical and fair manner;
- a call for all for new approaches to be found for translating the big data into meaningful information that health care professionals can use to impact on health outcomes & the need for European action on international technical standards embracing a paradigm for openness in data;
- a mapping of the potential of digital technologies to improve public health research, policy and practice.
Read the full supplement here.

Furthermore, the Council Conclusions make mention of mental health and eHealth. To learn more about the evidence base of e-mental health, read our supplement 'E-mental health: exploring the evidence base and stakeholders’ perspectives on Internet-based interventions for the prevention of mental health conditions', available here.

 17th Nov 2021
EUPHA Statement on sexual and reproductive health rights
Today EUPHA launches the statement on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

It was last week that the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the first anniversary of the de facto abortion ban in Poland, which condemns Poland’s restrictive law on abortion. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are not limited to one setting, one country, one time, rather are an important public health issue across European and beyond. In the statement EUPHA does six calls to action to governments in Europe and beyond.

This statement was written in collaboration with the EUPHA Working group on gender equality and Women Empowerment.

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 12th Nov 2021
Our health is at risk if COP26 conclusions do not seize opportunities for a healthy, fairer future
As the COP26 negotiations continue, EUPHA endorses the stataement by EuroHealthNet that urges recognition of the right to health, and of the detrimental impacts of the climate crisis on physical and mental health which are disproportionately felt by those already facing multiple disadvantages. Addressing climate change effectively will bring co-benefits for health. Changes are needed to create a sustainable future for the planet, and those changes must also lead to a fairer and healthier future for all its inhabitants.

Read the full statement here.
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 22nd Oct 2021
EUPHA co-signs a joint statement supporting the new WHO air quality guidelines.
EUPHA co-signed the joint statement of the European Respiratory Society supporting the new WHO air quality guidelines. Signed by more than a hundred partners, the statement urges policymakers to:

  • Revise clean air legislation to lower the limit values for PM2.5 and NO2 in air pollution hot spots and align them closely with the WHO AQGs 2021.
  • Combine fixed limit values with binding policies for a continuous reduction of the average pollution levels in all places, and not only in pollution hot spots, to achieve progressive lowering of exposures of the entire population.
  • Invest, implement, and effectively monitor and enforce clean air policies to protect and improve public health and feed into efforts for climate neutrality.

Read the statement
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 4th Oct 2021
Feedback to the Commission consultation on the review of the General Product Safety Directive
On October 4th, EUPHA and EUPHA Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion section provided feedback to the European Commission's public consultation on the General Product Safety Directive.

In short, key considerations in relation to standards and monitoring mechanisms for harmonized market surveillance ought to be examined in the context of public health and safety, with emphasis on substance removal/product recall.

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 16th Sep 2021
EUPHA at the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
EUPHA had the opportunity to deliver release statements at the 71st WHO Regional Committee for Europe meeting, held on 15-17 September, relating to several agenda items. In total, EUPHA led and endorsed 4 statements.

Relating to agenda item 3 'Response to the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned to date from the WHO European Region':

  • A EUPHA-Wemos joint statement and endorsed by 10 other non-state actors calls upon the Member States to ensure both temporary suspension of intellectual property rights and the sharing of know-how and technology for vaccine production, and calls upon the World Health Organization to ensure adequate leadership, management and resourcing of the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP), as an important means of knowledge sharing.

  • Joint statement co-written with EuroHealthNet and endorsed by 10 non-state actors, reaffirms our commitment to address health inequity, and call for an application of health equity as a fundamental performance indicator.

Relating to agenda item 12 'Accreditation of regional non-State actors (NSAs) to the WHO Regional Committee for Europe'
  • A statement endorsed by all 25 non-state actors thanking the Regional Committee for Europe approving our (renewal of) accreditation as non-state actors. The statement highlights the importance of engaging with non-state actors such as non-governmental organizations, including representatives of citizens, patients, healthcare and public health professionals and this collaboration playing a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, European Programme of Work 2020-2025 and WHO’s general programme of work.

EUPHA also endorsed a statement, led by the European Forum for Primary Care, on Reinventing primary health care in the post-COVID-19 era. The statement addresses key recommendations to Member States in the European Region for investing in the future sustainability of primary health care.

Furthermore, our president Iveta Nagyova recorded a video statement, calling upon the Regional Committee to take note on the importance of behavioural insights and sciences for combatting COVID-19 and future health emergencies.

 15th Sep 2021
#HealthyClimate Prescription letter signed by EUPHA
"The climate crisis is the single biggest health threat facing humanity", is the first sentence of the letter EUPHA undersigned, calling the United Nations for real action to address the climate crisis. 

The 2021 United Nations climate negotiations in November (COP26) are a critical moment and opportunity to put the world on a path that protects people from catastrophic climate change. The health community around the world is coming together to send a message to national leaders and country delegations on this pressing issue. 

EUPHA and our Environment and health section fully support this letter. Sign the letter, too. Either as individual or on behalf of your organisation. 
 More info

 13th Aug 2021
Editorial: Sustainable financing of European non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
In this editorial, EPHA's Director General Milka Sokolovic and EUPHA's Executive Director Dineke Zeegers Paget reflect on the necessity to reinstall operating grants for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in 2022, in order to better support their valuable work. In their experience, operating grants remain the most effective and reliable and source of income for NGOs, whose key challenges are independence, continuity and level playing field.
Source: EJPH
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 21st Jul 2021
Feedback to the European Commission's proposal for labelling rules on alcoholic beverages
Our key points:

  • Alcohol consumption is a significant public health concern.
  • Current ingredient and nutrition labelling on alcohol does not inform consumers
  • Ingredient and nutrition labelling would promote high level of consumer and public health protection and promote the functioning of the internal market
  • On-label information is far more useful to consumers
  • The EU should also introduce other effective labelling, including front-of-pack labelling, to help empower consumers
Read our full feedback here.
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 7th Jul 2021
Law, ethics and politics in 2020
A summary report of the sessions on Law, ethics and politics at the 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 (WCPH2020), drafted by the EUPHA fellows and reviewed by the EUPHA section presidents. 

Did you miss the WCPH2020? Or would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place? This report presents the discussions and outcomes of the conference’s law, ethics and politics sessions.
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 24th Jun 2021
Statement by EUPHA and WEMOS to EUPHA members and the wider public health community: advocate sharing of rights, know-how and technology to maximise COVID-19 vaccine production
T To end the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible and prevent unnecessary further loss of lives, everyone in the world needs access to safe and effective vaccines. The current vaccine supply is insufficient – at this rate, some countries will not be in a position to access vaccines until 2024. Therefore, the manufacturing capacity needs to be maximised. We need more available, certified pharmaceutical companies to use their factories to produce vaccines. To enable them to do so, current vaccine makers must share their intellectual property rights (such as patents), know-how and technology with other pharmaceutical companies.

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 24th Jun 2021
Joint statement from EU4Health Civil Society Alliance organisations on the EU4Health 2021 Work Programme
The EU4Health 2021 Work Programme has been adopted last Friday with a budget of EUR 312 million, which is a record level of EU investment in the area of health. However,the Commission has unilaterally decided to discontinue operating grants, a type of funding mechanism that has been used by many civil society organisations in the field of health to conduct activities that contribute to implement the Commission's priorities. This is a decision that EU4Health Civil Society Alliance organisations have difficulty in understanding, especially in the midst of an unprecedented global health crisis.

This statement calls on HaDEA and the European Commission to ensure that, in 2021, a broad range of calls for action grants are opened to allow for applications and contributions from NGOs; and restore operating grants in 2022.

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 3rd Jun 2021
Joint Letter to the Council of the European Union - Extending the mandate of the ECDC towards an integrated public health approach
Together with other members of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, EUPHA calls for the Council Working Party on pharmaceuticals and medical devices to strengthen the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) as part of proposals for a European Health Union. Learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that extending the ECDC’s mandate will help prevent and control communicable and non-communicable diseases. It could also act as an inclusive focal point for national health authorities, policymakers as well as healthcare professionals and the broader medical and scientific community, to better tackle health inequalities and ensure an integrated approach to future health challenges and threats.
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 25th May 2021
EUPHA statement on a successful European Public Health Week - addressing the need to work together
The third edition of the European Public Health Week (EUPHW) was organised last week (17-21 May 2021). Institutions and individuals across 40 countries organised a total of  212 events in 19 different languages. The European Public Health Week is an initiative from EUPHA co-funded by the European Commission and with the support of the World Health Organization – Regional Office for Europe.
The call to ‘join forces for healthier populations’ could not have come at a better time, where it is clear that COVID-19 can only be overcome if we all work together. Each day of the week was dedicated to a specific topic and the number of the events per day ranged from 38 to 47. Around half of the events were organised by at least two partner institutions, and every day was kicked-off by a webinar of one of the official partners or collaborators of the EUPHW.

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 21st May 2021
EUPHA and ASPHER statement to unite for strong leadership for public health
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of public health leadership. Countries that had strong public health leadership were better able to design and implement rapid and effective responses that reduced the spread of infection, minimized the impact on lives and the economy, and engaged with the public. As we move into the second year of the pandemic, it is more important than ever that public health professionals at local, national, and international levels, working with others involved in the management of the outbreak, are equipped to assume leadership roles. This means that they must keep up to date with the rapidly changing knowledge of this disease and what works, and what does not, to control it. They must ensure that they have the skills and competencies needed to address not just the pandemic, but also the complexities of communicating information to the public, and fixing the fractures in our societies that left so many people vulnerable to the consequences of this disease. And this means that they must come together, transcending disciplinary and professional boundaries, to find solutions. Public health organisations and workforce remain the backbone of the response to pandemics and any future health threats – they must be empowered to enact effective, agile, and responsive measures.
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 20th May 2021
Statement by EUPHA and the Portuguese Association of Public Health Doctors (ANMSP) on Health systems need to adapt to climate change
The Climate Summit in Paris (COP21) in 2015 was a ground-breaking meeting resulting in the Paris agreement, a binding agreement adopted by over 180 countries towards the common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.
It is clear that climate change has a direct impact on human lives and health in a variety of ways, with secondary effects on the healthcare sector. We are seeing a change in current needs, namely human resources, better technology and smart governance allowing better preparedness and response and aiming to ensure more resilient and adaptive health systems.
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 12th May 2021
EUPHA at Health First Europe's webinar on Strengthening the resilience and resource efficiency of EU health systems
Today EUPHA participated in a webinar on 'Strengthening the resilience and resource efficiency of EU health systems'. At this event organised by Health First Europe and the EP Interest Group on Innovation in Health and Social Care, our Executive Director, Dineke Zeegers Paget, made the case for the central role of prevention in the health care process and for coordinated actions to tackle the health determinants. She also presented the preliminary results of EUPHA's consultation with its National Public Health Associations on the health priorities for the 5 upcoming years.

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 10th May 2021
Exchange of views with Special Committee on Beating Cancer, European Parliament
Today EUPHA participated in an exchange of views with the Special Committee on Beating Cancer of the European Parliament. The event titled "Lessons from a public health crisis: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care" reflected on the related public consultation, to which EUPHA responded. 

At the exchange of views our Executive Director, Dineke Zeegers Paget, called for investing in our health care systems, and investing in a healthy and strong health workforce.
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 11th Feb 2021
Environment and health track report - WCPH 2020
Today, EUPHA publishes the 'Environment and health in 2020' report. This report summarises the environment and health track from the 16th World Congress on Public Health, held online from 12 till 16 October 2019. It reports on key messages from the sessions and discussions.
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 12th Jan 2021
EUPHA and IAIA produced reference document on ways in which human health can be addressed within the EIA process
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is currently a mandatory legal procedure in all EU countries, applied to a wide range of public and private projects prior their implementation. Directive 2014/52 /EU amended the EIA Directive (Directive 2011/92 /EU), replacing under the scope of covered environmental factors (Article 3), “human being” by “population and human health”. From a public health perspective, this change brings hope for a better evaluation of health issues within the EIA procedure. However, the amended Directive does not provide a definition for population and human health nor an indication of methods for assessing the potential significant health impacts.
European Public Health Association (EUPHA) together with the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) has prepared a reference document on ways in which human health can be addressed within the EIA process as set out by the amended EIA Directive. The aim is to establish basic definitions and common principles, to set out ways in which the health sector can contribute to this regulatory requirement and to provide a document that complements existing national and regional guidance on health in EIA.
The complete document is available here and the summary is available here.

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 26th Nov 2020
EUPHA statement on Deliberative collaboration between sectors is needed
In November 2020, EUPHA has provided input to the European Commission's call for feedback on the 3rd health programme. In its reaction, EUPHA appreciated the results achieved by the 3rd health programme and emphasised the continued importance of intersectoral collaboration for ensuring that everyone in Europe can achieve the highest possible level of health, now and in the future. This statement reflects on EUPHA's input highlighting the need to be deliberatively collaborative.
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 9th Nov 2020
Statement by the EUPHA Environment and health section (EUPHA-ENV)
The environment in which we live greatly influences our health. The household, workplace, school environment and other outdoor and indoor environments may pose risks to health. The polluted air which we breathe, the contaminated water we may drink, noise and chemical pollution, climate change and the environment in which we live, determine our quality of life and play active role in increasing the risk for contracting various diseases, also decades later. The environment is a major determinant of health, estimated to account more than 23% of all deaths globally.
The key purpose of this Statement is to present strategies and exchange knowledge regarding action to health risk reduction from a polluted environment. With the climate and environmental crises, the urgency to act is growing.

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 6th Nov 2020
A call to action in include health workforce in the HORIZON Europe Program 2020-2022 Health
Statement on behalf of the European Public Health Association section 'Health workforce research': Europe needs a stronger health workforce research.
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 15th Oct 2020
Call for a mandatory EU-wide Front of Pack nutrition labelling system with a public health mindset
In an open letter to the Ministers responsible for Agriculture, members of the AGRIFISH Council five representives of health organisations, including EUPHA, and two MEPs call for a mandatory EU-wide Front of Pack nutrition labelling system with a public health mindset.
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 8th Oct 2020
What does a good COVID-19 vaccine programme look like?
Nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, a consensus is building that without safe and effective vaccines, the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be overcome. At the same time, there is much discussion  about vaccines, effectiveness, availability and such. In order to provide some clarity,  EUPHA and the EUPHA Infectious diseases control section (EUPHA-IDC) set up this statement on prerequisites for a good COVID-19 vaccine programme.
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 16th Sep 2020
Response to Pharmaceuticals - safe and affordable medicines (new EU strategy)
Read our response to the open public consultation on Pharmaceuticals – safe and affordable medicines (new EU strategy).

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 14th Sep 2020
EUPHA video statement on WHO European programme of work
We congratulate the WHO Regional Office for Europe with the new programme of work 2020–2025: “United action for better health in Europe”. The determination to ‘leave no one behind’ is exactly what EUPHA stands for as well.

EUPHA supports the programme by analysis, advocacy and action and welcomes all four flagships.

See our video and read our written statement on the new Programme of Work.
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 8th Sep 2020
EUPHA response to Digital Services Act package - open public consultation
Read our response to the new EU Digital Services Act Package here. This statement was submitted in response to the public consultation that was launched by the European Commission.
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 12th Aug 2020
Migration and health in 2019 - track report Marseille
Today EUPHA publishes 'Migration and health in 2019' report. This report summarises the migration and health track from the 12th European Public Health Conference, held 20 till 23 November 2019 in Marseille, France. It reports on key messages from the sessions and discussions in Marseille.
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 31st Jul 2020
Europe should not cut back on the health budget, not now
Last week the European Council concluded that the budget for the much needed health programme i.e. EU4Health, is cut to €1.7 billion (just 18% of the Commission’s proposed budget). This is unconceivable at a time where new cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in multiple EU Member States. Read our full statement here.

 26th Jun 2020
Oral statement on the draft European Programme of Work, 2020-2025: United action for better health in Europe
This statement was delivered by Dr. Iveta Nagyova, EUPHA president, at the non-state actors (NSAs) meeting with WHO Europe on 26 June 2020.
Read the full statement here.
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 2nd Jun 2020
EUPHA responds to public consultation on the European Climate Pact, including the Green deal
The European Commission published a public consultation on the European Climate Pact, including the Green deal. Healthy environments are important for public health, hence EUPHA has submitted a response to this consultation. Also, EUPHA members were encouraged to respond.

 27th May 2020
EU action on health is more urgent than ever, says EU4Health coalition
The Coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated and exposed the vulnerability of our healthcare systems, our societies and our health. Severe care disruptions, medicines shortages and unequal access to healthcare are but a few examples of the challenges affecting millions of people living in Europe. 
To effectively deal with the COVID-19 aftermath, ensure access to care, reduce the damage of future pandemics and tackle shared challenges, a common health policy which would place shared interest above national demands is essential. The coordination of the European Union requires sufficient resources and a strong mandate for this.
Shaping the future of health in the EU together has therefore never been more urgent. To this end, members of the EU4Health coalition, which EUPHA is part of, have pooled their strengths together in a joint EU4Health statement, calling to act now for a stronger and more ambitious European health policy.
Read our full statement here. Also available on the EU4health website.
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 12th May 2020
Digital health in 2019 - track report Marseille 2019
Today on the second day of the European Public Health Week, EUPHA publishes 'Digital health in 2019' report. The theme of today is primary care in the digital age.
The 'Digital health in 2019 track report' summarises the digital health track from the 12th European Public Health Conference, held 20 till 23 November 2019 in Marseille, France. It reports on key messages from the sessions and discussions in Marseille.

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 12th May 2020
EUPHA and EPHA joint statement: Digitalisation to support an effective public health response to the COVID-19 emergency
The COVID-19 crisis is demonstrating the potential of digital health technology to manage some of our greatest public health challenges. In COVID-19 times,  communicating the purpose, objectives and direction of digitalisation in public health is increasingly important as data-driven solutions become more common, presenting new ethical challenges. The access and affordability, inclusion, diversity and transparency, the intended and unintended effects around these new technological developments must also be critically addressed. To fully leverage digital innovation in public health, EPHA and EUPHA aim to create a
suitable environment for the introduction of emerging digital technologies, including by better informing policymakers about real societal needs and by training public health professionals, patients and other end users so they can effectively engage with digital tools in practice, policy and research. 
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 11th May 2020
The Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals in the European Region -Where Are We 4 Years On?
With only one decade remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we ask: how is Europe progressing towards the health-related SDGs? Read the answers to this in the supplement to the European Journal of Public Health, including an editorial, 8 papers and 3 case studies.
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 22nd Apr 2020
Statement EUPHA on Combatting COVID-19: the importance of sharing knowledge to create a comprehensive and publicly available evidence-base
The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting everyone worldwide, and policymakers, scientists and practitioners are exploring uncharted territory while trying to get to grips with this new virus. Especially in such times of great uncertainty, building on up-to-date and accurate information is crucial. Therefore, EUPHA released a statement on the importance of sharing data, research outcomes and experiences to build a common, growing body of intelligence. A comprehensive and publicly available evidence-base is key when battling the outbreak and saving lives.
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 20th Apr 2020
Press release on health and ageing
The ageing of the population, occurring worldwide, leads to increased prevalence of chronic diseases and disability, yet, at the same time it offers opportunities for long and healthy lives for people. This can be seen from two perspectives: on the one hand, people live longer and to a large extent healthier. Many people can work longer, travel for leisure and practice sports. On the other hand, the current COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that older people are especially in need of protection as they are more vulnerable to illness and diseases. The e-collection Health and ageing lists scientific peer-reviewed papers on healthy ageing that are published in the European Journal of Public Health in the past three years. The e-collection is accompanied by an editorial describing the policy links and summarising the evidence.
This e-collection is supported by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) as part of the activity to support its member, the Croatian Public Health Association. During the first half of 2020 Croatia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. On the presidency's agenda is healthy ageing. With this e-collection EUPHA and the Croatian Public Health Association present the evidence-base on health and ageing.

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 9th Apr 2020
COVID-19: Promoting public health is now more important than ever
The European Public Health Week centred around the pandemic
Now more than ever the importance of public health is evident. The European Public Health Week, taking place 11-15 May, will be centred around COVID-19. The theme of this year’s week is 'Joining forces for healthier populations'. It is essential that public health professionals and others involved in the management of the outbreak work together and keep themselves up to date with the latest evidence to ensure evidence-based actions. Collaboration, coordination and communication in public health are now more important than ever: we must join forces for healthier populations.
As the umbrella organisation for public health associations in the European region, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) stands with its members and colleagues in each country who are working tirelessly to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and manage this pandemic. The European Public Health Week is a tribute to them, in particular the health workforce working in the frontlines fighting COVID-19.
The European Public Health Week aims to raise awareness about important public health themes and connect professionals contributing to public health across Europe. This initiative began in 2019 and had 145 events registered in 35 countries. Don't miss the opportunity to get involved this year! Everyone is invited to host online  events, spread the word about the week and its key messages; and join events across Europe.
Find out more at and e-mail if you wish to receive updates about the Week.

 24th Mar 2020
Statement EUPHA Migrant and ethnic minority section on COVID-19. CALL FOR ACTION
Reducing the impact of the coronavirus crisis on those ‘left behind’ – Disadvantaged Migrants and Ethnic Minorities (MEM).
The Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health section of EUPHA comprises of more than 1800 practitioners, scholars and researchers across Europe and beyond (81 countries). This statement and call for action has been  prepared by the EUPHA MEM Section Steering Committee and others on behalf of the membership.
The Statement was kindly translated in Spanish and can be found here.
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 17th Mar 2020
EUPHA supports Farm to Fork Strategy for Healthy Food Systems
EUPHA supports a new ambitious Farm to Fork strategy and emphasizes its potential to transform food systems and address the social and financial burden of NCDs in EU. We recommend a preparation of a new Farm to Fork strategy with a short review of public health recommendations which relate to a whole chain from farm to fork covering perspectives of reducing environmental contamination and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to increasing access to healthier diets and tackling livestock implications. 
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 3rd Mar 2020
EUPHA response to Cancer Plan Roadmap
EUPHA responded to the Roadmap for the Commission’s initiative ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’. In our response, we stress the need for a strong focus on prevention and evidence-based approaches, using, among other things, Health Technology Assessment as an important tool for supporting policy decisions. Furthermore, the need to strengthen research on innovative treatments and models of care, and create and strengthen registries and other mechanisms for collecting and sharing data and information are highlighted.

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 19th Feb 2020
Prevention at the heart of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan - joint statement
Prevention is the foundation of public health policy and central to protecting and improving people’s health and well-being. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a key opportunity to put prevention where it belongs – at the heart of the European Union’s (EU) health agenda.
Over 30 organisations signed this statement. 
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 18th Dec 2019
EUPHA statement: standing up for the vulnerable
On the occasion of International Migrants Day 2019, EUPHA publishes the statement ‘standing up for the vulnerable’. This statement responds to the call to action that was made by Sophie Beau, co-founder of the European Civil Rescue Association SOS Méditerranée, during the opening ceremony of the 12th European Public Health Conference in Marseille, France, held last month. Read the statement here.
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 18th Nov 2019
European Antibiotic Awareness day 2019
EUPHA signs the Roadmap for action on antimicrobial resistance: 5 key strategies to tackle this global threat. This roadmap is released by the AMR stakeholder network on the occasion of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2019.
AMR_SN Roadmap 2019
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 13th Nov 2019
Marseille statement
In anticipation of coming together next week in Marseille for the European Public Health conference, EUPHA publishes the Marseille statement. The ‘Marseille statement: Building bridges for solidarity in public health’ highlights two key elements of solidarity in public health: leaving no one behind and translating knowledge. In this statement the public health community expresses their continued commitment  to international frameworks on primary care, health promotion, and health systems strengthening. The public health community makes three specific commitments to:
1. take responsibility for supporting migration policies;
2. be determined to the value of solidarity through the health for all policies approach; and
3. call for action to combat inequities in health.

EUPHA, the Société Française de Santé Publique and 47 co-signatories undersign the statement, including 23 national public health associations, 12 institutional members, 2 individual members, and 10 partner organisations.

The Marseille statement is available here.

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 8th Nov 2019
Infectious diseases in 2018 - track report Ljubljana 2018
EUPHA publishes the 'Infectious diseases in 2018 track report', which summarises the infectious diseases track from the 11th European Public Health Conference, held 28 November till 1 December 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Did you miss #EPH2018? Or would you like refresh your memory of the discussions that took place in Ljubljana? This report presents the discussions and outcomes of the conference’s infectious disease track.
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 12th Sep 2019
A new leader for health in Europe
There is a new leader for health in Europe: Stella Kyriakidou is Commissioner Designate for Health. This was made known by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, as she presented her team for Europe.
In an open letter we congratulate Ms. Kyriakidou on her appointment as Commissioner Designate for Health and highlight key threats to public health which we believe merit a strong focus in the coming years.
Read our letter to Ms. Kyriakidou here.

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 10th Sep 2019
Statement by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) on 4 proposals to increase protection of the people of Europe against vaccine-preventable disease
Ahead of the Global Vaccination Summit, that is taking place 12 September 2019 in Brussels, Belgium, EUPHA publishes a short statement on vaccination. The summit is hosted by the European Commission and the World Health Organization. Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, EUPHA President, will attend this high-level event. 

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 8th Aug 2019
PRO subscriber/Health community complaint about sponsoring of the PRO Morning Health Care by the tobacco industry
"With this letter, the undersigned organisations ask Politico to reject any form of advertising of tobacco companies as unacceptable, in regard to credible health reporting."

Read the letter of the European Cancer League about the recent sponsoring of Politico’s newsletters, particularly Politico PRO Health Care, by the tobacco industry, co-signed by EUPHA.  
Source: European Cancer League
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 16th Jul 2019
Recipes for a Healthier Europe by the new Commission President-elect?
Ursula von der Leyen’s medical background has a huge potential, European patient, academic and public health NGOs say
Brussels, 16 July 2019 – On behalf of patients, medical associations, health managers and the wider European public health community, we welcome the positive vote for Ursula von der Leyen as the new President-elect of the European Commission. The support of the European Parliament is a huge responsibility and a concrete set of actions are needed to regain citizens’ trust. Achieving the strong coordination required for a coherent and robust health policy requires political leadership, drive and dedicated Commission resources to meet citizens’ expectations. We call on Ms von der Leyen to include a senior level health commissioner in her team, with a strong mandate, and to ensure that one of the Vice-Presidents of the Commission has overall responsibility for mainstreaming health across the whole of the Commission. We have outlined the main responsibilities for such a role in our joint call

“The new Commission needs to implement patients’ rights efficiently - this is why a specific face and voice is needed within the Commission, to be an ambassador for all patients in Europe.” stressed Marco Greco, President of the European Patients' Forum.

“The election campaign is over, promises have been made, the time to deliver is now. Health is consistently prominent in the EU Eurobarometer citizens’ surveys. Will the new Commission listen and mainstream health in its next mandate?” stated Freek Spinnewijn, President of EPHA.

“We are confident that the new President-elect with her academic credentials in medicine and public health as well as her previous experience in health and social policy will heed the desire of European people for the EU to engage more effectively in health and will ensure that health science will be reflected in the evidence-based European Commission policies.” said Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) 

“An unhealthy population will undermine the European future progress and economic and social development. A coherent, strategic and shared approach on common European health challenges can ensure that the national health systems are managed in a favourable environment.” said Prof. Federico Lega, President of the European Health Management Association (EHMA). “Subsidiarity and EU added value go hand in hand.” he added.

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 11th Jul 2019
Letter to mayor of Madrid: calling to maintain clean air programme
"At the European Public Health Association we learned that your administration wants to repeal the current provisions to decrease traffic and pollution emissions in the central area of Madrid. We are very concerned with this news. [...]" Read the full letter here.
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 17th May 2019
Public mental health in 2018 - track report Ljubljana 2018
Today on day 5 of the European Public Health WEEK, EUPHA publishes 'Public mental health in 2018' report. The theme of day 5 is youth mental health, accompanied by the motto 'I am me even when I'm bruised.' 

The 'Public mental health in 2018' report summarises the mental health track from the 11th European Public Health Conference, held 28 November till 1 December 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It reports on key messages from the sessions and discussions in Ljubljana.
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 15th May 2019
Who cares for the health workforce?
Today is the third day of the European Public Health WEEK and the theme is 'care 4 care'. The motto of the day is 'Taking care of what takes care of you.' Following this motto, we pose the question 'Who cares for the health workforce?' More specifically, how will the parties participating in the forthcoming EU elections take care of our health workforce?

Read our call for action for the health workforce in response to the European Union parties’ manifestos. 
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 14th May 2019
Day 1 of the European Public Health WEEK: being physically active
Yesterday the European Public Health WEEK kicked off. Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, EUPHA president, opened the kick-off event in Brussels. During this kick-off event a panel discussion was held with representatives from Austria, Georgia, occupational therapists (COTEC), EUPHAnxt, and EUPHA section Public Health Monitoring and Reporting. Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA Executive Director, listed some of the existing events that are held this year, for example a treasure hunt in Malta and yoga in the park in the Netherlands (just to name two). The list of events shows a broad participation from all over Europe.
Fully in line with the theme of day 1 of the European Public Health WEEK ('becoming, being and remaining physically active'), the first day was full of activity both online and offline. See our wrap-up of day 1 here.

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 3rd May 2019
EUPHA statement: What are the European Union political parties planning for your health?
The EUPHA statement 'What are the European Union political parties planning for your health?' is a response to the European Union parties’ manifestos. The manifestos of the political parties seem not to prioritise health. Read our full analysis of the manifestos and our calls for action in the EUPHA statement. 
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 19th Mar 2019
EUPHA publishes e-collection Urban design and health
Recent trends such as globalisation and urbanisation, combined with an ageing population and population growth, result in new challenges for public health. To tackle these emerging public health issues, novel approaches are required. Environment and living spaces are to be considered as global, social and political entities that determine the health status of populations. As the papers in this e-collection demonstrate, there is an urgent need for joint actions in order to involve communities and policymakers as main stakeholders of the urban planning process.
The e-collection examines the relationship between built environment and health by presenting evidence from the papers that are recently published in the European Journal of Public Health. This evidence can support decision-makers in innovative policies, strategies and tangible actions in order to face contemporary public health challenges.
This e-collection is published just before the start of the ‘Design and Health symposium’ organised in Milan, Italy from 28-31 March.
[Read further details here]

 7th Mar 2019
EUPHA publishes e-collection on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
EUPHA publishes e-collection 'Fighting antimicrobial resistance: actions taken across Europe'.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) will remain one of the key threats to global health in the years and decades to come. It is already costing thousands of lives every year. The European region is not spared and unless AMR is tackled rapidly, it will likely become one of the top causes of deaths, globally and in Europe. The European Journal of Public Health papers in this e-collection provide concrete examples of how the strategic objectives of the AMR global action plan can be operationalised in the region, showcasing some successes but also highlighting some of the challenges, in particular around changing prescribing and consumption behaviour.  
The e-collection can be accessed here. Our colleagues from Romania have kindly translated the e-collection. You can find the translation here.

 28th Jan 2019
EUPHA co-signs letter to WHO to express concern at the attempt by the Philip Morris International-funded entity, Foundation for a Smoke Free World (FSFW) to pave the road for partnership with WHO
The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) strongly supports the statement issued by the World Federation of Public Health Associations and many other like minded partners regarding the attempt made by the Philip Morris funded “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World” to interfere with global health policy and decision-making. EUPHA has consistently voiced its concern about the tactics being used by the tobacco industry and has issued several statements to this effect over the past months (16 March 2018, 27 March 2018, 30 August 2018). 
In support of the statement issued by the FCTC secretariat on the launch of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, EUPHA reiterates that no government or organisation should accept money from, endorse, or enter into partnerships with the Philip Morris International (PMI) funded ‘Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’. The damage being wrought world wide by the continuing global tobacco epidemic requires us to work even hard that ever before to ensure the full implementation of the FCTC. EUPHA highlights its stance on not endorsing research conducting or funded through any partnership related to this PMI-funded Foundation.
[Read further details here]

 10th Dec 2018
EUPHA welcomes Council's adoption of recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases
The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) welcomes the adoption of a recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases by Health Ministers during the EPSCO Council meeting held on Friday 7 December. By adopting this recommendation, Ministers send out a clear message on the importance of maintaining high levels of coverage within the European Union. They also demonstrate the importance of continuing cooperation at European level to effectively address cross-border health threats.
During the past months EUPHA has worked to raise attention on the importance of increasing vaccine confidence by publishing a special e-collection of articles published in the European Journal of Public Health and organising a symposium with national and European experts and stakeholders.
EUPHA calls upon politicians to show their support for vaccination since this is important for building vaccine confidence in European citizens.
[Read further details here]

 27th Nov 2018
The Ljubljana statement calling for political engagement to reduce inequalities in health
EUPHA and the Slovenian National Institute of Public health are joined by 17 national associations of public health and 8 institutional/individual supporters in the Ljubljana statement calling for political engagement to reduce inequalities in health. The Ljubljana statement is published on the opening day of the 11th European Public Health Conference, organised in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 28 November - 1 December, where we are expecting over 1'600 participants. 
The public health community reiterated the principles set out in the Alma Ata Declaration, Ottawa Charter, Tallin Charter and Vienna Declaration, and remains determined to accelerate activities in society, and in this way influence the health of the present and future generations of Europeans more effectively. The public health community is aware of its responsibility for supporting politicians and decision makers, to empower them so that they will act in accordance with the needs of society. Action is needed to reduce the burden of disease and combat inequalities in health.
The statement has been updated on 21 January 2019.
[Read further details here]

 12th Nov 2018
EUPHA organises successful Vaccine confidence seminar in Brussels
On Wednesday 7 November 2018, EUPHA organised a Vaccine confidence seminar in Brussels. With around 40 active participants, the seminar can be seen as a success. The full report of the seminar is available here. Together with ECDC, EUPHA is planning to follow-up on this seminar early next year.

 24th Oct 2018
EUPHA sends a letter to the Hong Kong Special Administration on e-cigarettes
EUPHA just sent a reaction to a a letter addressed to the Hong Kong Special Administration earlier this year which argued against what was then a proposal by the government of Hong Kong to ban sales of e-cigarettes. The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) has recently updated its assessment of this evidence and, in the light of what is now known, strongly supports the precautionary approach towards e-cigarettes. Hong Kong's recent decision to ban sales of these products has been applauded internationally and we urge you to uphold this health promoting policy decision.
[Read further details here]

 25th Sep 2018
Matching Health Needs and Pharmaceutical Research - How to set the research agenda for public health
Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Vienna 25 September
The Austrian Presidency organised an important conference which sought to raise awareness of the relevance of public funding for innovation in the health sector in Vienna on the 25 September.
Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, represented EUPHA as a guest speaker on the topic of identifying and effectively tackling medical need in research programmes.
Natasha outlined the public health approach to measuring disease burden in the European population using DALYs and identifying the mismatch between disease burden, expected increase in disease prevalence and gaps in pipeline medicines. She highlighted the need to ensure that areas such as central nervous system and mental health are not sidelined in view of their disease burden. She also questioned whether a utilitarian approach however is sufficient in the SDG era which focuses on ‘leaving nobody behind’ and therefore rare diseases should also have their specific pipelines and investment. Nonetheless, she cautioned against ‘orphanisation’ becoming the modus operandi for the bullk of pharm R&D since this would surely be unsustainable.
She also explained how projects such as To-REACH which is dedicated to setting a strategic agenda for health systems research in the European Union by bringing several stakeholders together could be replicated in this area. Finally, the EUPHA President called for a wide consultation on an explicit health research strategy for the forthcoming funding period and reminded participants that many health needs arising from common diseases can be prevented and avoided in the first place by focussing upstream and implementing healthy public policy.

 20th Sep 2018
European Vaccine Action Plan, advancing public health in the European Region, and strengthening the use of evidence for policy-making
Update from the 68th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe: 
The 68th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe took place 17-20 September 2018 in Rome. One important agenda point was the European Vaccine Action Plan. EUPHA expressed its concern at falling confidence in vaccinations to the Regional Committee. EUPHA and its members highlighted the importance of political support and leadership for vaccination. Achieving a better understanding of political processes and the role they play in determining stances on vaccination policy, is an important avenue to help us communicate and better address genuine concerns as well as tackling organised purveyors of fake news. Further reflections by EUPHA and European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations (EFNNMA) can be read in our joint statement on the European Vaccine Action Plan.
Another important agenda point at the 68th WHO Regional Committee for Europe was the advancing public health for sustainable development in the WHO European Region. EUPHA and 15 co-signatories called for investing in public health, not forgetting about mental health, and the need for multisectoral approaches.

The progress report on the ‘Action Plan to Strengthen the Use of Evidence, Information and Research for Policy-Making in the WHO European Region’ provides an overview of the implementation progress of the four action areas. EUPHA and its members expressed support for this Action Plan to strengthen the use of evidence. We see that this action plan can contribute to reducing health inequalities and improve the health status and well-being of individuals and populations within the European region. EUPHA and its members support the WHO Regional Office for Europe in leading this evidence-informed policy-making. We stress that scientific evidence should remain a key input to policy making in a ‘post truth’ world. In addition, we should also assemble evidence on the politics of decision making, as this will strengthen the position to advocate for health. In November 2018, EUPHA will support the publication of a supplement to the European Journal of Public Health on political landscapes and policies for public health.

 30th Aug 2018
EUPHA publishes updated Facts and Fiction on e-cigs
Given the available evidence, EUPHA strongly supports the precautionary approach taken in the EU Tobacco Products Directive and in statements by WHO. It is not possible, at this point, to make any claims about the relative safety of e-cigs compared to traditional cigarettes. The overall effect may well be to worsen the tobacco epidemic first by deflecting smokers from using proven smoking cessation strategies and shifting them to e-cigs, which, for most smokers, reduce successful smoking cessation, and second by deflecting discussion from measures opposed by the tobacco industry. E-cigarettes are expanding the nicotine market by attracting youth who were at low risk of initiating nicotine use with conventional cigarettes, but many of whom are now moving on to those conventional cigarettes.  Even if they do not progress, promoting nicotine use to youth is bad public health policy.
[Read further details here]

 9th Jul 2018
EUPHA responds to Public consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco and the possible taxation of novel products
EUPHA responded to the public consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco and the possible taxation of novel products. In the response the importance of public health is highlighted and the need to discourage the use of tobacco and novel products such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, including vaping and juuling. We invite our partners and members to also respond the this consultation.
[Read further details here]

 23rd May 2018
EUPHA president at annual conference of the Austrian Public Health Association
The Austrian Public Health Association (ÖGPH) held their annual conference 23 and 24 May 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The theme this year was 'Health in all Societies'. In the afternoon of the first conference day, EUPHA president, Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, presented the European perspective on public health.
[Read further details here]

 15th May 2018
EUPHA Statement on proposal for the next EU budget 2021-2027
On May 2nd, 2018, Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, presented the proposal for the post-2020 European Union (EU) budget. We believe that European funding for (public) health remains as important as ever and are convinced that it has significant added value. Reflecting on the published proposal, we are pleased to see that the Health Programme will at least be partially continued, even if we are disappointed that the word ‘health’ is almost absent throughout the budget proposal. Read our statement for more reflections on the post-2020 budget proposal.
[Read further details here]

 14th May 2018
EUPHA Statement on migration, ethnicity and health
The EUPHA statement on migration, ethnicity and health is published concurrently with the 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health that is held this week, 17-19 May 2018, in Edinburgh.
Migrants and ethnic minorities (MEM) often face serious inequities concerning both their state of health and their access to good quality health services. These inequities are increasingly being brought to light by public health researchers, but action to tackle them has lagged behind. To ensure that adequate attention is paid to the determinants of MEM health and the problems of service delivery that can confront these groups, health systems need to become more inclusive.
The statement in Portuguese can be found here.

 30th Apr 2018
EUPHA co-signes the UK Faculty of Public Health's report on the 'Do No Harm' amendment
EUPHA is a co-signatory of the Report stage briefing on Brexit, set up by the UK Faculty of Public Health. The UK Faculty of Public Health has proposed a ‘Do No Harm’ amendment to the Report on the EU (withdrawal) Bill, as they want to ensure that the UK continues to be bound by article 169 of the Lisbon Treaty, which reads “a high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all EU policies”. The ‘Do No Harm’ amendment has been signed by over 40 national organisations and two European organisations. ´The health of the public must remain of paramount importance to this and all future governments – maintaining and improving the public’s health, alongside protecting our nation and our economy must surely be the most important duties of any government.´ This Bill is where our constitutional stability and legal certainty will be determined. By voting in favour of the ‘Do No Harm’ amendment Peers have the opportunity to put the protection of the public’s health clearly at the heart of this and all future good governments. The ‘Do No Harm’ amendment would also be a fitting way to celebrate the NHS in its 70th year. For the statement, please click here.

 27th Apr 2018
Statement by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) on the Sustainable Health Goals in the European region
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aspire to ‘leave no one behind’. These 17 goals are to be achieved by 2030. One of the goals (SDG 3) is dedicated to health i.e. ‘ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages’. In order to find out how Europe and European countries are doing, some 2,5 years after the adoption of the SDGs, we raise the question – how is Europe progressing towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals – or even better – how is Europe progressing towards what we might call the Sustainable Health Goals?
[Read further details here]

 24th Apr 2018
EUPHA is proud to be a co-signer of the EU4Health statement prepared for the informal EPSCO of Health Ministers in the European Union
The vision for health in the EUropean Union: We believe that a Europe where all people are as healthy as they can be throughout their lives is possible. A Europe that promotes well-being for all people of all ages, and where people can live, work and age in sustainable and healthy environments. A Europe that supports timely access to affordable, high quality healthcare for all.
Our common asks from the European Commission: The Lisbon Strategy includes a target of adding two healthy life years on average across the EU by 2020 - a target that still needs to be met. We need strong political leadership from the European Commission to achieve this goal. This requires a Commission Vice-President and a Directorate General dedicated to health,to ensure that health protection and promotion is guaranteed across all European Commission portfolios. Strong leadership on health will resonate with European citizens1 and bring the EU closer to them, restoring people’s trust in the EU institutions. The Lisbon Strategy includes a target of adding two healthy life years on average across the EU by 2020 - a target that still needs to be met. We need strong political leadership from the European Commission to achieve this goal. This requires a Commission Vice-President and a Directorate General dedicated to health, to ensure that health protection and promotion is guaranteed across all European Commission portfolios. Strong leadership on health will resonate with European citizens1 and bring the EU closer to them, restoring people’s trust in the EU institutions.
[Read further details here]

 18th Apr 2018
A short overview of the results of the EUPHA members' questionnaire on threats to public health
A short overview of the results of the EUPHA members’  questionnaire of October 2016 are now available on this website. Members of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) were asked what they believe the major public health threats in Europe in the next decade will be. They were invited to identify the main public health issues that, in their opinion, could pose a threat to children and young persons (0-19 years), adults (20-60 years), and the elderly (60+ years). This allowed EUPHA to gain a better insight into future public health issues allowing us to advocate for a more effective and well-founded (re)distribution of resources for primary and secondary prevention. The results also clearly emphasize the importance of a European approach to public health, as many – if not all – of the listed threats can be targeted through supranational policy measures, exchange of good practices and sharing of knowledge of evidence-informed interventions.
[Read further details here]

 17th Apr 2018
Statement of EUPHA President at WHO high-level meeting 'Health Systems Respond to NCDs: Experience in the European Region'
On 16 April 2018 the EUPHA president, Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, presented a statement at the high-level meeting of the World Health Organisation European Region ‘Health Systems Respond to NCDS: Experience of the European Region’, in Sitges Spain. At the plenary session ‘towards people-centred integrated services’ she talked about how we implement strategies to accelerate making health services more people centred and which challenges need to be overcome. Read her speech here.

 17th Apr 2018
British American Tobacco replies
In March 2018 we wrote to British American Tobacco and Philip Morris, following court orders in the USA requiring them to issue corrective statements to inform the American public about how these companies had misled them for decades. BAT has now replied, rejecting our request. We publish its letter here. We make observations:
First, BAT makes no attempt to respond to the specific concerns that led to the US judgement, relating to misleading the public. It seems that we are to believe that, even if the tobacco industry sought to undermine the evidence on smoking-related harm and the addictive nature of nicotine in the USA, it did not do so in Europe.
Second, despite seeking recourse when possible to international trade agreements as it seeks to circumvent national laws on tobacco control, it relies on the territorial limitations of American jurisprudence to reject our request.
In both cases, our members can judge these arguments for themselves. Our view is that they provide more evidence on why, as set out in Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the tobacco industry and those it funds should always be excluded from discussions on any aspect of tobacco control.

 27th Mar 2018
European Public Health Association asks British American Tobacco and Philip Morris International to take measures to tell truth about tobacco
In 2017 leading tobacco companies were required to tobacco companies publish corrective statement advertisements in the U.S.A. telling the American people the truth about their lethal products and related issues, including the adverse effects of smoking, the addictiveness of smoking and nicotine, lack of health benefits from products marketed as being less harmful than regular cigarettes, the true harms of second hand smoke, and their record in intentionally designing cigarettes to make them more addictive.
EUPHA believes that the citizens of Europe are equally entitled to be told these facts. Consequently, we have written to both British American Tobacco and Philip Morris International to ask them to take the same measures in Europe. Our letters are published below.
[Read further details here]

 16th Mar 2018
Statement by the European Public Health Association on the Philip Morris International 'Foundation for a Smoke-free World'
In a paper in The Lancet medical journal, Dr Derek Yach, President of the Philip Morris International Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, expressed a wish to work with others to create a new cadre of tobacco control researchers. EUPHA recognises that, especially for those in countries where funding for health research may be limited, such an invitation from an organisation that will be spending $1 billion over the next 12 years may seem attractive. However, we join with many health organisations, including the World Health Organisation, to declare that we will not engage with or collaborate with the Philip Morris Foundation in any way and call upon all European public health organisations to do the same. Read the full statement here.

 9th Mar 2018
Consultation for the next EU Research and Innovation Programme Statement on behalf of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) section 'Health Workforce Research'
EUPHA and the EUPHA section on Health workforce research have reacted to the EU public consultation asking for input for the next EU Research and Innovation Programme. EUPHA proposes to develop a research-based vision on health workforce that is able to balance the interests of different Member States as well as the principle of a common market and free movement with the European Union and the national/regional need of a sufficient density of health professionals to provide universal healthcare coverage for all citizens. An integrated theory-driven program on health workforce research in the European research agenda adds value especially in the following areas: health workforce migration, conditions for an open health labour market, the investment in Europe-wide availability of both quantitative and qualitative data, and the coordination of health human resources models.
[Read further details here]

 22nd Feb 2018
Statement by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) on the European Union's (EU) Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) post 2020
On 22 February 2018, EUPHA submitted its response to the Public consultation on EU funds in the area of investment, research & innovation, SMEs and single market. This consultation on EU funds specifically concerns the area of public health, where EUPHA argues strongly that European funding remains necessary and has added value.
[Read further details here]

 19th Feb 2018
EUPHA statement on proposal for a regulation on health technology assessment of the European Commission
EUPHA welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on health technology assessment and amending Directive 2011/24/EU”. Please click here for the statement.

 28th Jan 2018
EUPHA publishes e-collection on vaccination
Today the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) is publishing its E-collection: ‘Facing the facts: challenges in vaccinating Europe’. This E-collection reflects on challenges in vaccination in the European region and includes a selection of scientific peer-reviewed articles recently published in the European Journal of Public Health. The E-collection is accompanied by an editorial written by the president of the EUPHA section on Infectious diseases control, Dr Aura Timen, and colleagues.
[Read further details here]

 10th Jan 2018
EUPHA president speaks on keeping health at the core of the European agenda
During the 5th Annual scientific conference of the European Association of Personalised Medicine (EAPM) in June 2017 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the EUPHA president, Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, was interviewed on the importance of keeping health at the core of the European agenda.
The interview can be found here.

 13th Dec 2017
EUPHA fully supports the European Commission's Roadmap to strengthen cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases
The European Public Health Association (EUPHA), a network of national associations of public health, representing around 20’000 public health professionals, wholeheartedly welcomes the European Commission’s roadmap on vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccination is one of the most powerful and effective public health interventions known. It has saved millions of lives and brought huge benefits to public and individual health. As a direct result, many infections that used to affect the most vulnerable, including children, have disappeared or are extremely rare. Scientific evidence of the beneficial effect of vaccines is overwhelming; there is unequivocal evidence going back decades that vaccines have been one of the major drivers of the decreasing burden of infectious diseases. Yet we in Europe cannot be complacent. Vaccination coverage with MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) is already too low in several countries in Europe, leading to outbreaks of measles, with cases in children needing hospitalisation or even dying.  Everywhere, vaccine hesitancy threatens the achievement of sufficient vaccine coverage to protect populations from infections.
[Read further details here]

 1st Dec 2017
EUPHA immediate past president reacts to Austrian discussions NOT to implement a general ban on smoking
Prof. Martin McKee, immediate past president of EUPHA, has reacted in the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" to plans of the new coalition NOT to implement the general ban on smoking. Austria was, in 2015, one of the last European countries to decide to adopt a general ban on smoking, to be implemented in 2018. With the discussions of coalition partners to set up a new government, this general ban on smoking is back on the discussion table. McKee states: "the evidence on the huge advantages of a general ban on smoking cannot and should not be ignored".

 28th Nov 2017
EUPHA publishes e-collection on alcohol
"Alcohol consumption, and with it the burden of alcohol-related disease, is higher in Europe than anywhere in the world" write the authors of the latest e-collection from European Journal of Public Health.
This fascinating e-collection includes a special introduction and was created as EUPHA's support to its Estonian member, the Estonian Health Promotion Union. During the second half of 2017, Estonia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Alcohol is a topic high on the agenda of the presidency and this e-collection serves as a robust evidence-base and valuable resource for public health researchers, advocates, and policy makers across Europe.
[Read further details here]

 27th Nov 2017
'I Pledge for a future EU Roma Framework which delivers'
EUPHA supports the statement by European Public Health Alliance - EPHA ‘I Pledge for a future EU Roma Framework which delivers’. The statement to the European Commission on the public consultation on the evaluation of the EU Framework for national Roma integration strategies up to 2020.
Please click here for the statement.

 30th Oct 2017
EUPHA and Swedish Association for Social Medicine publish the Stockholm Declaration
(Updated 22 January 2018)
The Stockholm Declaration on sustaining health and resilient communities is published at the Stockholm 2017 conference. This Declaration was set up by the European Public Health Association and the Swedish Association for Social Medicine and invites other NGOs to fully engage in collaboration across professions to promote sustainable and healthy communities throughout Europe and beyond.
If you are interested in joining the Stockholm Declaration, contact us at

 14th Oct 2017
EUPHA immediate past president publishes on tobacco industry in The Lancet
Prof. Martin McKee, immediate past president of EUPHA, was one of the co-authors of a comment in The Lancet entitled: "Towards a smoke-free world? Philip Morris International’s new Foundation is not credible". The authors end their comment with a call for action: "Health organisations should continue to press for action and expose the aims and activities of the tobacco industry. Scientists should reject the siren songs of involvement in tobacco industry promotions. And the public should be aware that Big Tobacco remains as it was, the main cause of premature death and disability from the world’s most preventable pandemic." For more information, click here.

 7th Sep 2017
Statement: Towards a sustainable workforce in the European region: a framework for action
EUPHA has joined up with EHMA and ASPHER to produce a statement Towards a sustainable workforce in the European region: a framework for action, presented to the Regional Committee Meeting of WHO Europe in week 37, 2017, in Budapest, Hungary.

 9th Jun 2017
Statement EUPHA, EuroHealthNet and EPHA on the continued need for public health research in Europe
On the 9th of June 2017, the EU’s Scientific Panel for Health is organising its second annual conference on: ‘Health research in a connected and participative society’. The European Public Health Association – EUPHA, EuroHealthNet and the European Public Health Alliance - EPHA, welcome this conference, and especially the priority it will give to participative and collaborative research. However, having read the programme, with its focus on health technology, digital innovation and health care, it risks missing an opportunity to promote research that could bring major benefits to the health of Europe’s citizens. Specifically, we are concerned that there is insufficient attention to public health research. Such research, seeking to develop population-level responses to the growing burden of diseases, and especially of multi-morbidity, can offer innovative means to prevent and protect health by tackling some of the major drivers of the overall burden of disease. Please click here for the full statement.

 20th May 2017
EUPHA launches report on Healthy and Sustainable diets for European countries
Today, 20 May 2017 – European Obesity Day – EUPHA is proud to present its report on Healthy and Sustainable Diets for European Countries. This report – set up by a working group within the EUPHA section on Food and nutrition – calls for all European states to establish a statutory Sustainable Nutrition Task Force, that considers and includes the wider aspects of food.
Please click here for the press release.

 29th Mar 2017
EUPHA comments on European Commission's White Paper on the Future of Europe
EUPHA welcomes the Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe as an opportunity to reflect on the direction that the European Union might take in the coming years. EUPHA calls upon the EU institutions to ensure that public health and health systems research are given due importance in order to enable European solutions, informed by evidence, to assist policy making in these challenging times.
Read the full statement here

 27th Oct 2016
Public health groups call for EU target and action on serious road injuries
The European Union should urgently come forward with a new target and measures to cut serious road injuries, according to public health and medical experts from across Europe in a letter sent today to the president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker.  
The full letter can be found here and has been coordinated by the European Public Health Alliance in cooperation with the European Transport Safety Council and is co-signed by EUPHA.

 21st Oct 2016
EUPHA and ÖGPH publish the Vienna Declaration reiterating their commitment to the principles of the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion
(Updated on 2 June 2017)
EUPHA and ÖGPH have set up the Vienna Declaration to reiterate their commitment to the principles of the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion, taking into account new and emerging threats to public health that have arisen in the three decades since the adoption of the Ottawa Charter. The Vienna Declaration calls on all parts of the public health community, in Europe and beyond, working at all levels, local, national, regional and global, to recognise the multi-tiered determinants of health and opportunities for action. 
Click here for the Vienna Declaration and the supporting organisations
How to support the Vienna Declaration
EUPHA and ȪGPH are actively looking for organisations to support the Vienna Declaration and acknowledge the Ottawa Charter. Please join us!
As an international/European NGO: 
As a national NGO/public health or health promotion institute:
Please send us an email (to stating your support and include your logo. We will include this in our list of supporting organisations.
Spread the Vienna Declaration: we invite you to distribute the Vienna Declaration within your networks.

 12th Sep 2016
EUPHA Statement on: 5(i) Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health - towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe - leaving no one behind 66th Session of the WHO Region
The European Public Health Association congratulates the WHO Regional Office for Europe on the development of the new Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health - towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe – leaving no one behind. The guiding principles of the Action plan are in line with our four pillars: research, policy, practice, training and education. We cannot invest in future generations while ignoring the sexual and reproductive health needs of all people – young and old, rich and poor.
Including sexual and reproductive health in the Agenda 2030 confirms the importance of this aspect of health. Public health activities in the European Region must create the conditions under which people can improve their health and wellbeing, as set out in this Action Plan.
EUPHA supports the vision, goals and objectives of the Action Plan, which are consistent with a public health approach to the entire spectrum of health and wellbeing and not only sexual and reproductive health.
EUPHA calls on European Member states to:

  • work towards achieving consensus so as to endorse without delay the Action Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health - towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe – leaving no one behind,
  • ensure broad cross-sectoral collaboration in its implementation.

EUPHA offers its full support for making the vision of the Action Plan a reality.

 14th Jul 2016
EUPHA support UK public health following Brexit referendum
EUPHA wishes to express its solidarity with public health practitioners and researchers in the United Kingdom following the outcome on the Brexit referendum. EUPHA calls upon political leaders to ensure that during ensuing negotiations, safeguarding the health of citizens in the UK and in the rest of the European Union is considered as a priority.
Read the statement here.

 9th Jun 2016
Mexico Declaration for circulatory health
The Mexico Declaration is a historic circulatory health declaration that was signed by leading global organisations at the World Congress of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Health 2016.
The Declaration, reproduced in full below, is a firm commitment to tackle cardiovascular disease (CVD), the world’s leading cause of premature death, recognizing that global action, national plans and a common vision are needed to achieve this.
EUPHA has co-signed a letter to the editor of the Times newspaper in the UK on 9 June 2016, adding further support to the Mexico Declaration. You can read the letter by clicking here.

 31st May 2016
World No Tobacco Day - We Care
May 31 is World No Tobacco Day, and EUPHA and EUPHAnxt would like you to contribute to build a smoke-free world.

To do so, we would like to ask you to talk at least to one smoker (a friend, a relative, or even a stranger) and: 

  • inform him/her how important he/she is for future society; and 
  • suggest him/her to stop smoking.

Spread the voice, we need your help!

You can check out the WHO website here.

 22nd May 2016
WFPHA General Assembly
EUPHA joined the WFPHA general assembly in Geneva on 22 May 2016.

In the picture from left to right:
Carlo Signorelli, Italian Society, Ildefonso Hernandez, Spanish Society, Bettina Borish, World Federation of Public Health Associations, Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA, Stefan Buttigieg, Maltese Association, Jorid Grimeland, Norwegian Association, Mika Gissler, Finnish Association

 21st Mar 2016
EUPHA calls for the widespread adoption of sugar taxes in Europe
EUPHA enthusiastically welcomes the decision by the United Kingdom government to implement a tax on sugar sweetened beverages, adding to the welcome already expressed by our member organisation, the UK Faculty of Public Health. EUPHA calls upon European governments to follow the approach taken by the UK government, as part of a comprehensive strategy against obesity and encourages the European public health community to learn from those activists in Berkeley who were so successful in standing up to powerful vested interests.
Read the Press Release here. We encourage our member associations to distribute the press release in their own countries.

 16th Mar 2016
EUPHA calls upon institutional investors to disinvest from the tobacco industry
The tobacco industry manufactures a product that will kill half of those who use it in the way that is intended. Many institutional investors continue to invest in the tobacco industry. EUPHA believes that such engagement with the tobacco industry is futile. We see no evidence that the industry has changed its ways. Following the success of Tobacco Free Portfolios in Australia, we call upon institutional investors in Europe to follow the lead of a growing number of investors in Australia and publically disinvest in this disreputable and ultimately doomed industry.
Read the Press Release here. We encourage our member associations to distribute the press release in their own countries.

 27th Jan 2016
EUPHA joins European Health Information Initiative (EHII)
EUPHA has joined the Steering Group of the European Health Information Initiative (EHII). EHII is a multi-stakeholder WHO network aimed at creating an integrated, harmonized health information system for the entire European Region by fostering international cooperation.
EUPHA will be represented by the President of the EUPHA Section on Public Health Monitoring and Reporting, Dr Nicole Rosenkötter from the NRW Centre for Health in Germany. Other members of the EHII Steering Group are Member States, WHO-collaborating centres, multi-country information networks. In addition, the European Commission and OECD participate in the Steering Group. The Steering Group is chaired by Annemiek van Bolhuis, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands.
Click here for more information about EHII.

 19th Nov 2015
Letter on EU Data Protection Regulation published in The Times
The letter signed by Martin McKee, President EUPHA, and more than one hundred European researchers on the Data Protection Regulation was published in The Times on Thursday 19 November. The letter is behind a pay wall, but it is also published in full here.
We invite our members  to share the letter with their relevant ministries and government institutions. Ask them to urge the European institutions to ensure that the Regulation strikes an appropriate balance that protects the interests of individuals while enabling research that benefits us all. 
The initiative has reached nearly 6,000 signatories on the public petition.

 17th Nov 2015
EUPHA President Martin McKee reacts to the Paris attacks
Martin McKee, EUPHA President, reacts to the Paris attacks of 13 November in his column for the European Journal of Public Health. Read the full column here (European Journal of Public Health, 2015, Vol 25, No. 6)

 14th Sep 2015
EUPHA welcomes call by WHO EURO
EUPHA welcomes the call by Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, for Europe to ensure that refugees can find safe, hospitable environments and access to high quality health care , free from discrimination. We again call upon the governments of Europe to make this a priority at this challenging time, working individually and together to find an enduring solution to the crisis that has affected so many vulnerable people.

 28th Aug 2015
EUPHA concerned about TTIP negotiations
The European Public Health Association (EUPHA) has previously noted its concerns about the secrecy surrounding negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This week, following a freedom of information request by the Corporate Europe Observatory, the European Commission published an almost completely redacted set of documents relating to its discussions with global tobacco companies. The story is reported in detail in the UK newspaper The Independent.
The European Commission argues that this redaction is necessary to protect its negotiating position. While there may be a case for withholding internal Commission documents, this argument is simply not credible in relation to correspondence with the tobacco industry.
EUPHA regards the Commission’s actions as unacceptable and calls for the full release of this correspondence as soon as possible.

 31st Jul 2015
Climate change is a public health issue: Global Summit (COP21) Paris
EUPHA supported a petition of the French Public Health Association (SFSP) urging the French government to explicitly include health in the final negotiations and commitments of the Conference on Climate Change (COP21) which will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015. Health professionals should take an active role in preparing society for these challenges as well as helping to tackle the consequences. The official COP21 agenda must therefore increase the focus on health challenges and increase the involvement of health professionals.
The petition of the SFSP can be downloaded here. Health colleagues in other countries are encouraged to lobby with their governments to include health consequences in their preparations for the Summit later this year.

 28th Jul 2015
EUPHA President Martin McKee on the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean in the PHAME Newsletter
Resolving the crisis requires a coordinated process across governments, addressing both pull factors in migration, for example by investing in training for those without skills in the existing European population, thereby reducing the need for migration, but also the push factors, working with renewed vigour to achieve peace in war-torn countries.
Read the full article and Newsletter here.

 12th May 2015
EUPHA welcomes OECD work for action to tackle the health consequences of heavy and overall alcohol consumption
EUPHA welcomes the work that OECD has done to assemble the evidence base for action to tackle the severe health consequences of alcohol. In particular it strongly endorses the call for a combination of policies addressing both individual heavy drinkers and the overall level of consumption in the population.
[Read the press release here

 7th May 2015
EUPHA calls on European governments to do more to respond to the humanitarion crisis in the Mediterranean
EUPHA is calling upon European Governments to demonstrate leadership in committing to meaningful sustainable development aid since this is the only manner in which desperate mass migration can be addressed in the medium to long term.
[Read the press release here]

 15th Apr 2015
EUPHA joins large-number of European-based health organisations to congratulate WHO EURO on developing a nutrient profile model for the purpose of restricting food marketing to children.
[Read further details here]

 25th Mar 2015
EUPHA has concerns about the proposed EU Directive on Trade Secrets
EUPHA calls upon the JURI Committee to make major changes to the proposed directive along the lines proposed by the Corporate Europe Observatory, Medicines in Europe Forum, and the International Society of Drug Bulletins.
[Read further details here]

 13th Mar 2015
EUPHA joins the UK Faculty of Public health in expressing concerns on the negative impact on health of the Translatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
The UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH) and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) are calling on the EU to oppose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and United States.
Professor Martin McKee, President of EUPHA, said: "TTIP will take the power to make decisions away from democratically elected politicians and put it in the hands of a mechanism that is beyond public scrutiny and outside the UK court system. EUPHA and FPH are calling on the European Union to put health before profit and reject TTIP. We need healthy communities for economic growth."

 More info

 22nd Jan 2015
EUPHA publishes EUPHActs 2015-1 expressing concerns about the rapid and uncontrollable uptake in 'vaping'
[Read further details here]

 22nd Dec 2014
EUPHA calls on European governments to move rapidly to implement standardised packaging for cigarettes
On 2 December 2014, EUPHA published a statement on plain packaging for cigarettes. EUPHA believes that the case for introducing standardised packaging for cigarettes is now overwhelming and calls on Europe’s governments to implement it without delay as part of their tobacco control programmes.
[Read the press release here]

 28th Nov 2014
EUPHA calls on Europe's governments to do more to respond to the humanitarian and health crisis facing Ukraine
EUPHA calls on all European citizens to recognize the scale of the crisis on their doorstep and for their governments to act urgently in ways that reduce the massive toll of suffering.
[Read the press release here]

 2nd Oct 2014
EUPHA joins European health organisations in call on European Governments to reverse decision to move DG Health's competence for medical products to DG Internal Market
To Heads of State and Government of the European Union Member States on Pharmaceutical Policy in the Public Interest
Brussels, 2 October 2014 - We are writing to support Member States who have already expressed their concerns [1] on the decision of European Commission President Elect Jean-Claude Juncker to move the competence for medicinal products and health technologies from the Commissioner in charge of Health to the Commissioner in charge of Internal Market and Industry within the new Commission. We would like to ask for your full support to have that decision reversed.
[Read the full letter here]